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Posts posted by boribori

  1. 17 hours ago, Lisias said:

    KAX is fully supported from KSP 1.3.1 to 1.7.3 .

    KAX is known to work fine from KSP 1.8.0 to 1.9.1 - at least, I didn't got any issues on the minimalistic tests I did. But since these tests were minimalistic, I refrain myself from advertising it as fully supported on these KSP versions.

    KSP 1.10 was currently unknown, until your report. Now I know it doesn't works.

    This will be tackled down as soon as I managed to kick TweakScale through the door.

    I've had no issues with KAX on 1.10.1 though.

  2. 11 hours ago, Foxxo_exe said:

    Hi, i´ve been trying to install realism overhaul and real solar sistem but it keeps saing Kopernicus and Real Fuels is not copatible with 1.10, can someone help me?

    What is exactly your question? The Realism Overhaul Installation guide states that it needs KSP 1.8.1:  https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/RO-&-RP-1-Installation-for-1.8.1

    Anyway if you want to try it on 1.10.1 anyway, you will need Kopernicus Bleeding Edge:

    The old Real Fuels seems to work fine on 1.10.1, just ignore that warning.

    Keep in mind though that if you do not install RO exactly according to the installation instructions you can not ask them for any support.

  3. 13 hours ago, bigyihsuan said:

    I know it's been 2 months since this specific post, but is there any progress, or at least some pointers to be able to patch US2 parts to work Real Fuels? 

    I've poked around and I think it could be done by making a patch somewhere to add the Real Fuels ModuleFuelTanks module, but I'm not sure how that'll fare with switching the part lengths. Maybe instead of using the Real Fuels module add/replace it to the USFuelSwitch module?

    AFAIK it is not possible to combine the different fuel modules on one part. And switching out the USFS module for the RF module proved to complicated for me since the fuel types and amounts all seem to be tied to US Mesh Switch. This is a job for someone more patient than me.
    I made some simple patches to change LFO and monoprop to Kerosene, LqdOxygen and Hydrazine though: https://github.com/codebori/RealSolarFiction/blob/master/GameData/RSF/RSF_Compatibility/RSF_USII.cfg It's far from perfect or complete but it is playable I think.

  4. @Pehvbot@Sirata How do we deal with patches that concern RSF as well as LRTR?
    Sirata is doing pull requests to RSF, but some of those, like the Tech Tree patch for B9 Procedural Wings, could also go to LRTR.

    Should we do pull request to LRTR instead? This probably means that we should fork LRTR as well and playtest with the fork. I am very new to this part of git/GitHub though and will probably mess thing up.

    Or should we just put them in /GameData/RSF/Tmp/Tmp_LRTR/ and Pehvbot will take from there what he wants when he wants it?

  5. On 10/31/2020 at 6:10 AM, Pehvbot said:

    4.  It’s a LRTR issue.  Because it uses the RP-1 science model it basically nukes all other science parts.  The custom KerbalismConfig is only set to understand the LRTR experiments.  It is possible to disable the science stuff in the config file but that then breaks the custom KerbalismConfig.  I Can’t think of an elegant solution.

    Ah, I had no clue it was the RP-1 science model, I though it was from Kerbalism. That explains why the Kerbalism patches for other mods also don't do anything. I'll have a look when I find the time. Thanks!

  6. I added Known Issues and a Changelog on Github and copied it here:

    Known Issues:

    • [] "DMagic Orbital Science" is incompatible with LRTR's Kerbalism Config
    • [] "OhScrap!" overlaps with Kerbalism functionality
    • [] SXT LV-405 Vanguard still has Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer for its additional RCS engine
    • [] "Restock" Oscar B tank volumes are inconsistent with the stock one
    • [] Procedural Part Tanks are to big at the start and too small later on
    • [] TantaresSP Zircon RCS Series require Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer

