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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. The Veto Aerospace Sentry is an LTOL cruiser capable of carrying pretty much any kind of weapon, though its small size compared with some other manufacturers\' cruisers means it cannot carry so many weapons. It is capable of repeated takeoff and landing, both with and without the war section. It should be noted that this is still in development, and is tail heavy. It has not been tested with weapons yet. The war section, if damaged or out of fuel, can be jettisoned. Current furthest range in testing was 182Km, flight ceiling at 9000m. Please bear in mind that by the end of this, the war section was gone, and the Cyclone had broken apart on impact. The crew survived.
  2. The Cyclone 2 is an improved, more compact version of the Cyclone - which proved to be distastrous with whatever launch stage it was sat on. This was determined to have been caused by the massive wings it had, and on looking at designs by other large cruiser manufacturers, it was decided that the wings should be stubby and run as much of the length of the craft as possible. It has not been tested on a launch stage as of yet, but the engineers are hopeful. This LTOL beast can not only land, but take off too. This feature, it must be noted, is only available when landing on a flat plain. The image below shows a safely landed Cyclone 2 that is unable to take off, having toppled over due to being on a sloping plain. It has very good fuel economy, and reasonable agility. Will flip out violently if ASAS is left off at 2X warp, but it can recover from this. However, the landing difficulties have been remedied with this version - it has an undercarriage designed to spread the weight as evenly as possible, so no falling over. However, it does carry the risk of that the landing gear can damage the craft itself under some conditions. In fact, it works even better with pontoons fitted. We\'ve tested it as a seaplane. Like the original Cyclone, its faced with an inability to take off [on water, its fine with land]. But at least you can recover it.
  3. Windows has been shut down incorrectly SAFE MODE SAFE MODE with networking SAFE MODE with command prompt START WINDOWS NORMALLY RESTART from last known settings that worked EVACUATE the dance floor
  4. Six Day War -> Facebook post Bombing of Gaza -> Shooting the laptop Intifada -> [didn\'t happen] Of course, that\'s rendered irrelavent by your evidence, Darrknox.
  5. I\'d like to stress that since I moved to Secondary School, my general behaviour and manners have improved drastically, and by no means was this to do with parental discipline. I haven\'t had a smack from my parents since I was in about Year 3, when I said a girl\'s name in front of her over and over for about five minutes. My parents didn\'t actually know what had happened at the time, just that the mentioned girl had complained about it. I had issues when I was in Primary School. I was badly behaved. Once, in assembley, I was feeling overly boisterous. The teacher who was running the assembley put some music on that I didn\'t actually recognise. But when he asked 'does anyone know who sang this?', I shouted out 'was it you?' It was only a few years ago I discovered that song had been sung by The Muppets. The point is this, you don\'t have to shoot your daughter\'s laptop for being badly behaved. A reprimand is called for, but not like that. I barely ever get in trouble at school any more. I\'ve only had one Red Card detention, and one After School detention. The Red Card was for missing a few homeworks. The After School was for being completely at a loss when I was in my German Oral exam. I only chose German because my parents said I had to do a language - that\'s how much I listen to what my parents tell me. Though the turning point may have been when my dad bought me a CRT TV to replace the one inherited from my great grandmother, that only showed BBC 2. He told me it would be taken away if I was bad. I\'m sure I have had incedents since then, and the TV wasn\'t taken away. But what I\'m saying is that from then on I had something to be good for. More recently, I\'ve been good for the sake of being a nice person, and its worked out pretty well.
  6. You think its silly. I think its the same principle.
  7. Heroin was classed as \'non-addictive\'. ...
  8. There should be a link in the video. Just not a hyperlink. Also, as I\'ve said, I don\'t have Facebook. So I can\'t go to that link. And my opinion is that this guy seriously doesn\'t understand the reasons why the American Constitution ever gave US citizens the right to carry guns - for defense against us, the British, and therefore for self-defense. Teenagers have things called \'hormones\'. Lots of them. And \'hormones\' cause emotional outbursts. If his daughter felt particularly bad, she might well do something like that. Its called \'the right to free speech\'. If your daughter has trouble relating to you, try and make relations better. Making them worse is exactly why the Gaza Strip is home to extremists against Israel, and is controlled by militant Palestinian group Hamas. Israel destroyed everything they had, and has denied them the materials to rebuild with. So now you get suicide bombers and tragic happenings, because some of the Palestinians there feel they have nothing left to lose.
  9. This was posted on Madcomms.Free-Forums, by user Dartyi. It was posted on TommyJordanii\'s Facebook account by her father. My reaction was 'Makes me glad I neither use Facebook, swear, be disrespectful to my parents, or have a dad who owns a .45.'
  10. The Cyclone escape lander is a single-use emergency escape vehicle, for use on only the most important heavy cruisers, and for capital/flagship attack air/spacecraft. It can land without assistance from its engines, is equipped with ASAS, and can be fitted with weapons as custom. For use on single-use cruisers [ones where the main section is not designed to land eg. orbital attack cruisers/things which are too massive for landing gear] or vessels whose crews need to survive for prestige, even if the war section is damaged or destroyed.
  11. I\'ve got something going. See the Cyclone thread when I post it.
  12. You\'ve built about six types of cruiser around this size. I\'ve built two. So it may be a while before I can get a style working, let alone a monster sized flagship. Though I\'ll have a go.
  13. Trust me, this has a lot of control already. Though I didn\'t put any aeilerons on the forward wings for ease of landing - too much control would make is far too difficult to land it without ASAS.
  15. The Anhinga is a cruiser-style aircraft, the second of Veto\'s attempts. The first - the Sea Vulture-type - was more unstable, and the Anhinga was the result of what was learned from it. With good glide time, reasonable agility for a craft its size, and the ability to carry a large number of bombs or missiles, it can certainly hold its own in terms of usefullness. It has an unusually good ability to land, though having the engines running is a must. Over long flights, great care should be taken that it not use all fuel. A rework of the Sea Vulture may happen in the future. REQUIRES -C7 -C7 Experimental V3 NovaSilisko\'s ML-22 Lander Legs HSTW Landing Skids
  16. The AMLPR currently advises all persons of a sane and/or non-Bronyist condition to keep clear of this thread. Levels of \'what\'s going on in this thread? Oh lawd\' are reaching critical levels, and the AMLPR hopes to retain as many sensible persons as possible before the contents of this thread become hazardous. I say again:
  17. I did name it after your thread. I\'ll put up a subtitle describing what an S/VTOL is so we don\'t have this confusion. But I don\'t think the title needs to be changed.
  18. My point is that its being able to land that slowly means it could go in the VTOL Lounge instead. Not that I\'m asking you to remove it - VTOLs are included, with less restrictions.
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