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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. I noticed when testing missiles that jettisoned stages usually disappear once their engines/SRBs are off, especially if they aren\'t in your field of view. Though I\'m not entirely sure, as once in a Munar orbit I dropped a large fuel tank and engine. It went down slowly, not fast enough for me to lose sight of it. But after a while it went out of view of my camera, and I never saw it after that.
  2. Oh, wait, I thought you were asking me to judge your tech war.
  3. Whilst the Shiva clearly has impressive functionality, Tim\'s range of craft are, it must be said, a lot more aesthetically pleasing. Also, the firing pattern is a lot better thought out. The Shiva has a huge amount of tanks sitting next to each other, each a flat surface facing forwards. Even if you did put nosecones on them, it just wouldn\'t look as professional.
  4. Needs to be a spaceship. Kerbol orbits are good. Basically, you want some boosters to get a massive hulk of a cool-looking spaceship into space.
  5. Biology experiments hardly ever work. And its \'CAM\' (Crassulacean acid metabolism) plants that have to open their stomata at night.
  6. Ok. And anyway, the OP doesn\'t specify like I did in my version of the challenge.
  7. I meant which module. Because it appeared to be made entirely from boosters, liquid tanks, habitation modules and a capsule.
  8. My first attempt. Not particularly impressive.
  9. Since my last challenge [which no one seemed interested in] involved using mostly balanced parts, this challenge will be all about precision configuration [as you try to make insanely powerful boosters or liquid engines that don\'t tear your ship apart], and your ability at construction. Basically, build a spaceship Jeb will be proud of, then mod some engines to get it into space. In this case, Jeb will surprisingly be asking for a ship that looks as cool as possible, with at least some functionality. Boosters are appreciated, but not nescersary.
  10. Well, 7 is what I heard. And what you build will be one of a fleet of escape ships. So i suppose you could get Kerbals going EVA to swap crew members. And flywheels don\'t last as long as batteries do, though their output is far more variable. I put them as emergency secondary power sources.
  11. In low light conditions, plants don\'t photosynthesise. They respire. And what you don\'t want on a spacestation is just another life form sapping your oxygen. The plants make the oxygen, the Kerbals make the CO2. That\'s how it works.
  12. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! IDENT: SARS SPECIAL CAPTAIN REDDWARF \'SARSS.Cat Scratch\'
  13. Based on 707\'s 2012 Survival challenge, this has a little more structure to it. Your task is to construct a rocket or spaceplane capable of keeping the Kerbal race going following the destruction of Kerbin through means unexplained. However, here there are a few rules. ========================================= -Balanced parts [with the exception of all C7 parts bar the tiny little fuel tank.] -Solar collectors may only be used with ELP [Extremely-Low-Power] engines. [This includes any kind of ion engine, lander thruster or small radial liquid thruster.] + 8 bonus for asymmetry. + 5 bonus for Mun landings. + 3 bonus for Munar orbits. + 3 bonus for Kerbol orbits. + 1 bonus for extra Kerbals. -There is no cryogenic suspension, so no sending Kerbals into deep space. ========================================= And this is the most important part - the nescesities. Scientists recently discovered [through dubiously legal means] that you need only ten Kerbals to achieve a genetic pool large enough to rule out inbreeding as a major problem. Therefore, your craft must be able to carry at least ten Kerbals. Oxygen is, of course, not self-replenishing, and your craft will need to carry [potted?] plants. Each Kerbal requires two plant points. Though inbreeding will not be a major problem, the ethics people don\'t like it, so bonus points for the more Kerbals your craft can carry. Your craft must be robust, able to survive the harsh environments it comes across. Your ship must have at least six Survivability Points. Once you have met all requirements, extra points are converted to bonuses. As there is no requirement for Ethics points, they are basically a bonus already. The person with the most bonus points wins. At the end of the competition, I will be choosing at random [using this: http://www.matazone.co.uk/animpages/bouncing_cow_luck_test_game.html] whether Kerbin is actually destroyed. If your craft can return to Kerbin if Kerbin has indeed survived, you will recieve fifteen bonus points. Three or more bouncing cows means Kerbin survives. However, before that, I will be using the bouncing cows to decide whether your primary power source fails [damaged solar panels or a radiation leak, depending on your primary