    To Do

    • [] Write installation instructions:
      • [] Dependencies:
        • [] Kerbalism -> Kerbalism LRTR Config
      • [] Configuration:
        • [] Turn off Real Fuels or Kerbalism ignition limit
    • [] Make "DMagic Orbital Science" compatible with LRTR's Kerbalism Config
    • [] Suggest more configuration options for "OhScrap!" to turn of some functionality
    • [] Move Airplane parts (Stock and from mods) around in the Tech Tree (mainly earlier)
    • [] SXT LV-405 Vanguard still has Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer for its additional RCS engine -> write patch and submit it to RealFuels-Stock
    • [] Fix Oscar B tank volumes: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/196996-real-world-sci-fi-mod-collection/&do=findComment&comment=3862324
    • [] Make sure there are ullage motors available early in the tech tree
    • [] Remove the Size restrictions from PP tanks, leave only the volume related upgrade path
    • [] Fix TantaresSP Zircon RCS Series require Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer and submit it to RealFuels-Stock


    Before there was order:

    • Adapted LRTR KCT config to allow for faster build time with recovered parts. -> RSF_KCT_Presets.cfg
    • Kerbalism built-in antennas not sending data -> seems intentional
    • Added early (propellor) plane mods -> SXT Continued, KAX?, Airplane Plus
    • Fixed fairing sizes (currently in career only smallest fairing when bigger parts already available) -> RSF_TT.cfg
    • Fixed procedural tank sizes -> RP_Tree_ProcSizes.cfg
    • Added mod for early LRTR tech tree for FAR -> Aerodynamic sounding rockets etc. -> CNAR-V2
    • Fixed no tank type selection for any tank except the procedural tanks. -> RP_PartHacks.cfg
    • Pressurized tanks (Service module) when you get pressure fed engines. -> RP_PartHacks.cfg & RP_Tree_ProcSizes.cfg
    • Fixed EVA Fuel (monoprop -> hydrazine)
  7. @Pehvbot I had some more feedback as well :)

    1. The latest LRTR (v1.4) overwrites the config file, which is fine but maybe there should be a warning for those who edited it.
    2. There are a lot of empty Tech Tree nodes and the Hide Empty Tech Tree  Nodes mod seems to break stuff. Did you have a plan for that? Is there a way to hide them without breaking stuff? Or do you want to move stuff around to fill them? I would prefer the latter.
    3. There are no available Strategies in the Administration building, is that as intended?
    4. Dmagic Orbital Science doesn't seem compatible with Kerbalism while it is supposed to be (according to this https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/wiki/Home-~-Mod-Support). Is that a Kerbalism or LRTR issue?


  8. 7 hours ago, RP1IsSuperior said:

    Can you turn off Ullage and limited ignitions? Also, do the engines perform similarly to the way they do in the stock game? I simply want to have to manage different fuel types, liquidfuel and oxidizer seems a little bit bland to me.

    You can turn it off by editing the last section of GameData/RealFuels/RealSettings.cfg, change true to false:

    		simulateUllage = true
    		limitedIgnitions = true

    I don't know for sure if they perform the same, but I assume they do.

  9. Great mod! Thanks!

    However now I'm suddenly getting random crashes when deleting craft. Everything worked fine for weeks, but since today I'm getting these crashes. I also don't know how to get out of the error window, so every time I have to force kill KSP and restart.
    I attached my logs to the existing issue on Github: https://github.com/Sujimichi/CraftManager/issues/14

    Most helpful right now is if someone can tell me how to get rid of the error message and keep playing, thanks.

  10. 20 minutes ago, PayadorPerseguido said:

    I did as you said. The communotron dts-m1 now does have the RealAntenas options. But lot of others dont. I'm guessing this is as intended after all

    I thought it was supposed to support all stock antennas. I am quite early in my career and so far all my stock antennas have the RealAntennas options. I'll have a look in sandbox later.

    You can check your log to see which mods do what with which parts. You can use the PartInfo mod to easily find the name of the parts.


