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Everything posted by dzikakulka

  1. I'd like to ask, is there any way to set deployment to manual, as in I click staging once to predeploy and second time to fully deploy or something similiar? Or kind of action groups deployment options? Or any other hacky way to override automatic deployment methods
  2. Oh damn, now I get you. That's how I check if .... won't flip over. Was so clueless, thanks taniwha and Master Tao
  3. Thanks for the mod Cybutek, I think anyone who started using it kinda can't control/build a vessel without it anymore. Is partial integration with FAR planned/thought about? I get that KER already recognises FAR in use (no atmospheric stats), would it be possible to pull some actual data from FAR flight info module? For less spontaneous disassembling and more organised screen
  4. I know, I never burn it at max throttle. I maintain max 200m/s in atmosphere which means ~1/3 thrust, ofc mainsail off. CoM ain't that low, there's bunch of LV-Ns, large RCS tank and other stuff in fairing (reentry-able mobility module for space station). CoL too high? You mean center of thrust? Is it that bad?
  5. David - I did not turn 45 degrees at some altitude, that would be just impossible. I was trying to stay ay ~1-3 degrees AoA but fairing would rip off even at simply going prograde due to forces acting on it and weak rigidity at base. I gues it's no aero monster but I think it should be quite stable.....
  6. Ship on rails (not controlled or >2.5km from controlled one) will continue its orbit undisturbed if atmosphere is not present or <0.01atm and disapperar (just like that) when atmosphere is >0.01atm. Thus on rails - either going by it's route unaffected or disappears, never strays.
  7. @Threadsinger - I have a similiar issue, my fairing seems to be very wonky on the bottom, breaking off on more that few degrees prograde tilt at 150-250 m/s. You can see if parts are "shielded" only in FAR (NEAR has all gui removed), place one part of fairing in vab and everything under (even with 1/3 fairing for now) should have isShielded = true flag on right-click. In flight you can right-click fairing and it will tell you how many parts is it shielding. BUT for me even despite all these values look fine I still get my fairing ripped off sometimes. I get that's simply because it's only rigid on the bottom where it's connected and I can't really do anything about it but if you'll figure anything out to make it harder to break, please share! I'm experimenting with other, more rigid means of payload transport (TalisarCargo at the moment) and maybe that will have better stability.
  8. Install Kethane 0.8.8 (first post). Install taniwha's fix (allow overwriting files, there are two dlls replaced). Done. Edit: Install = paste to GameData folder.
  9. I would also enjoy some info window or right-click-debug toggle - if it's not already implemented and I'm just dumb. Sometimes I build... weird... things and it would be great to see if drag is distributed properly. Thanks for the graet mod!
  10. Great stuff, finally more stockalike ions and hybrid engines! You should probably think about releasing your own branch of small command pods/probe cores, your balancing looks quite good! I was wondering why my new ions eat through a tank in seconds... that asl isp hurts Also, RV-50 Linear RCS port is identical to Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS port (stock), I don't know if it's intentional.
  11. Great work taniwha, another reason to expand your space empire! I have few questions, if I'd like to have a 'lite' version, which parts can I delete? I have real clogged part menu when building and issues with PartsCatalog just force me to leave only what I need. I get that this mod could utilize it's main features withot Kerbal Rocket Workshop, Runway, Launch Pad 2 and recyclers ? As far as I tested, Orbital Dock does the same. I already know that I can safely... disable mining parts leaving me with rocketpart shipments, but just to be sure, are mentioned parts necessary for some aspect? It would be sad to be left missing one important part with whole contraption on Eve orbit Also, do I need to control the vessel so construction continues? I tried to search 'wait' and 'focus' but I hate this forum search system.
  12. It makes g-force potentially lethal to crew. Alt-D-R to show config window and enable additional info on vessel rightclick. Above some g-force treshold integral over time is calculated. When it reaches 'a lot' crew has chance to get killed every second. Everything is tweakable in mentioned window.
  13. @ctbram - Just tested and I don't have that issue. Tho I can't trigger it by pressing '1' (don't know if that's how it's supposed to be), I can click ag on the list and it works just fine. Uhm, is that thing on your screenshot a command pod? Cause you sure need one
  14. Yeah, I possibly overshoot twr, wasn't building small stuff for a long time. But having to be careful on ascent is a pretty sweet addition. And if anyone is interested, I got closer to my vision by lowering density exp to ~0.5 and temperature exp to 1. It makes you burn much higher up and for longer time but with slightly lower temps to compensate. From what I've guessed "shockwave" scale and damage caused by it is more linked to G-force or something, not real temperature despite showing celcius. Thanks again, guys!
  15. Thanks Starwaster, I can insert decimals now! Hm, if it is like it should be now... I'll make damn sure it will be as I want instead. Just kidding but really, with 1.12 mult and exp my rockets burn up on ~80% terminal velocity ascent. I'll have to mess with numbers anyways.
  16. Okay, so while it is a great mod for realism without too many changes, I have a problem balancing it out. But first question - how do I insert fractions in debug menu? Nothing seem to work, I'm stuck with config editing atm and it's a long wait every ksp boot. I can only delete what's already there ("1" is always left) and then insert integers. And a quick question to fellow players - did someone came up with reasonable values of all these tweakables so non-shielded stuff is burnt up quickly but shielded is not? All my struggle pretty much comes to one problem - either my test craft (aerospike-tank-mk1pod, 2.2km/s kerbin reentry at ~60 degrees) is immediately evaporised or there is only one part burnt up max. If I decouple before reentry, leaving only pod with parachute it also either blows up after brief moment or goes 100% safe burning out like 30 of 250 shielding. While I have almost no knowledge about real reentries, I think it souldn't be like that. Is there any way to make reentries more brutal on un-shielded parts AND shields? So far I couldn't get my pod destroyed because shields depleted. It's always blowing up or going safe with using 10% of the shield. Or can someone point me to some post or source file or anything that will explain a little that debug menu and inner works of plugin? What's shockwave shown in degrees in debug, shockwave tresholds etc.
  17. Is there any possibility of making asteroids harvestable? I think they would make great sense being hard to move around but profitable if handled properly source. Also, reason to build asteroid stations! So are there any plans towards asteroids, anybody wiser than me (with any real modding experience) thought about it? Or is it impossible due to some restrictions or ways the game engine works (I guess asteroids have nothing in common with planet terrain is KSP)?
  18. I'm on 32-bit and actually I got this to work but now I get crashes or freezes in vab or when I click launch. That's probably some other mod conflicting (I've got like 15) so maybe also that was causing plugin problems. Will try to find cause, thanks for the help anyway
  19. I can't get hangar doors to close I'm playing v.24.0 for few mods compatibility, CTS is working, I did copy the Firespitter.dll into Plugins, GameData and CTS folders and still no effect. Tried both the raw Firespitter.dll from github page and one I extracted from whole Firespitter zip for .24 version. I think animation is not missing because when I add hangar bay its doors briefly slide open but then I can't do anything with it. Action groups (vanilla and AGX) show there is no action for hangar door. This is a great mod, simple and universal but it's weird to not be able to close hangars Anything I might be doing wrong?
  20. MS doesn't state that it provides slope map, neither does SAR. There is no info about which one provides greyscale and which provides color map. I commented because while it can all be tested it still takes 10 minutes, clarity is important and this is matter of adding three lines to every item description, it would help both new users and current ones....
  21. Great mod! Really useful, compact, compatible and easy to use. But you might consider adding info what function each scanner provides, I had hard time finding out whats wrong when I haven't got altitude (thought it's the most basic type) map with Multispectral Sensor. There is no clear info on what that particular part scans.
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