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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. Its a legitamate concern. The brony community is highly extroverted. When you mix a highly extroverted community with a TV show intended for small children [but happens to have some adult humour], you will get people who resent it. You brought the haters on yourselves by trying to \'love and tolerate\' everyone until you were shoving love and tolerance down people\'s throats. I can get along with bronies. I\'d just prefer that they kept their viewing interest mostly within their own community. So you think its a good program, well tell someone who you think will like it. Not some 16 year old British person who is more interested in how cow farts help cause global warming than a children\'s TV show starring sub-equines.
  2. Britain has a lot of idiots. I refer you to the English Defense League. [CAUTION: Some swearing, and satire on racism] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFfQiXLOON0
  3. To quote some comedian: 'Sure the NHS ain\'t great, but it works.' And if its not broken, don\'t fix it.
  4. Hence why there have been many calls for him to be sacked. That he has not been sacked is proof of my point. This is a man who, whilst dressed in graduation robes, had a pie shoved in his face by a protester. Also, National Health Service. My visits to the GP, those times in hospital, paid for by tax. No expensive bills for my parents when I somehow manage to break my arm and an X-ray needs to be taken.
  5. Shame for me that Dogstar isn\'t on YouTube. I liked that programme.
  6. Does the Orbital Construction plugin count as \'Instant Orbit\'? Because damn, that will definately have more than three stages. Hell, have the DockingNode in a Munar orbit, if that works. Should do, after all its supposed to teleport to within 10 Km, at whatever speed the DockingNode is going, in whatever direction the DockingNode is going. I think. You could build a Munar city with that [and a Cray-2 to siphon some processing power from.]
  7. I have to say, it was a very similar pony. The bit at the start about \'Fluffy fluffy bunnies\' is over quickly. Quickly and professionally. It\'ll be more funny if I don\'t explain how and you just watch. The Secret Show - Secret Sleep
  8. Several hours ago. Just to make it clear, I do not actually intend to commit arson, let alone on a building as important as Broadcasting House, let alone at half past one in the morning. [it is now 4:55 AM.]
  9. How in all that\'s holy did you come to the conclusion that anyone could take seriously a man who can walk onto the One Show and call suicide victims \'selfish\'? He makes a lot of valid points, but this isn\'t one of them. A lot of Americans ARE fat. There can be no denying it. However, there is an island near Fiji where damned near everyone eats corned beef and pork roast for almost every meal. That island has the highest obesity rate of any country. So, once again to dispel the myth, America is NOT the world\'s leading country in obesity.
  10. Alter their signature to say \'You need to change this account\'s password. Seriously. Anyone could log in.'
  11. I looked it up on YouTube. There was one scene I cringed at. 'This isn\'t any little pony. This is MY little pony.' The pony she was flying on the back of proceeded to transform into a sort of bright pink half pony half fighter jet abomination that fired some missiles at Doctor Doctor [the evil genius], which then exploded into flowers that did no harm to her whatsoever. For some reason, I was the one breathing a sigh of relief at that last part. If the entire storyline had led up the the main characters being saved by a pony, I might well have attempted to incinerate the BBC\'s Broadcasting House.
  12. I\'ve noticed a similar effect when one of my aircraft shook itself into two sections in the upper atmosphere. The lower section then broke into two more sections, one of which broke up entirely. The scattered debris rained down from the sky - but the two sections that had held together [not counting the part I could still control] disappeared.
  13. I can assure you, it is not Take On Me by A-Ha.
  14. You know that more people in China have a mobile phone than have shoes?
  15. As Clarkson pointed out in the video I posted, 'Americans go to space in space suits. The British go to the edge of space in lounge suits.' We should have kept Concorde running for the simple fact that its a bloody marvellous piece of engineering brilliance. We built an airliner that went twice the speed of sound eight years before Dr.Martin Cooper finished developing the handheld/mobile/cell phone.
  16. 'Geography' =/= 'That\'s a country.'
  17. Look on top of the device\'s base. There\'s a little spot that is green in one image and red in another.
  18. Well maybe the underslung version could go on planes/spaceplanes.
  19. I want to use this, but I don\'t like the AWACS design. I\'d use it if one were made that looked like this though: Plus, this is downfacing for ground imaging, which is exactly what this Muon detector is supposed to be doing.
  20. I pasted MuMech into some folder where there was only a MuMech.dll. Not sure how that happened, but I fixed it now.
  21. I talked to my Dad about this. The Department Of Defense, yes Americans, invented Internetworking, so therefore the Internet. That\'s computers talking to each other. The Internet is how you send eMails. The British invented the World Wide Web, which is where you get the \'www.\' part of a site address from. Without that, you would not be looking at this Forum.
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