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Everything posted by dzikakulka

  1. Mikehahn78: I think it would be possible to add a command module part with one kerbal capacity, high mass and generator producing life support resources at like 95% of kerbal' needs rate. It would effectively reduce consumption to 5% that way. Yo can add a lot of EC required or something like that. Waste overflow shouldn't be a problem, it gets dumped automatically. I know this isn't the best solution but you can duct-tape a part like that by yourself using MM and some existing part (more similiar to what you want -> less duct tape required). I also thought about something like that but I never finish stuff. Will try today later.
  2. This may be dumb question, but does is actually affect anything? AFAIK ORS and Karbonite does not conflict with Kethane and I don't see why it would, was MKS somehow changed to support Kethane before? And are there some things that may break with Kethane installed alongside MKS v.20+? Again, I haven't read all the threads here, sorry if thiis is somehow obvious, just asking
  3. MKS uses ORS which is separate resource handling system different from Kethane (which uses its own resource system). Maybe there are mods integrating ORS and Kethane overlays but I can't think of any. Kethane is really different so it probably would be counterintuitive. You can still use both at the same time with no problem and simply switch between overlays (Blizzy's toolbar).
  4. Where can I find details? I haven't spotted any in provided links
  5. @dak180 Maybe try: @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWheel]] { MODULE { name = KASModuleAnchor groundDrag = 0.05 bounciness = 0 dynamicFriction = 0.6 staticFriction = 0.8 } } Afaik Gear Bay (spaceplane wheel) has different module so it will not apply. If it will work at all, can't test atm.
  6. Search Taniwha's Kethane fix in this thread. It will make things work.
  7. I thought it would be helpful and more user-friendly: http://i.imgur.com/Vi8H41I.jpg Not mine. I do not know the author unfortunately
  8. If you will not overengineer stuff, keeping it as light and compact as your objective allows (most people and especially I do suck at this) you can reach for as far as Duna reaaally easily. As soon as you have access to docking ports you should almost never land with your actual ship (meant for travel back to kerbin) - as long as it isn't Eve, compact lander will do a lot better with smaller engines, better control and using a fraction of fuel you would burn otherwise. While space stations may be fun, in stock game they aren't that useful. You could do just as good with one or two-use simple rocket consisting of tanks, engines and docking port. Scatter few on orbits you're gona visit, refuel main stuff, crash/terminate now useless tanker. I can't really say if that's feasible or not considering cost, money in ksp is kinda easy to get. An actual space station that would be useful (I think) would be one consisting of fuel tanks (I mean excess fuel to spare), lab+kerbals and ofc docking port. Put it on suitable, low orbit of some interesting body (Mun/Minmus ) and harvest science by landing on biome with small, science loaded lander and then ging back to dock with lab to reset science jrs and goos.
  9. I had NaN cost problem with turbines too. Just reattach them till it works I think I also had to deactivate symmetry too. It happens with quite a few mod engines for me, not only Kethane one so I guess fault is not 100% here.
  10. I was messing with GRAB module (https://github.com/KospY/KAS/wiki/Part-Modules) and I have a problem - if the direction of grabbed part is specified as normal vector of its surface, there is no way to "roll" that part if vector is specified as: evaPartDir = (x,y,z) right? Is there any kind of additional setting for that? Currently I got my kerbal to hold long kethane tank on backpack (copy-paste code, change part name) but he's holding it vertically so it clips into ground and his head and also bounces away when dropped gently. And that's the issue with a lot of parts I added that module to. Anybody did that somehow?
  11. Messed with ModuleManager and KAS: Oh god Roley what they have done to you.....
  12. AFAIK big generator has option to generate 1. LFO+xenon or 2. monopropellant and small generator generates 1. liquidfuel+mono or 2. oxidizer+mono. You can't generate eg. only LF with big converter (if you have space for oxy) or ideal proportions of LFO with small one (it generates more LF than oxy in the same time). That's how it works and I guess how it's supposed to work, it's pretty simple and well rounded system. If your converters doesn't work it could be wrong fuel line connection (instructions in first post or test at launchapad with tweakable kethane mod) or you did not install taniwha's patch which enables Kethane to work with KSP 0.24.x. It's been posted every few pages after .24 release.
