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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. I took my English Literature GCSE the other day. And yet this is the test I\'m feeling tense about.
  2. I thought Safira had already been approved?
  3. Fairly certain I could pass the test easily. I\'ve written walls of writing for stories/RPs before.
  4. Do you mean \'engine nascelles\'? Because a \'cockpit\' is something someone sits in.
  5. Safira is higher than that. And Popeter, as I have suggested before, I will suggest again - use a spellcheck. I\'m sure it\'s been mentioned in the forum rules that it\'s a requirement if you\'re bad at spelling. Also, if you want your country in a particular place, you\'ll need to have it ninja the competition on Sunday. If I hadn\'t ninja\'d Safira where it was the other day, Aesia would probably be there.
  6. SkyDiver from UFO [TV series]. The submarine [Diver (Number)] tilts up, and the fighter [sky (Number)] JATO launches out of the water to go blow up some aliens. I thought Damnyoujapan\'s entry looked like a landgoing version of it.
  7. What if you had the Oxygene mod, crashed [in the process destroying enough of your reserve tanks that there is only enough for one Kerbal], before engaging solar panels/oxygen extraction system/ramscoop to keep that Kerbal alive?
  8. Sorry Vasili, but that\'s not a spaceplane. So far applicable entries: RedDwarfIV SasquatchM Damnyoujapan
  9. Avro Vulcan. The first one is easy, the second one might take you a bit longer. Eurofighter Typhoon Harrier jumpjet?
  10. I imagine it would be the sort of reaction people would get if I had a photograph to show them that proves my Dad went in 9 Downing Street. Though I imagine the facial expression would be somewhat similar to what my Dad saw when tourists were just gawping at him from the other side of the gate.
  11. Huh. Would they be surprised if HarvesteR rang them up to say 'One of my Forum moderators had been complaining that you shut down his site for using my product name.'?
  12. I don\'t know. The Eurofighter has actual canards.
  13. Yeah, but Apollo wasn\'t built out of dustbins, chewing gum, paper mache and struts.
  14. His Magic Turbine is smaller than any I\'ve seen before though. Mine had to be five tanks tall to keep going.
  15. You may post YouTube videos. I think it would be a courtesy to Squad if you would ask permission before capitalising on it.
  16. I have something truely awesome. Videoing it soon as I can get the software running. It\'s got so many parts that my KSP looks like a slideshow.
  17. What time do we expect the forum to be back up? I can\'t ninja it if I\'m too busy having a lie-in.
  18. I see yours has MechJeb on board. I piloted mine manually.
  19. Thanks. I just took my pre-built Bluejay, strapped MORE BOOSTERS onto it after it only went sub-orbital on its own engine, and put it onto the silliest launch platform available to Veto Aerospace. And that launch platform. So want.
  20. You just invented the land-going version of this: Also, that it an incredibly stylish plane. However, this was the challenge: I\'m the only one who has actually done that for this challenge.
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