power source.] [Rocket fuel generators and Physics Module batteries count as secondary power sources, and are not susceptible to damage] Also, having eight or more Survivability Points will allow you to repair your primary power source quickly. This means you can bypass this problem entirely. Only six survivability points means it will take until your emergency power runs down to fix your engines, so not having an emergency source would disqualify you. ========================================= Different modules have different capabilities. =Habitation modules= A 1 meter Hab can carry two Kerbals in comfort, or three squashed together. -1 ethics point for the second option. A 2 meter Hab module can carry five Kerbals. [if they exist.] Wet Workshops are allowed. They carry the same number of Kerbals as Hab modules. -1 ethics point for forcing Kerbals to live in a fuel tank. =Cabin modules= Cabin modules are your capsules or the equivalent. A 1 meter Cabin can carry three Kerbals. A 2 meter Cabin can carry six Kerbals or three Kerbals and a rack of plants. +3 plant points for the second option. +1 ethics point for the second option, as the pilots get fresh air. A remote control/Probe \'Cabin\' carries no Kerbals, as it is piloted from ground. However, they are generally less heavy. -1 ethics point, as Science has shown KSP pilots are more likely to crash when their own lives are not at stake. =Science modules= Science modules are useful. They allow you to do things. A Science module may carry one Kerbal. However, they do have plus points. You may chose to make your Science modules one of three types. Points are doubled for 2 meter modules. Biology Modules can carry plants. +4 plant points Chemistry Modules allow maintainance work on the ship. +2 ethics points +3 Survivability points Physics Modules allow environmental research or they may carry batteries. +3 ethics points +2 Survivability points.for the first option. + Night-time Power for the second option. + Emergency Power for the second option. =Communications modules= Communications can be comprised of anything from a satellite to a dish attatched to an SAS device. These allow your vessel to recieve communcations from other escape ships, any Munar satellites you might want to get information from, and to talk to Ground Control. This will be morall boosting, as it gives your crew and passengers conclusion. It will also tell your vessel whether Kerbin has, in fact, been destroyed or not. +4 Ethics points. + Ability to return. =Power Modules= Power modules can be made from disused engines with fuel remaining, to nuclear power from converted NERVA thrusters to solar panels. Bear in mind that for vessels that may enter shade, there must be power during night. Power is required. It is needed for lighting, which feeds your plants, it is needed for your computers, and it is needed to use communications modules. Solar panels + Daytime power Physics Module + Nighttime power + Emergency power NERVA engine +Long term power Disused fuel + Emergency power SAS +Emergency power ========================================= If I have missed anything, please tell me so i can rectify it. Thanks to Gabyalufix, for SAS as power.
  14. Gaby, where does your lander\'s life support come from?
  15. I wonder who will ally with one of the countries with veto and pretend to be Israel? Because as much as I don\'t hate Jews, Israel\'s behaviour since its formation has been quite abominable. It bombed a UN compound, killing a large number of civilians. And it claims Arab land because \'God said its theirs\'. Well that\'s what Allah told the Muslims. Doesn\'t mean its any less valid. And since its invalid anyway, and the only reason Israel is still a UN country is because its the only country in the Middle East who has good relations with America, and America can veto and pull economic strings until the cows come home. And the cows are currently drifting off into space. ...that means Israel won\'t be leaving the UN any time soon.
  16. Tell me, do you come from down under? Where women blow and men plunder? Can\'t you hear, can\'t you hear the thunder? You\'d better run, and you\'d better take cover. Because I accidentally the whole space centre.
  17. Tried making a 25 hab module launch vehicle. The result was this: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5439.0
  18. Batteries? I hope you aren\'t reffering to that very same electrical storage device that leaked inside my torch and stopped it working? Battery acid leaking all over a space station doesn\'t sound fun. But if it doesn\'t leak, I congratulate you on an interesting design.
  19. Veto Aerospace is going to have to find a new CEO. Again. Though this time its because he was disheartened by the successes of another space program\'s work, rather than having messed something up and subsequently being shot from a Predator at in incoming missile.
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