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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. At least his arms reach the controls. T-Rexes were scavengers.
  2. I\'m sure Mata has done something along these lines. Haven\'t found it, so it must be in his Trouble Down Pit webcomic. In the meantime, enjoy this error message. http://www.matazone.co.uk/animpages/em/woe.html
  3. The craft is Softwing, and Mt Saline is in the mountain range closest to KSC. The Softwing doesn\'t have much in the way of range.
  4. Problem - the decoupler I\'m using is apparently the only one strong enough to hold the plane to the carrier. But the decoupler is so big that it tears half the wings and takes off the engine. This is the normal result of using a different one. What decoupler did you use?
  5. Its difficult, since the decoupler always seems to get in the way.
  6. (Because I thought Mattyprince was on to something.) The Softwhale air to sea carrier is still in its prototype stages, but already proves promising. It has good flight characteristics, and nothing important breaks off when it meets the sea. A full runway has yet to be added. It carries one Softwing-type Interceptor aircraft. The wing detachment takes inspiration from the Hermies class, of which VA does not claim ownership. Softwhale on water. Displaying the detached forward wings. At speed.
  7. I thought you meant SATS, and I thought \'aren\'t those being phased out\'? I was thinking of the wrong continent, and I added a letter.
  8. If you\'re allowed to land just the capsule of an entire rocket on a mountain to complete this challenge, can you qualify with just the cockpit of a spaceplane? Because if I can, then I\'m third. Mount Saline.
  9. Tried to climb a peak in a plane. Somehow it tripped on a tile border and exploded. It had been running across then fine for ages. My second attempt was a lot more successful. Yes, the cockpit came off. But the point is, once I add RCS to this thing, I\'m laughing. I\'ll be able to get over little ridges like the one I crashed on.
  10. Sarcasm doesn\'t translate well over Ford Prefect.
  11. Some instructions. When in flight, do not use SAS or Precision Controls. They mess with the agility, and increases crashrate tenfold. After taking off at full throttle, go down to anything between 1/5 and no throttle. It can glide well, and this keeps fuel economy high. It also makes it easier to do performances. When landing, attempt to find a long stretch of flat ground. Line the plane up, and level it out. Turn on SAS and Precision Controls [usually Caps Lock.] Throttle down to 1/10, and use WASD controls to keep it both lined up and level. It should go down gently, but make sure it doesn\'t pitch forward too much. It has a tendancy to do that. There is no ASAS. I\'ve been having problems with that. See what sort of stunts you can pull, I\'ve had some fun seeing just how much better this flies than my normal designs.
  12. The Softwing is a highly agile Long TakeOff and Landing [LTOL] aircraft, capable of some stunning feats, among which are terrain flying and loop-the-loops, though we are certain that there are a hundred more tricks this bird can play in the right hands. Whilst most VA craft are interesting, or even amazing in their own ways, this plane takes the biscuit. As our test pilot put it, 'She\'s a whole new breed.' Softwing in flight. Softwing on the ground. The Softwing is capable of landing safely with extensive damage. However, the forward port wing did come off after touchdown. ======== MODS USED ======== -C7 -C7 Experimental -C7 Hardpoints -Sunday Punch SP-5 Vertical Stabiliser -NovaSilisko T-2 Strake
  13. Suddenly I realise that all this time the Kestrel was just a proof of concept, a prototype for the technologies used in the Ibis. For it failed as a plane, though it could go to the Mun.
  14. Paint.NET. I would say \'pwned\' but then some sucker would probably try telling me that Photoshop [something they\'d have had a pay for] was better.
  15. I thought the Triebflugel was interesting.
  16. I used them on the Ibis and Kestrel. Then again, the Ibis does at least have the capability of making a landing by itself. Which is why I built it. The Kestrel was far too big, and it couldn\'t LTOL.
  17. I told this to someone on my schoolbus who pretends to be Hitler and Mussulini, among other dictators.
  18. A flying aircraft carrier? Dirk Valentine and the Fortress Of Steam
  19. Its turret looks like a German helmet.
  20. In my experience, the Silisko Edition RCS radial tanks deplete in seconds. Are they supposed to?
  21. Its illegal to put swastikas on things in Germany. Also, they probably wanted to use it for flying planes around. They did have a heavy water manufacturing facility.
  22. Whoever made Patient Zero. Because no one intelligent enough to design it would let it find ways of killing the most civilians.
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