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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. I just downloaded Rev2. It says its not available for my version of KSP. Rev1 worked fine. Do you know what the problem is?
  2. You won the country because it was on the other side of an ocean. Though I guess that\'s the risk we took when we did it in the first place. But that\'s no excuse against me calling you lot \'splitters\'. And its not so much an alliance as Prime Mininster after Prime Minister sucking up to Presidents.
  3. Pwned that station. Though it may violate this rule: Unless that only applied to instant orbit.
  4. As Jeremy Clarkson pointed out, we basically invented America. But you didn\'t like paying taxes for tea so you started throwing crates around.
  5. Its called Human Rights. Which, may I remind you, are not dictated by the World Police that is America, but by Geneva in Switzerland.
  6. You can\'t debunk a stereotype by saying \'some of us aren\'t like that\'. One of the few things actually invented in America was spray on cheese. Skip to 25:20 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7210015627953212186#
  7. Ok, so the music video goes like this. Woman [a featured singer] is sitting at a table in a restaurant, in a sort of production-line dating thing. Then the male singer comes in. Through the video he acts as three different people. The first is a DJ with large headphones and a T-shirt with \'Vamos\' printed on it. At first she likes him because he\'s funny, be then she thinks he\'s too loud when she sees him DJing at a club, so he goes. The second person is a man in a buisness suit. She likes him because he\'s charming, but halfway through the date his phone rings and its a buisness call that drags out. So he goes. Third person is the singer acting as himself, and he is supposed to be both funny and charming and the woman likes him. This is followed by some dancing in a room with walls made of blue light panels, and then it ends. The woman is blonde. I think in the dance scenes she\'s wearing a black outfit.
  8. That thing flew in real life. And then it crashed.
  9. Heck yes. A Christian who has not outright proclaimed Life Of Brian to be a heresy. Welcome to the club - my Dad [a Christian] has the Monty Python box set. Got to love that 'What have the Romans ever done for us?' scene.
  10. I was about to mention all about how pressure just so happens to be maintained by these craft we quaint solar system-bound beings like to call \'spaceships\'. And that this maintained pressure prevents us from undergoing rapid decompression.
  11. The Skypper [Pronounced \'Skipper\'] is Veto Aerospace\'s first military training aircraft. Specifications for such a craft were that it not be so highly maneuverable as to be dangerous to the pilot - who would likely be a cadet/rookie, that it be stable at high speed so as not to cause the pilot undue alarm, that it be easy to land, and that it be both cheap and economical. The cheap because, it has to be said, rookies and cadets are at the highest risk of pilot error of perhaps any airman outside of being in a missile lock. So it should be easily replacable if the craft is damaged, or worse, lost. It should be economical because training needn\'t cost a fortune. As such, the entire craft is propelled by a single pusher turbofan. Gliding is reasonable, acceleration is very good, maneuverability is ok for training purposes, and this is an all round easy to fly bird. They can be retrofitted for combat, though this is not recommended. Though they may make alright bombers - we just haven\'t tested this. Skyppers are very useful for small to medium sized countries looking to learn their air forces some skills. If a small country is out of options, they may make use of these for dual training and combat purposes - but expect heavy losses. For a small, cheap bomber that could be retrofit as an interceptor, see our Crescent. MODS =C7 =C7 Experimental =VA Tails [see attachments] PLUGINS =C7 landing gear =Blinking nav-lights =Damned Ind. Rev1
  12. 'Playing what we want untill a leopard can change its spots.' 'Playing what we want untill Jonathon Woss can shpeak his Rs pwoperly.' 'Sean Connery hash really found hish niche. Sshe wash behind the sshed talking wish hish nephfew.' 'Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.... The world\'s hottest... lesbian couple.' 'We have two important words for our old maths teacher. You\'re an idiot.' 'In an alternate universe, there is an evil version of Jack, that plays what you want.' 'Playing what we want until Swindon is twinned with Hell.' (If any of these is offensive in some way, PM me and I\'ll remove it [pending though on whether takedown request is sensible.])
  13. My cleaning routine: -Move the spare desktops into the cupboard. -Pick up bits of rubbish, put them in the bin. -Ensure no loose pieces of metal are on the floor. -Vacuum carpet. -Declutter desk. Done.
