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Everything posted by Volcanix

  1. I don't think KER is a really gameplay-changing mod. It just provides information, it doesn't change anything. I also use it and it's really practical to know how many ∆V your ship has.
  2. How should you test launch clamps on other planets without changing something in the game files? My craziest contract till now was to test a Small Gear Bay on an escape trajectory out of Kerbin..
  3. Volcanix


    Hey there and welcome to the forum If you've got questions, first read this, it may answer some of your questions and it's also really helpful otherwise: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48073-Forum-FAQ-–-Answers-for-New-Users Have fun! Volcanix
  4. Maybe it works because I'm using OS X, but I don't think so.
  5. How can KSP ever get boring? Yeah, sometimes the contracts are a bit … Confusing. I mean, why do I need to test Small Gear bay on an escape trajectory out of kerbin?
  6. Hey guys, I hope this is the right section to post this. It's not a direct question related to gameplay, but I've really got no idea where to post this. I wanted to ask you for your .. opinions? Nah. Read on. I just wanted to make a little poll because I'm interested in which gamemode you're playing and why, and if you use mods, please write it down below. Please post why you play what you play . Volcanix.
  7. Well, but the only "real" supplies / resources given in KSP are (with Kethane mod) Kethane, Liquid Fuel, Oxidizer and other fuels? KAS seems to work for me. I've got 0.24.2 and as I'm writing, everything works fine. Have you got some examples or pictures ? I haven't got any idea on how to build a roll cage. With structural panels?
  8. You just fired up my imagination. *searches for kethane mod on his computer* What do you mean by carrying Supplies? Do you mean transporting science instruments between multiple bases? Doesn't attaching and grabbing things only work with Kerbal Attachment System or have I missed something?
  9. Okay, thanks for your answers. Can't you repair flat tires in EVA? Or can I only do that because I'm using KAS? And another question. What are all you guys playing? Sandbox, Career or Science and with which mods? I'm interested
  10. Yeah, I think thats pretty clear. A rover should be able to drive and have wheels. What I've meant are the additional things. For example, a crew seat, science stuff like Mystery goo or a antenna, etc.
  11. Hey guys! Currently I'm planning on designing a rover for my first Mun science exploration mission, so I wanted to collect your opinions on what rovers need to have. So, what do you think? Does a rover need to have a propulsion system? A docking port? Or else? Tell me what you think. Images would be great, I need some inspiration^^. It would be also great to know what you would build on a rover if you could. For example if you could, would you build a Mainsail-powered Rover? Volcanix
  12. I was able to watch it because of a proxy. I think there are some proxys around the net, you just need to google that >.>
  13. Okay. Now I'm a bit more clever I think I'm just gonna play normal with Sandbox and try to get to Mun, build a Space Station etc. to learn a bit more about the game and add Plugins later. Thanks for your help!
  14. Oh god.. What beast of computer you've got? 64 GB Ram?? And I'm just sitting here on my laptop with 4 GB :c
  15. Welcome in the Kerbal Space Program Forums! Post a link to your pictures if you uploaded them.
  16. I totally agree with that the tech tree destroys the game, kind of. In my career mode save I just try to get science and it isn't really fun. So I've started a sandbox save with some mods, like Kethane and probably later SCANSat or however it's called, and I think I'm also gonna make my own mission structure after making a thread for my "company" - well, it shouldn't be a "company" in that sense, I just want a place for people to give me ideas and for me to documentate (does this word exist? ) my progress. oh, and another question. How do I get notifications for answers on thread where I've posted something? I already tried subscribing some threads but I don't get notifications. (not per Mail, per the bar on top). Do you have a "company" or a place, where you present all your rockets and planes? Would be great seeing that!
  17. Thank you for your huge answer The calculator searches for a rocket and as you've mentioned it's slow but ... lets see.. now it has found a bunch of rockets. I think I'm gonna try to build some rockets with the described staging on the .de and see how it works. That post about the optimal engine for given TWR and Mass seems to be a really practical thing. ^this is a great idea. I look forward to seeing that And.. about Cheap and low-tech - do you play sandbox, career or science? After reading your text, I think you're playing sandbox. What would you recommend me or other new players?
  18. I don't think it would be cheating because resurrecting Kerbonauts doesn't really help you out in the game, does it?
  19. Thank you so much. This helped me a lot learning how to build rockets and planes. I would really appreciate if you could make a series where you try to design "perfect" Lifters into LKO, preferably cheap. That would help me (and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one) much because sometimes I start lifting 2t Payloads with Mainsail Engines... so, yeah. However, your lifters here are perfect, but they are really distracted around the thread^^ Volcanix
  20. Nice work Reminds me on my flight simulator days..
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