  11. The issue with procedural fairings disappeared by itself (I probably changed something I don't remember I did :/ ).

    I created a patch for RealAntennas upgrades: https://github.com/codebori/RealSolarFiction/blob/master/GameData/RSF/RSF_Tree/RSF_TT_Realantenna.cfg

    While I was doing it I realised that RealAntennas has a config for RP-0, so there's probably an easier way to do it than how I did it.

  12. I am encountering two more issues with the tech tree (I think):

    • I can't change the amount of nodes for Procedural Fairings and the procedural thrust plate adapter. I haven't looked at the code at all yet (I don't use those much, so it's not a priority for me), but I assume it is an upgrade issue.
    • RealAntennas don't have an upgrade path. I quickly rewrote GameData/RealAntennas/TechTree.cfg in my install to fix it for myself. I will write a proper MM patch later (I guess I'll have to use the same method as LRTR did with Procedural Parts).

    Would it technically be possible for Tech Tree nodes to have 2 names? Or another way to use the LRTR Tech Tree without removing the stock nodes? Something so unsupported mods that do upgrades or something else with the tech tree don't break. I think it's better if it is in an illogical position than not being there at all.

  13. 11 hours ago, Pehvbot said:

    Nope, it's kind of its own thing.  It sits somewhere between stock and Simplex in terms of complexity.  My goal was to make ISRU useful in a minimal LRTR install.  It cuts down resources you can mine to Water and Ore.  With these you can produce any of the consumables (Oxygen, Hydrogen, LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, Monopropellant, Fertilizer).  

    The LRTRStock profile does basically same things, but just does them with more steps and mined resources.  It would be trivially easy to mod it to produce HydroLox, MethaLox, or Hydrozine instead of LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, and Monopropellant and get something sort of close to real world results.

    The fact that you can create all that from some inorganic moon rock really bugs me. I will need to look again what ISRU options are available. Magic stock ore is a no go for me, but KSPIE for example adds too much complexity. I'll also have a look at what the Kerbalism profiles can do. I already had a quick look at the RO config and that looks promising, else I might just revive my own ISRU "mod" when I get to it.


    11 hours ago, Pehvbot said:

    There are three separate problems, all fixable.

    The first problem is that RealFuels removes the stock ProceduralParts fuel tank and inserts its own.  This means  none of the LRTR configuration files apply to them. 

    The second problem is I made some changes to the configs without testing.  I mean they were just super simple changes to some of the tags used for UPGRADES.  How could I screw that up?  Well, I screwed it up by not testing of course :-)

    Finally the RealFuels tank (first problem) wasn't properly excluded from rescaling.  The model was being rescaled but the nodes weren't. 

    All of them are fixed in the GitHub and will be included in the next update.


    Yep, your diagnosis was spot on.  I broke the ProceduralParts upgrades in 1.3 which caused most of the weirdness.  Thanks!

    Preliminary tests with the fixes from GitHub look good so far. (I only had to add a "cheat" patch for my existing craft with Fillet Cylinders.)

    But the smallest size ever seems to be 800mm by 480mm, that can't be right.

    And I don't really understand the logic behind the fact that Fillet Cylinders are so far ahead in the Tech Tree.

  14. I did some quick tests with the procedural tanks on clean installs (without my own patches):

    • LRTR 1.2 + PP:
      • attachment nodes OK
      • limited resizing
    • LRTR 1.2 + PP + RF:
      • attachment nodes OK
      • extremely limited resizing
    • LRTR 1.3 + PP:
      • attachment nodes messed up
      • resizing OK
    • LRTR 1.3 + PP + RF:
      • attachment nodes messed up
      • extremely limited resizing


    I think the resizing problem in LRTR 1.3 is because the Real Fuels Procedural Tanks use different a different Tech Tree upgrade system so they are never being upgraded.

