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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. Awesome. Just wish it was easier to make Concorde with a Mk3 cockpit.
  2. I was going to respond to that, but decided it would probably end up a flame war, which wouldn\'t be good. Yes Charzy, Radion said you would be a Global Mod.
  3. Your Dad will probably be old enough to have seen Alien when that was in the cinemas, though that might mean he wouldn\'t appreciate Prometheus because he sees it as \'not classic\' or something. If he does appeciate it, then in might be in part to his understanding the references.
  4. Eh, you should start your own thread if you want to talk about the Dictator. I\'m telling you, because you\'re the first person who\'s post has no relavence to the topic of Prometheus whatsoever. It\'s fine to mention other movies because you think they\'ll be better, but please remember what this thread is about.
  5. Of course, both of my jets have mods in them. I\'ll make new ones specially for the challenge later, but that should give you an idea of the sort of design I\'ll use.
  6. Heh. Prometheus is supposed to be set a long time before Alien, same universe but different plot drives. Otherwise, it apparently has a similar horror level to Alien itself - after all, Ridley Scott is the director.
  7. CamStudio Taksi ZDSoft ZDSoft is the worst of these three because the video frequently glitches, it\'s low quality, free version only has a month trial period, and it leaves a watermark. However, even the free version allows unlimited video length, it\'s simple to use, and the program itself seems reliable. Of Taksi and CamStudio, Taksi is better, because it AppHooks onto KSP at the touch of a button, has simple Hotkeys, and is simple to use. It leaves no watermarks, and the video is high quality. It has unlimited video length on trial. However, I currently use ZDSoft, because both Camstudio and Taksi are [on my computer] currently only producing videos that my copy of Live Movie Maker says are corrupted. Hence why I have said ZDSoft is more reliable. However, Taksi did work then stopped, so I can\'t be certain about ZDSoft. Go for Taksi for now.
  8. There shouldn\'t be a problem if it is given RCS. It would require a design overhaul for the launch-to-orbit stages, to lift the heavier weight. But don\'t worry, I\'ve landed far heavier craft on the Mun with RCS. Such as the Kestrel. That was really heavy.
  9. Who\'s hyped for this movie? CAUSE I AM. So, what are your impressions from the various trailers and plot synopses we have been given?
  10. It might be a little more difficult than programming a BigTrak though.
  11. We\'re talking about the movie, not real life conspiracies. In the movie, antigrav was made to work by Nazis in 1945. Hence them being on the Moon in 2018. On the other hand, I can\'t think of a reason right now as to why they would need Helium-3 unless they had fusion power. Correct me if there is something else it\'s useful for [with the exception of party ballons]
  12. Which they supposedly invented during WW2. Therefore WW2 technology.
  13. What technology? It\'s basically WW2 stuff but in space with antigravity engines for the Nazis.
  14. I don\'t recall ever reading what I said on TVTropes. I\'ll go see if \'plotfailure\' is a trope though.
  15. Charzy, aren\'t you a mod for European timezone coverage?
  16. Use a vertical winglet [not a canard] to keep it in line. You will still need to correct course though. My best advice, is line up your craft whilst it is accelerating from a low speed.
  17. Exactly! It has the awesome visuals of a Hollywood blockbuster, and all the plotfailures of something someone made for the Internet!
  18. Revolver Entertainment, the group in charge of releasing Iron Sky in the UK, decided on a single-day release before never again showing the film in cinemas.
  19. So the outer nacelles are rendered useless after a short flight time?
  20. This is really good. Though I don\'t see any fuel lines to the engine nacelles. Are they behind the wings?
  21. It was stated that there wouldn\'t be retaining. I agree with it, because a lot of people would abuse it to keep their oversized countries, which leads to less room for other countries. Besides, for me it was a simple matter of ninjaing Safira in first, so I get that if I pass the RP Suitability Examination.
  22. That sounds like the Chinese ship from 2010: Odyssey 2. Everyone thought it was a space station until the engines got bolted on. The important thing is, once it has engines, it\'s more ship than spacestation. As for me... NERVA engines, assemble! So no, it wouldn\'t be stock.
  23. The trope \'Space Is Noisy\' has been invoked.
  24. Hey, what about having to use Treasury Points [Kerbits] to purchase/upgrade factories, which you need to use to build up your stronger military units [vehicles and heavy weapons, etc]? It would mean that your military is based on the spending you do in your factories, which would vary, especially in recession or economic booms. It would also allow you to neglect your military in favour of projects - which wouldn\'t really be an option if we go with the current, and rather vague, \'how much do you spend on your military out of ten?\'
  25. I took my English Literature GCSE the other day. And yet this is the test I\'m feeling tense about.
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