It was a perilous mission, and we damned near came a cropper, but we returned safely back to base, and the mission was a success. Hawkins had a bit of a fright, but we\'re ready to return to active service when the aircraft is ready! So yeah, high windspeeds meant my SilverLit R/C Bi-Wing ended up on the roof of the Commity Centre cricket Pavillion, and I was forced to resort to my resourcefulness to retrieve it. I got a ball of string, found a stick, tied the two together and threw it up on to the roof before trying to get it to grappple the plane. After replacing the stick when the first one got caught in the guttering, I eventually brought the aircraft safely back to Terra Firma. Happily, it still works. Also, I experimented with using the spare props to make the props have four blades, but it didn\'t work so I took them off. I think because of the weird centre of gravity, and the engines being above the CoG means they just pushed it downwards.