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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. The Bluejay-Harrier is an aircarrier-spaceplane pair, designed to carry a spaceplane up to high altitude where it can more easily power itself into orbit. The Bluejay is is spaceplane, and the Harrier is the aircarrier. It is currently undergoing tests, but it is promising. It has good takeoff power, with minimal damage. It is well controllable, and has a top speed of 640 m/s.
  2. The aerospike engine is intended for spaceplanes. The LVT-30 still has the Rule Of Cool on its side. I mean, it\'s a sodding rocket. Not like those pansy toroids.
  3. Problem with V1.1. The ram part won\'t connect to sides of parts or struts. So far, it has only attached to an engine.
  4. Having problems with my Plugins. All the .DLLs are there, but they don\'t work with the game. This may have something to do with a new folder, \'PluginData\', which is empty. How do I fix this?
  5. See \'pretty much every other post about Minmus landings\'
  6. I\'m working on a carrier-lift vehicle. It\'s not going very well so far. There have been so many instances where it broke in half stationary on the runway, or crashed, or didn\'t take off properly, or took off before I discovered the hard way that it had too many wings on the front end.
  7. 1. Control surfaces. I understand them, but they do not understand me! They always attach the wrong way! They\'re ment to be parallel to the wings, yes? But they always end up sticking up in some manner of 90 degree angle! Why is that, and how may I fix it? This is a new feature. They didn\'t used to work like that. But you can still get horizontal surfaces by putting them on the wingtip. 2. Air-breathing engines. What, why, and how, gentlekerbs? Basically, these will not work in space. Less air - less thrust. 3. Trim. Is that...no, I actually have no idea. What is trim? Why would I want it? And how does it work? Elevons and airlerons. Like what most jet airliners use. 4. Mk2 and Mk3 fuselage. I apologise for my ignorance, but *what* are these? Mk2 is the smaller one. Use these on things like fighters and light bombers. Mk3 is the larger hull type, and this is for airliners, heavy bombers, and crazy Tim_Barrett designs. 5. RCS-Port-Linear. I know RCS. I do not know Port-Linear. This was in C7\'s Flight Pack. It\'s an RCS port pointing straight outwards, rather than to the sides like normal RCS. Used for pushing the ship around, rather than moving laterally. 6. Avionics Package. It says 'sensors' and 'computer'. Guess what? - WHAT? It\'s an ASAS, only smaller. 7. Rams. Evidently not meant for battering. Someone explain, please. Ramscoop, I think. Probably just something to make it look cool, and to give it the impression of looking like an engine. Haven\'t seen it myself. 8. The Tail Connector. It looks ridiculous, but surely it has some manner of purpose, yes? It\'s for putting tailplanes on. Basically, this is where the rear wings go on a small aircraft. 9. I accidentally dropped my original Kerbonauts (Bill, Bob and Jeb) in a command pod cum parachute somewhere half a continent north of the KSC, along the coast. How will I best go about retrieving them? Fly a plane there? Or just go up into space and try to drop down next to them? I just want to make sure they\'re OK. Plane. You\'d have more controlability, though it would take longer. Hope this helps.
  8. I find it funny that you see challenges to be the best thing that this part of the update can do for KSP. If I didn\'t already have the C7 Flight Pack, I\'d see this as a way of getting access to C7 parts much more easily than having to download everything.
  9. //TRANSMISSION FAILURE /PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE [THIS IS SAFIRAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR CALL.] //CONNECTING... //CONNECTION REESTABLISHED Hello there! Welcome to the Forums. I\'m RedDwarfIV, I\'m an active RPer, and I build a lot of stuff. I recommend you look at Tim_Barrett\'s ships, they are awesome. Also, my aerospace company - \'Veto Aerospace [VA]\' - produces a lot of designs no one else bothers with.
  11. In which case, you might as well have put a gun there instead. Two runway parts is too short, and too thin.
  12. I misread what he was saying, and it sounded like he said Pluto orbits itself.
  13. You\'re good at building things, yes, but I don\'t see how that transfers to controlability. Anything short of a flying bedstead, I couldn\'t imagine being able to put down on a deck so small. And a flying bedstead probably wouldn\'t have the range for it.
  14. I was thinking. Its funny how difficult it actually is to land anything on a carrier. How is anything, even a VTOL, going to land on your Yamato?
  15. I\'ll try that, but I\'m fairly sure the lack of struts are the problem.
  16. Well, it sort of worked, except there weren\'t enough struts on it. It only broke in half when I used Warp after landing, but the tilt was already there.
  17. But... it didn\'t show the grab-ship\'s return. Did it make it? If not, you just swapped one capsule for another.
  18. One picture at night That\'s the most 2001: A Space Oddysey Munolith base I\'ve seen so far.
  19. Makes me feel smug knowing I don\'t use any of those things.
  20. Take that, anti-stab vest! Oh, sorry officer.
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