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Posts posted by sober667

  1. i played a lot testing in santbox for me -work good i have mod to wach my RAM usage so its not big deal to be aware of it.

    but when i swiched to career i saw that i cannot found it in any of nodes wich im resarching ( i have olmost all tree in plane parts in wich node it is?)

    nice mod for RAM usage information


  2. u can have done everything by stock but u neeed A LOT of work to make your own categories (part by part) wich i SLOWLY starting to do with most commonly used parts but... its lack of filtering using multiple funcjons at once u can make it by your own but u need a lots of time a LOTS OF and this mod was awesome for that

  3. i dont know what to say other than it looks stunning, much more than what i could build xD

    I been working on re texturing the old parts and starting to redo the cargo bays. So instead of go rectangular i decide to keep it streamline like J series but wider, and can attach mk2 parts on the side

    heres a img of K series wip and retexture of the J cargobay

    Anyway the main thing i want to share is this video:

    Im not an aerospace engineer so i never understood it untill now, i want to make a ksp version of the turboRamJet as well as a RamJet.

    The plan is Each type of Engine are single parts and will have 2-3 variants (different size and shapes), and ill tweak the current ARIEngine similar to that of a AirTurboRocket

    The idea is

    RamJets are cheap, operates at high alt and high speed (around 20km-40km at mach 3 - 6) and provides decent thrust. BUT it won't activate until mach 2 and above 10km, is also heavy

    TurboRamJets are able to have thrust at 0 speed, operates efficiently at high alt (around 5km - 20km and speed up to mach 3), BUT it will be expensive and heavy << more thrust than stock turbojet

    AirTurboRocket are also able to have thrust at 0 speed, operates efficiently at a wider altitude range (*need more research*), it will also operates on other atmosphere with no oxygen

    If anyone is more familiar about these type 3 type of jet help me out xD

    Lastly, if I complete these engines (modelling and scripting), it will adds around 10 or 15 new parts, so i might separate this into a propulsion pack mod.

    woow nice

    did u thinking of adding think like Screamjet wich is in real world can travel even faster (its getting warm up about when ramjets stop working)

    so could be fun to have something that in game

  4. Essence of KSP is keep going even everything goes KABOOM even if your rocket has o power or no parachutes or is not balanced fairy well just keep going to DO SCIENCE!!

    umm not only but too

    Fails is essence of KSP "

    and teaching on your own exploding rockets

  5. As far as I know, dx11 doesn't require a mod... isn't there a command-line parameter to make it launch for dx11? same for OpenGL I believe. But, you see, if I could run with those settings, I wouldn't need anything like LOD. You kinda need to be able to run the program at a level where LOD becomes pointless to even begin to run with those more advanced settings. As for OGL... KSP just blinks between full black screen and my desktop for 5 minutes until I force it to close down.

    now that

    i just saying that in 0.25 dx11 was funky now works good for me (on the same computer ) so it should work better overall

  6. hey, didn't really know where else to post this question but...

    i have a bug to report (i guess), i've narrowed it down to ksp interstellar however it doesn't happen with EVERY item, it seems to be a B9 incompatability as it happens most often with those parts, specifically air intakes and other radial mount jet parts. The problem: when i place (in the SPH) something(for example the RBM Variable Geometry Intake) that is radially mounted, in mirror mode, a strange bug occours. Its hard to describe but ill give it my best shot. basically what happens is, on click, the part detatches still in hand (on the cursor) in "place" mode, however upon "replaceing" it, the game locks up and the part is now in "attached" mode but still following the cursor, thus causing the lag. this is extremely irritating when trying to build a space plane! if the part in question isn't a radial mount part, but is being attached to one, it tends to just not be able to be replaced. everything up to the "replacing" part happens on click but instead of causing a lag spike and what have you, it simply looses the green ball attachment point and is no longer functioning, it also causes the ship to be un-saveable, and the problem then persists to any and all parts tried placed after. this bug is INSAINLY annoying and i'm sincearly not sure what is causing it. all of my mods are up to date and this ONLY happens when interstellar pack is installed. i'm not sure what to do so ANY help would be Greatly appreciated!!! if you need any other info, just ask!