  13. Nice, made my first shuttle that actually was controllable... to an extent at least. Also, almost landed. That real good considering I was steering But I can't figure out how multi-adaptatrons (structural tab) work, can somebody help me with that? Also dtobi, linear aerosipe fix would be great, currently it totally breaks delta-v calculators :/
  14. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77505-Cargo-Transportation-Solutions-%28WIP%29 Works with no problem on .24.2 except for big prices (you can change these by editing .cfg in notepad). Is recognised correctly as shielding bu FAR/NEAR, works with TweakScale (needed .cfg included in stock TweakScale package) while also having two different size parts if you don't want it. Includes adapters, Procedural fairing adapter if you use PF and many more structural stuff you need to make nice looking and functional cargo bays (like open structural frame and many many more). There's also one command pod included, simply delete .cfg if you don't want it. You need firespitter plugin (GameData/Firespitter/Plugins/Firespitter.dll) from http://snjo.github.io/ (download plugin)
  15. Edit: working already Edit2: Or not http://www.sendspace.pl/file/b4307399362730885acbcf0/extraplanetary-launchpads-v4-2-3
  16. So as I entered the mods realm and cluttered my desktop with MKSORSTACCBFARSS folders, kraken started to appear much more often. Sometimes throwing a party on my ship leaving me with floating reamains and sad kerbals but sometimes only making a puff of smoke (usualy under a fairing) on the ascent. This has proven to be extremely irritating as after two hours of polishing trajectory it turned out that my solars/rtg are nowhere to be found. Is there a way (most likely mod but I'll be happy with anything) to track there occurences down? TL;DR: Can I track which parts are substracted from my ship during flight? I just want to know if (and what) something ripped off.
  17. @SyberSmoke If you are speaking about default TAC, 1.25m container has like 200 days of stuff for 1 kerbal for me. Not sure about the exact amount, but two of these is enough for me to forget about resupplying one-kerbal station for a long time.
  18. Rocket made of fuel wedges with nice ladder around and Jebediah throwing out empty tanks on EVA on ascent would be much cooler IMO.
  19. I think I've found a bug, got contract to test Bi-Modal Resistojet landed at kerbin (real challenge lol) and while all the circumstances are met, staging does not complete it, there is no "run test" button at all. I also couldn't get this thruster to actually work, it says "XenonGas deprived" with two tanks almost in its nozzle. But I run a lot of mods so I'm not sure if it isn't my fault. Here is craft file (it's real tiny contract probe, like 10 parts), I would be happy if you'd take a look. I tried disabling all mods but it didn't help. Still, could be something with savegame (yeah, a LOT of mods were running, kraken is my regular guest here). Ant thanks again for this wonderful pack .craft: http://www.speedyshare.com/Nm5eB/Billy.craft
  20. A while ago (so I'm not sure if it's any different now) I had problems with AGx and it was because of 2.2.1 Module Manager. Switched up to 2.2.0 and everything works so far.
  21. Uh, could you explain which file should I copy to GameData? I can't really see any .cfg file refer to TAC parts.
  22. Nice, but how does Karbonite dependency work? You have to use Karbonite drills ore are Augers from EL enough? I ask because I use Kethane atm but this is really good looking production line with support for mods I use.
  23. Great mod! I'll download any pack asap, really nice and polished stuff here. I actually have few questions - will there be TAC food octo storage part? Or there is and I missed something And have you planned to make that EVA pack get some additional buffs like more power for orbital manuev... err, getting onto rockets easier? It sucks to be on massive body without a ladder sometimes And one question more like to fellow users and modders - is there any way to adapt some small egine to use US hydrogen as propellant? Is ths resource considered a propellant at all? I get it's used only by two converter parts (at the moment) so I thought it would be nice to burn some in lander engine.
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