  14. You\'re attributing humankind\'s survival through eight genetic bottlenecks [at one point we were down to 1000 mating pairs] to a God, when really you should be attributing it to the simple fact that Humans are awesome at not dying. Whilst only a semi-non-fictional book, it is wholly relavent: Walking With Cavemen describes a Homo Sapiens couple walking across the Savannah during a drought. They come across a tree, and from underneath it the woman takes an ostritch egg. She removes a plug of grass from a hole in the top. Inside the egg is a large amount of water. The couple, and their child, share this water. They put the egg under the tree back when it last rained, knowing they would later need it. That human intelligence is exactly why we survived. No divine intervention nescersary. I think my family discovered I was atheist when the priest came round our house to ask if I wanted to be confirmed. I was evasive. Eventually, he asked me if I believed in God. I didn\'t answer. I still go to Church, and I sing the hymns and say the prayers. But the main reason I go is because I operate the Public Address System.
  15. I think what he means by \'piston\' is a block encased in blocks. The actual movement is made by hinges in the vehicle\'s joints. As for how hinges work, its not entirely clear. I can build an eight-wheel lorry and only have three of the wheels actually powered by a Vehicle seat. And they don\'t turn properly. And its Roblox Topic that\'s the worst forum. Roblox\'s RP has had a lot of pretty good threads. Examples include the Space Wars series, Star Empires, Spectrum Wars, and so many others that have fallen from the MyForums page.
  16. You do realise what forum you said that on? People will build the most expensive things that get no further than two hundred metres before exploding. THAT is expensive, especially considering the cost of life involved. And if you\'re able to get this down to ground level, I\'ll be pleasently surprised. With landing gear, what you do is not level it out, but try and get your descent speed as slow as possible. Even if your forward speed is something whacked out, if your landing gear is stable and your down speed is low, you shouldn\'t have a problem landing. I just drew this for you on Paint.NET. The \'Gentle Leveling\' is where your rear gear has touched down, but because the aircraft is angled up, the front gear wants to slam down. On a heavy craft, this can be disastrous. Make sure the gear goes down slowly. Same principle as landing as a whole. Of course, there are craft like my VA Crescent, which will pull wheelies for ages, and take off if you leave SAS off even after landing, because their front ends generate so much lift.
  17. H\'mm. It certainly looks effective. Say, you wouldn\'t happen to be free to remove an Anhinga from our test facility, would you? (Also, you might want to list the mods you\'ve used. For instance, I don\'t know where those bombs come from, so I can\'t use your .craft.)
  18. The Crescent is a small medium range bombing aircraft. It carries only two bombs, and releases them simultaneusly, but its small size and simple design means they are easily mass produced. The bombs have wings, and they glide very well. Crescents are also incredibly maneuverable. They can outperform any previous Veto Aerospace aircraft. At least, we think it can. Especially since it can do loop the loops under 50 metres tall, and no other VA aircraft has ever done that. Its turn speed is also very quick. Gliding is exceptional, especially unladen. This aircraft may do well as an interceptor if retrofit, though this has not been tested. To mark it out from other corporations\' aircraft, we\'ve painted our logo onto some delta wings and used them as tail fins. MODS =C7 =C7 Experimental =JellyCube Addon Parts =Veto Aerospace Logo Tails [see attachments] PLUGINS =C7 Retractable Landing Gear =Blinking Navlights [Claypool1] Bombing run: One of VA\'s old Anhinga types suffered a malfunction and crashlanded not far from the space centre. Rather than fix it, we decided it would make a good target for testing the Crescent\'s abilities. The crashed Anhinga En route Lining up Bomb drop Every aircraft is a Pinto Yes, the Anhinga is still there, and yes, the engines have been torn off the Crescent - But the bombs hit [Remember, these aren\'t even high explosive], and damage was done, and the problem with the engines can be fixed by making the landing gear taller. So, from this we know that the bombs work, they glide, and they can hit targets. We also discovered that the landing gear should be taller. We are going to act on information gathered, so that you - the customer - can get the very best from Veto Aerospace technology. Updated version: Landed, engines intact It was wheelying like this for about thirty seconds
  19. Skip to the part where he\'s testing the anti-wasp helicopter. That\'s about 2 minutes 50 seconds into the video.
  20. Secondary confirmation accepted. Passcode recognised. Progressing to system start process. Catastrophic Universal Neutralisation of Timestream process initiated. Weapon fire in T-45 seconds.
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