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    Curious George
  1. There is another bug happened to me that I think its related to this one. When I entered to Duna's atmosphere with fairing, its heated and destroyed. There was a rover inside that fairing and a DTS-M1 on the rover. When I tried to extend antenna, game says it is blocked. So I think game thinks there is a still fairing wrapped around. So I saved the game and load again after the fairing destroyed. I could extend the satellite after loaded again.
  2. I crashed too many vessels because of this bug. Whenever I try to EVA I splashed my entire ship to the ground.
  3. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: MacOS | CPU: M1 | GPU: M1 | RAM: 16 When I switched from Vessel to Tracking Station, time warp options remains the last vessels warp selection options that you managed. So I have to switch to another section like KSC and then switch back to Tracking Station to get all warp options. This is always happening whether I switched from mini menu on the bottom or options menu from left corner. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Go to Tracking Station and control one of your vessels that warp options restricted. 2. Switch back to the Tracking Station for full warp but you can see there are only last vessels warp options available. Workaround: 3. Switch to the another section (like KSC etc.) get back to the Tracking Station for full warp options. Now you can select all the options available. Included Attachments: ScreenRecording2024-01-07at23_31_02.mov .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  4. It happened to me around every 1000m on Duna with 12m/s speed and I noticed you can't hit the rocks on Duna. The rover just passed through the rocks, they're not physically existed on the game.
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