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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. I think my Dad was in his armchair at the time.
  2. I\'m presuming he made it a coaxial so that he wouldn\'t need to go through a lot of trouble getting the maths just right to get it to spin the craft one way whilst having a second tail rotor push it the other. This is just simpler.
  3. I\'m not sure what to make of what you just said.
  4. I have to say it all started on the Madcomms forum when I thought, hey, wouldn\'t it be fun to RP a war between bronies and non-bronies? And then I made a group for it. And that group didn\'t disappear after the RP did. And then I brought it to other forums, as if I were somehow entitled to have a war on Bronies there. I\'m not, and that\'s what I\'ve realised. Discrimination comes in many forms. It probably lasted so long because I made the Bronies look like the bad guys. Its not hard to see where that idea comes from, with all the Borg refernces and images of ponies doing unusual things with \'haters gonna hate\' written over them, and the general idea that everyone will eventually become a brony. But the point is, once I\'d made them look like the bad guys, my moral ground gets shakey. I\'d feel like I\'m on the high ground, but what I was doing doesn\'t agree with that. It eventually resulted in my producing little banners for \'AMLPR\', that group I was talking about, which said \'Alert Condition\' and had a little description of what that meant. AC2, for instance, was \'Thread under surveillance\'. Even if these banners were intended not to cause offense, but to diffuse situations such as the posting of various pony memes, the fact is that it is still basically me telling others what to do. I\'m not a moderator here, I don\'t have that right. And on the TwoKinds forum, I posted this banner, twice. Several pages apart, but on the same thread. There was an argument that I thought had ended between myself and another user over whether the pony memes were on topic or not. Well, that was resolved when perhaps an hour later I recieved a private message from the founder of the site that the image was considered off topic spam, and that if I posted it again, I would be banned. That was realisation point. I thought about it. The site founder was himself a Brony, and to have sent me that PM he must have looked at the image. That I had offended the founder of the site without even realising it shocked me, and I thought about how the things I\'d said that were supposed to cause offense must have felt to the people reading them. So now I know what I\'ve done, and I know what not to do again. I won\'t say that should be enough, because similar to what I said earlier, its not my place to tell people what to do, and it certainly isn\'t my place to tell people when to forgive me.
  5. It has come to my attention that my interactions with fans on the popular TV programme My Little Pony, referred to as \'Bronies\', have been something far less than loving and tolerant - I myself described it as discrimination in a letter of apology to the TwoKinds forum. Obviously, discrimination is not acceptable. Perhaps is was the idea of defending myself against something that is obviously harmless, but has been made to look intimidating by some members of the Internet community that drew me in. But it is not my place to offer that \'defense\' to others, and as such, I officially dispersed the AMLPR on Madcomms.Freeforums.Org at 05:23 AM British Summer Time, 13 April 2012. It was a joke that got too serious, and I don\'t want to make the same mistake twice. Obviously just saying \'sorry\' will not repair the situation. I need to change. What I need to defend myself against now are my own flaws. All I needed was that they be pointed out.
  6. Market Rasen earthquake 2008. My Dad\'s armchair bounced.
  7. Indeed. Captain Kirk would surely be proud of this achievement. Actually, has there ever been an episode of Star Trek in which whatever captain of the series has been confronted by Grammar Nazis? Its an interesting thought, and I may have to use it in my webcomic.
  8. It\'s introduction was narrated by the same man who narrated a documentary about how dinosaurs actually just ate each other into extinction. I don\'t put any value on its science.
  9. And the Moon just happened to be in the right place for them to do it.
  10. I may need more efficient engines for that.
  11. Now see if you can build one that can sit on the ocean floor. Maybe there are Kerboliths down there?
  12. Launch all the beaurocrats into space on an evacuation Ark like the one from The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe that carried all the telephone sanitizers and such away from their home planet because they weren\'t wanted by society. Only this time, there won\'t be the problem of everyone dying of diseases spread by unsanitised telephones.
  13. This thread wouldn\'t exist if not for the World Wide Web. This conversation just wouldn\'t be the same by eMail.
  14. Unfortunately for me, ICT is one of those subjects I find incomprehensible. I don\'t plan on becoming a secretary, so I don\'t understand it. I did do all the work that the sheets said to do, but then I\'m told I was supposed to screenshot it. Then when I do all the screenshots, I\'m told I haven\'t done the work properly. Then no one marks it for a week so there\'s no time for me to fix the problems, and then I don\'t get to go on the Reward Trip. And I don\'t think the Marking Box was ever looked at.
  15. I had that problem. Until I called the police.
  16. That must be some class to override your love and tolerance.
  17. Tornadoes are, surprisingly, more common in Britain than in Ammerica. America just gets bigger ones.
  18. Funny to hear that word coming from and emphasized by a Brony.
  19. Just to let you all know, I\'m using a new art style for my work, which should give improved quality. It\'s the difference between this: And this:
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