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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. THERE WILL BE VTOLS. Lots and lots of VTOLs.
  2. An interesting design. Like a working version of the Flying Bedstead. However, I don\'t see much style in it.
  3. Aw, there there. I got an X in German and ICT. Everything else is B except History which is D.
  4. Because I\'m awesome. It\'s also a combination of canards, lift balance, thrust balance and ailerons.
  5. Raw footage below. It\'s a Windows Live Movie Maker Project.
  6. Looks sort of like a spacecraft with a cauldron fitted to the front. But that\'s a problem for the designers. Nice work making it look like the real thing.
  7. With a top speed of 240 m/s, high maneuvrability and excellent passenger capacity for all these benefits, the Jet Hawk is VA\'s latest, and most efficient passenger aircraft to date. It has very good gliding ability at speeds as low as 17 m/s with engines off. The plane can carry 48 passengers. Demostration video below. [Would potential buyers please use Brain Bleach after looking at Part 2 of the video?] Uses: C7 C7 Experimental C7 Hardpoints C7 Landing Gear plugin Jellycube\'s Jet Engine plugin VA Flight Pack
  8. On the other hand, yours requires RCS whilst in flight. Mine only needed it for landing assist to ensure it didn\'t flip. And even then, on mine you only use the RCS when you see it start to tilt.
  9. Spore would have been so much better like that.
  10. Whilst testing my Shadow VTOL, it managed to get into such a violent spin that one of the wings, with the mounted engine still attached, broke off. The craft continued spinning, and the other wing his the one that had broken off. Result: No wings. Mission: Successful. The craft was low enough that the cockpit and a small section of fuselage remained intact. You know, any crash you can walk away from.
  11. Completed my VTOL. I present to you, the Veto Aerospace Shadow.
  12. Caused by the Inevitable Failure System. And yes, I did, Ascen. I added struts to it now. And RCS thrusters for landing assistance.
  13. I have a problem. I can\'t drag the engine\'s GUI around the screen.
  14. It was a perilous mission, and we damned near came a cropper, but we returned safely back to base, and the mission was a success. Hawkins had a bit of a fright, but we\'re ready to return to active service when the aircraft is ready! So yeah, high windspeeds meant my SilverLit R/C Bi-Wing ended up on the roof of the Commity Centre cricket Pavillion, and I was forced to resort to my resourcefulness to retrieve it. I got a ball of string, found a stick, tied the two together and threw it up on to the roof before trying to get it to grappple the plane. After replacing the stick when the first one got caught in the guttering, I eventually brought the aircraft safely back to Terra Firma. Happily, it still works. Also, I experimented with using the spare props to make the props have four blades, but it didn\'t work so I took them off. I think because of the weird centre of gravity, and the engines being above the CoG means they just pushed it downwards.
  15. What would its effective drop range be? Because one of VA\'s passenger aircraft could go further, faster, and most efficiently.
  16. Cougar vs yours [if both given guns]. Cougar would win.
  17. The Veto Aerospace Cougar is a VTOL helicopter aircraft, with good flight time, a potential cruising speed of up to 73 m/s. Its handling is difficult, but with some skill it can be used almost as effectively as a far smaller craft. The helicopter is fitted with pontoon landing gear for water landings. Requires =C7 =C7 Experimental [including White Owl tail] =Damned Aerospace props plugin =HSTW Pontoons
  18. RedDwarfIV

    Air hogs UAV

    The props are plastic. The body is polystyrene. The closest metal is the motor spindle. How would gluing on propellers cause heat?
  19. RedDwarfIV

    Air hogs UAV

    I would agree, but the AR costs £6 more. Also, Maplins weren\'t selling the Air Hog UAV. And I mean like this: EDIT: Spoilered for lag.
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