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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. Criticism helps. Though I don\'t intend to put it on DeviantArt. I\'m told its not actually a very good site for webcomics. I like my handdrawings too, but I don\'t have paints or colouring pens, or the skills to use them properly. Don\'t worry, my artwork is betting better as we speak - this was only the first sketch after all. I know shading, but I don\'t use it during image editing. It takes a lot of effort to come out with everything the right colour in the first place. And if I do need to have straight lines, that\'s one of the most basic tools MS Paint/Paint.NET has. I will bear in mind any feedback I\'m given, and I\'ll try to act on it. However, a lot of apparent problems with it are just my style of art [iE, not using rulers, not using the usual animator\'s \'draw an egg shape\' for the faces of most of my characters, though I have used it to good effect when drawing the other main character: Helen the engineer, who is human.] And using image editing software to give it colour is, I think at least, more important than the fine quality at the moment. So, to summarise, better artwork will come, but I have to get used to the tools I\'m working with now. One of my weakest points is drawing people, but I believe I\'m doing ok with that so far, and anything I can do to improve that should start to be done in anything under a month\'s time from now. I don\'t have Sordid\'s skills, but hey, mine could be a semi-weekly. I already have about six stories planned and I\'m only on the second sketch.
  2. I\'d thought about that. Do remember I only started work on this yesterday though. I will be drawing \'sets\' for various parts of the ship that are likely to be used more than once. That includes Renaza\'s room, the Drive Room, engineering and the vehicle bay. Anyone want to know why \'ATMOSPHERE CONTROL\' was written in English rather than Haikovan?
  3. Since this is already involving my main RP race, I\'ve decided to incorporate several other RPs of mine into the storyline - including Oilstars [weird stars that look beautiful, except suddenly you find gas creatures rampaging through your holiday liner], an Explorer 3 class probe, a Terran Defence Force Sneak Recon ship, Search And Rescue in Space [sARS] and pretty much any other space RP theme I\'ve ever come up with. I ain\'t gong to be short on plot-arcs.
  4. As you can see, things get moved around. That Atmospheric Control Rod for instance, got moved further to the right, whilst the wall screen was moved to the other wall. I also moved Renaza\'s eyes further down in the image edited version.
  5. Actually, I \'trace\' over something I draw on paper. Funny thing is, I can use my low-res\' camera since the image quality doesn\'t matter in the finished thing.
  6. Ok, I\'ve made my first sketch! I\'d like feedback, I\'d like ideas for shenanagins. Since the web-comic community is pretty much agreed that building a buffer of sketches before starting up is a good idea, I\'ll be busy working on that, and I\'m going to leave setting up a website until later. That\'s the confusing and frustrating but surprisingly easy part.
  7. I did this: among other things for my upcoming webcomic. [EDIT] Spoilered the big picture.
  8. Why hello there. I like wearing my coat indoors, yes. I wear my kagoul indoors all the time.
  9. By the way, the engineer is standing on a stool because Haikovans are tall, not because she\'s unusually short.
  10. For the past day I\'ve been thinking about making a webcomic. I\'ve done some artwork, too. I need to improve on it, but hey, XKCD is stickmen and look how popular it is. I wanted to name it something along the lines of \'IMPACT\', but I couldn\'t seem to come up with a good name based on it. Then I thought of \'RankAmateur\'. The name, somehow, hadn\'t been taken already. Any artworks I post here may be modified later on. Feel free to point out any proportions I\'ve got wrong or things that don\'t look right - IE, the size of Renaza\'s head [too small] and the direction her right eye is pointing [makes it look as if her iris is at the very edge of her head.] By the way, Renaza is the Haikovan Mission Controller on the left. The one on the right is an engineer, and I don\'t have a name for her. Here\'s the start of a possible sketch. In this one, Renaza\'s left arm is too thin. And here\'s the context. The storyline is set around a HSD ship. The Mission Controller is Renaza Talinar. The ship is sent on an unimpressive mission to sort out a bar fight on a Pleasure Cruiser. The ship suffers some damage on the way there, including the loss of several engineers. Luckily, however, they come across a short-range but interstellar skiff with an engineer on board. That\'s where the luck ends - the engineer is suffering from mental trauma, having been forced to use a transporter [like the ones from Star Trek.] The transporter itself didn\'t cause the engineer to have the breakdown, rather that along with a large number of people she is of the belief that when transporters take someone apart and put them back together somewhere else, the original is dead. The person now wandering around is just a copy. Having that belief and then being that copy can cause severe cases of personality dissassociation. In the storyline, its a well documented condition. So, they have an engineer who doesn\'t want to believe that they are who they would seem to be. Problem is, the original was working on very important research, which could have dire consequences for a large section of the galaxy. And because of the engineer\'s condition, she isn\'t in a state to be conveying that information to anyone. Renaza\'s mundane mission to sort out a bar fight ends up as a race to save trillions of lives, and everything rests on a mentally unstable woman who won\'t come to terms with her own existance. And, of course, a lot of interstellar shenanigans happen along the way.
  11. Its not the look I was going for, but yeah, there is resemblance...
  12. Yours didn\'t have any safeguards against trolling or flaming. It was basically a \'flame bait\' thread, and thats why Skunky stopped it.
  13. Damn it, I expected that to not have ponies in it. I hit play, saw the ponies, and closed the spoiler. But it started playing anyway. So I opened the spoiler and tried to stop it as fast as possible. But you know how when you click an embedded YouTube player, it comes up in a new window? Yeah. So now I have to delete my history so no one gets the wrong ideas.
  14. Paint.NET. Though I drew it by hand first, then basically traced over it in the image editor.
  15. Yes, I know I drew her arms the wrong proportions. Yes, she is an alien, and that\'s why her head is that shape.
  16. Caution: equestria.zip has been corrupted Please reinstall or ========== STOP ERROR ========== WINDOWS An error has occurred. To continue: Press Enter to return to Windows or press CTRL + ALT + DEL to restart your computer. If you do this, you will lose any unsaved information in all open applications. Error: 0E : 016F : BFF9B3D4 PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE _
  17. Funny how the majority of this thread has been dedicated not to being an MLP megathread but a forum for how it should be set up, how to stop people trolling, and how to keep the servers from going \'nope\'. I approve of all three obviously, I\'m just surprised there wasn\'t a planning thread for all this beforehand. Anyhoo, enjoy posting stuff about ponies here. I\'m off to protect the RP forum. That\'s where all the danger and adventure is.
  18. Look at the \'Global Announcements\' box. Now think about just how out of control that situation must have become for it to warrant a global announcement.
  19. MarriageCounsellor.exe has been started. Discontinue counselling sessions and continue marriage so you never have to see marriage counsellor ever again? [YES] [NO] [CANCEL] [HELP!]
  20. Spoilered by request since its such a big picture. Phone users - this is something I came up with that looks like a computer screen for the Anti-My Little Pony Resistance Research institute. In case it wasn\'t clear to everyone by now, I\'m not a fan of the franchise.
  21. I\'m sad now. No one quoted my reference to Ghostbusters.
  22. Yes. But since I\'m normally in no way interested in fantasy, the fact that I liked it is interesting in itself.
  23. Planning to make the rear wings longer. It might make up the lift needed. Also, water landings are not recommended. They are survivable. The Cyclone section will be damaged with or without the war section, so it is best to attempt water landings with it in order that as much of the craft be salvagable as possible.
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