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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. Note the "Fusion Industries" logo on the left. At least according to the Wikia, Mr Fusion Home Energy Generators were available in 2015.
  2. Supposedly neutrinos had "mutated" into a form that interacts with other forms of matter more often, resulting in the Earth being heated up.
  3. Sorry to be off-topic, but I had to respond to this. The NHS only uses homeopathy for palliative care - in other words, to make someone who is already dying feel better. It is not used in lieu of actual effective medicine.
  4. If there is one, I can't find it.
  5. Just tried this. KSP just closes without asking if I'm sure.
  6. I want to go back to 1.2, but I can't because there's no download on the KSP store page. The Tracking Station is majorly bugged. Its not listing any of my vessels, even though I can see some of them orbiting Kerbin, and my comsats still have the relay lines. The "Leave Facility" button is not responding.
  7. Do you have any engineers in the workshop? When I launched my base, there were two Kerbals in the Launch Pad. They actually put productivity at like -0.25, so I got the 0% forever thing. Then I put an engineer in the workshop, connected it to the pad and that worked fine.
  8. Near Future Electrical and Kerbal Attachment System. You can move EnrichedUranium around if its in the same ship, right?
  9. So... Ignore resource recipes, just land a can of Enriched Uranium near my base once I have enough science to research those? Okay.
  10. Thanks for the response! How do I create a resource recipe?
  11. Oooooooh. I was assuming that because I didn't have Kethane installed (allowing me to not have to have fuel for the ships before launch (strictly speaking, I'd like to do it, but with stock mining, not Kethane)) all resources would be transferred. You're saying that for my ships with nuclear reactors on them, I need to have a supply of EnrichedUranium available at my base?
  12. Is it just me that wants the Navy LaWS turret to be a thing alongside the YAL-1?
  13. I built about six different spaceplanes in 1.0.5 Career, trying to build one without the advantage of RAPIER engines. None of them could reach orbit. Then I built the Star Quake, and found that it could reach orbit with plenty of fuel to spare. I use it as a surface-to-LKO lifeboat and personnel transport. Right now, I don't have any craft that might possibly need more than three Kerbals, so this is great. Google Drive Download I cpouldn't find any other non-RAPIER SSTOs for 1.0.5 on the Internet, so hopefully this will help out anyone with a similar problem.
  14. Since 0.90, I have been having problems running only a few mods. It keeps crashing every twenty minutes or so, which can be very irritating when I'm trying to video capture (it corrupts the footage) or sometimes when I stop and restart video capture. I spent several days before 1.0 released unable to play KSP because 0.90 wouldn't work when I tried adding mods to it.
  15. In which a Kerbal discovers the supernatural world of ragdoll physics
  16. For some reason the little pictures of the Kerbals in the bottom right hand corner was just showing black and grey.
  17. Damn it, I checked YouTube for ones with names like that! Oh well. I'll look at your video, maybe I'll get some ideas from it. I already have one big idea on how to make my series (if I make one) unique - Fighting for KerbinSide launch sites. [EDIT] ... DAMN IT CAN'T I HAVE ONE ORIGINAL IDEA
  18. I thought you'd got a new, larger Alcubierre drive mod. I was simultaneously impressed by your building skills and depressed by there not being a warp drive mod for large vessels.
  19. If I were to make a Kerbal war series it would look something like this:
  20. Built an asteroid harvesting station over Kerbin. It should serve until I can get an ISRU station over Minmus, a fuel depot into Kerbin orbit, and a fuel transport to transfer stuff between the two. Needs more solar panels though. The conveter takes a lot of electricity.
  21. My Grandad has Alzheimers, and is only rarely lucid. He usually doesn't remember anything recent. But he can remember what he did as a child, and he talked to me at length about what he did in World War 2. He is also perfectly capable of following a daily routine - which includes using toilets and washing. So when you say "immortal senile people will be rolling around in their own filth, completely incapable of independent action", I'm not inclined to believe that you're right.
  22. Bill Phil, Camacha, a mod's already been here to say stop talking about who was better than who in the space race. Get over it, both of you. I don't imagine there would be a lot of difference, although as some have mentioned, it might have resulted in the shuttle being ignored. The Shuttle was cool and all, but it was really inefficient and it never did meet its projected turn-around times. I imagine the US could have used the money on more productive things. The ISS might also be bigger, due to use of automated dockings rather than the EVA work forced by using the Shuttle. We might have an L2 station by now, too.
  23. That's a female Kerbal from something I drew two years ago. If there was a mod that made female Kerbals look like that (as in, sensibly sized ones, not gag boobs), I'd install it.
  24. I'm pretty sure I just downloaded SPC's Expanded Bases, Kerbal Konstructs, Oceania and all of the download packs. At the time I didn't realise All-In-One was a thing. Then I redownloaded it but with All-In-One, and the approach lights and huge radio telescope were gone. I haven't been able to get them back since. I was hoping someone would know, but if not, I guess I'll try to replicate how I did it the first time and go from there.
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