    I have no clue about the attachment nodes, but it looks like a new problem introduced with LRTR 1.3 (although I am sure I had it for a bit with 1.2 as well).

  15. 15 hours ago, Pehvbot said:

    Version 1.3 is available.  It's mostly small bug fixes.  It also adds ISRU support.

    Version 0.7 of the KerbalismConfig is also out and has some major changes.  It has two profiles, LRTRSimple (the default) and LRTRStock.  LRTRSimple is a complete rebuild and may break existing games.  The new profile simplifies resources a bit, adds ISRU support, and makes the Greenhouse useful again.  The LRTRStock profile *should* fix Greenhouses but I haven't fully tested it yet.

    - Quick questions about LRTRSimple: is that SimpleISRU in the config? I guess Realfuels users would want a more advanced ISRU and will want to keep the resources, so they should set this to false, right?  (I haven't looked at the code yet, because I spent too much time on the next issue.)

    - And the Procedural Tanks issue still exists. I looked at your code and I thought it fixed my problem that I couldn't resize at all, so I removed my patches, but then the problem came back, including an issue I hadn't mentioned before: the nodes are off, so the parts procedural parts clip into other parts.
    When I remove the upgrade limits with the following path everything is fine again

    		%techRequired = start
    	@TechRequired = start
            %diameterMin = 0.01
            %diameterMax = Infinity
            %lengthMin = 0.01
            %lengthMax = Infinity
            %volumeMin = 0
            %volumeMax = Infinity
        @TechHidden = False
            !TECHLIMIT,* {}
            !UPGRADES,* {}

    I would actually like to use the upgrade steps, but it's breaking my brain.

    After I gave up troubleshooting and continued playing I noticed that when using Real Fuels parts are called [proceduralTankRealFuels]. So I guess the issue might have something to do with Real Fuels. Right now I don't feel like troubleshooting, I just want to play. I will dive in again later today or this weekend. But maybe you know already what's causing this.


    EDIT: The nodes are still off. So I guess I will have to do some more troubleshooting before playing. I just really can't remember what fixed it before. It looks like it has something do do with rescaling.



  16. @ValiZockt There was no config for Airplanes Plus helicopter rotors (AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Rotorwing/), this seems to work (I copied and adapted RealFuels-Stock/000_DEPRECATED/FS_Helicopter_Parts):

    	@resources ^= :LiquidFuel:Kerosene:

    I'll most likely find (a lot?) more over the next few weeks/months, and I will try to write the patches myself. Do you want me to post them here or on github as I find them? (If on github I need to figure out how to do that, but it's about time that I do.)

  17. 6 hours ago, Pehvbot said:

    Looks good so far.  In general you can just push most airplane stuff to the 'supersonic' branch of the tech tree somewhere.  I've basically ignored aircraft and I'm pretty sure the breaking ground parts need to be better arranged as well.  If you see things that look out of place feel free to bring it up.  One RP-1 specific issue is that the earliest cockpits should not be able to go above about 10,000m for very long (no pressure suits, pressurization).  They should have @MODULE[ModuleUnpressurizedCockpit] added to them.  Right now it's being done in the LRTR/parts/capsules.cfg but really it should be in the specific LRTR/support/ files.  I'll probably fix for the next release.

    I don't have the DLC's (and I probably won't ever get them) so I can't do anything there. I'll stick to the mods.

    Would it be possible to do something like this?

            name = ModuleUnpressurizedCockpit


    I am quite disorganised and even with the few patches I have it's already a mess. :)  I need to reorder my GameData/RSF folder structure. I guess most of it will eventually be integrated in the respective mods themselves, but until that time I need to keep it somewhere. Is there a mod folder structure best practice guide somewhere?

    Also I will need to know which patches will be integrated in which mods themselves eventually, I guess most patches could go into Pehvbot's LRTR, but some might change the gameplay in a way that is different from LRTR's vision. I guess I''ll need to separate compatibility fixes from gameplay changes first.  

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