    NOTE: the main mods i'm using are as follows:



    kw rocketry



    Kerbal attachment system (kas)

    editor extensions

    mech jeb

    kethane mod

    remote tech

    rasta prop monitor

    vanguard parachutes

    kerbal alarm clock

    camera tools

    toolbar mod

    tech manager

    tweak scale

    tac life support

    fine print

    contracts window

    kerbal engineer

    and deadly reentry

    playing on version 0.25 and this bug has been around as long as i can remember

    p.s. yes to my knowledge, all mods are up to date.

    again, thanks anybody who is willing to help me! :3

    I ha dthat bug some time a go if i good remember it was bad instalation of b9 or D13 i dont remember but its not interstellar think i think reinstal and try again its probably corrupted instalation

  7. Part scaling and negative costs are issues that were around in 0.25. The patch from https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Illustrated-Guide-Chapter-0%3A-Installing-and-Patching includes fixes for those.

    oh so mi didnt spote d nothing new its quite good so anybody wich want use ONLY this mod is good to go probably only tweakscale brake it but will see on my havy moded instalation

  8. I hadn't been able to get far into career to notice anything off , but the hybrid aluminum rocket (which was basically a resized basic solid booster) is the only bugged thing that I came across and it's only graphical, it appears as small as the basic solid rocket booster but otherwise works fine as far I can tell. :P

    Its fairy optymistic i dont use tweakscale ofen (only for infernal robotick becouse its olmost usless without it) so its not a big deal but i will test it completly so will say what is working and what is not

    EDIT: done some testing in sandbox so

    -Warp Drive work as should

    -Tokamak reactor work as intend(so generator work to)

    -termal Hybrid rocket(termal turbojet) work in both modes

    -beamed power network work

    -plazma trusters work (but they are in tab of fuel not engines not so big deal)

    testing done on new clear instal need test some other thinks but so far so good


    -cost are messed up a litle (lots of parts heve negativ evalues probably any items that have resousers)

    -Antimater factoring work(colecting not tested YET)

    -all types of reactors works

    need more testing in career mode within science experiments

  9. Sarbian Worked out KM_Gimbal

    I did not have as much time to code as I anticipated so here his a quick version. I moved KM_Gimbal in a new directory and renamed to module. It will avoid conflict with old version and conflict with SmartPart (they shared a dir and it's not a good idea when 2 modders share a dir :) )

    Mod that rely on KM_Gimbal should now use "KM_Gimbal_3" for the gimbal module name. I'll open a thread for it when I get more time to code and integrate some of my AutoTrim in it.


  10. Beamed Power, huh? I had also thought of that, but isn't the atmosphere going to make the relays extremely inefficient?

    Why not place a reactor station on surface to provide start"kick" laterr u will be higher u will have more power so it wont be so big deal aspacjaly for termal turbojets wich dont need much power and higher u get-more power will u gain from outside of atmosfere stations

  11. This is what i have been doing in my latest save but it feels so much like cheating :/

    its not cheting u make so big effort to set up a beamed power network and unlock quantum vacum truster and others so its only ... i dont now how say it in english but u hard work to do it so u deserve it think how many science and effort u need to make it in Career? even in science mode is not so easy

  12. Oh, I meant idea. Stupid auto correct.

    And yeah, that was exactly what I was thinking of. However, I was not sure if Thermal Turbojets had the power to get a Plasma Engine, a Reactor and any useful payload to suborbital speeds. If it is possible, then I'm actually going to go on with my project. Thanks!

    I had same idea...but even more crazy why using any onboard reactor? build huge enough beamed power network to power quantum vacum to have resonable trust and just use termal turbojet with termal reciver - much lither craft without ANY internal fuel (or u can have a reactor AND beamed power t maximalise efficiency and not beeing doomed without antimater

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