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Everything posted by SimonTheSkink

  1. Any idea about my beamed power issue? Sorry for being repetitive, just need some more experienced hands involved.
  2. There is only one transceiver on Laythe, well there is 8 total but they are all attached to the same ship. There are no other ships in the Kerbol system that are using microwave energy as of this time. Laythe's atmosphere should be no factor in this for two reasons. 1. The ship worked fine before the update and received all the energy it needed from its parent ship in high orbit. 2. The parent ship (800KM up retro-orbit) is recieaving 5.5GW of power from Kerbin via it's Large Phased Array Transceiver. The opposite side of the ship has another Large Phased Array Transceiver that is emitting at least 5GW down to Laythe. I need to get some more shots so you know what the whole ship looks like with it's parent ship. I'll send some tonight when I am off work.
  3. Any thoughts on why I am having issues with beamed power? See my last post for details.
  4. Running the experimental version right now. So far nothing is falling through the ground or parts breaking off. The only issue I have currently is beamed power does not seem to be working for my ship. My main ship in Laythes orbit can receive beamed power via the transceivers but my ground ship on Laythes surface can't pick up enough energy to fire it's DT engine. It's worked fine before the updates as I was able to fly around to different parts of Laythe to explore. Now the engine gives 0 thrust. It's almost like it doesn't see the ship in orbit beaming power down and is instead only picking up power from my main generator back at Kerbin.
  5. I'm running v.24. Its not running 64bit since when i open task manager it says 32bit. Honestly i think the only way to open in 64bit is the .exe in the installation location? Either way someone else said they had the same issue but reinstalling it fixed the problem. Problem is they never specified what i need to reinstall, it doesn't help that i am running v.24 and not v.24.2
  6. Reinstall what exactly? The mod? The whole game? Im currently running v.24
  7. The Seismic impact reader in Interstellar mod is no longer working for me. Instead of giving the "Record" option it just gives the vanilla options. Any suggestions on what to do? I'm kinda stuck on Laythe until I get this resolved for the rest of my journey to Jool's moons.
  8. Been having some issues trying to get the Seismic Accelerometer to work correctly. It only gives "Log Seismic Data" and i can no longer try to record data for impacts. What's up with that?
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