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Everything posted by Volcanix

  1. Even if I don't play career / science mode (at least not active), I totally agree with this. You should first unlock the things that make you unlock new things and not the things that make fun. Thats the reason why I play Sandbox
  2. I don't really care about science because I'm playing sandbox and I like it a whole lot more. Playing career, that science thing kinda screwed up my whole game because I wasn't doing missions just for fun or building stations, visiting other planets or something like that, I was just thinking like "GAATHER ALL THE SCIEEEENCE!!!!!!" and I didn't want to spend my whole life flying here and there just to get every piece of science to complete the tech tree or at least some necessary parts of it.
  3. Well done! If I only would be using Chrome and not being too lazy to download it.. *logic*
  4. I've just started a new sandbox save and placed the core for my KSS (Kerbal Space Station, creative, right?) in a 75km equatorial orbit around Kerbin. I put it that low because I wanted that also little ships could fly up there easily, because higher orbit also means more ∆V to get there. Even if it's not much, it can make a difference. Basically, you can orbit any planet without an atmosphere as low as you want, as long as you don't fly into a mountain. What I mean by that is that when your "to-orbit-planet"'s highest point is at 200m, you can basically orbit at 201m or a bit more, depending on the height of your ship. I hope I helped you^^ Volcanix.
  5. So, you only play on your career mode save game to test out cost-efficient and low-tech rockets, right? What are you currently building in your Sandbox save game? I started a new one today because the old one was full of ships packed with equipment from mods like Kethane or SCANSat and I started only thinking about Kethane and not the other "beauties" of KSP. Now, in my new save game, I built a Station core for my KSS (Kerbal Space Station, very creative, right?). Nothing science-related on there, everything just for fun. I try to make it a refueling station for other ships. Some screenshots I made: That's not much, but there wasn't much to screenshot. Just a basic station with 5 crew seats, a little fuel tank for basic refueling, a battery to recharge docked ships and 2 Gigantor XL Solar arrays to charge the battery and power the cupola module and lights, not much at the moment. Maybe I'll open a thread in the mission reports section or however it's called to not lose the progress. Or I'm just gonna write something about it on Pages (like word for mac). I'll see. Have you got a station around Kerbin or other planets which is similar to this one? What is its purpose? Volcanix
  6. Great idea. It would be nice if Squad would add it in the update where the contracts are redesigned (they are being worked on, aren't they?)
  7. Oh, you always post that long answers which help me a whole lot through the game, don't you? And that is the reason why I still look at your tutorial. Are you still playing sandbox? Will you play career mode if the contracts will get better in 0.25 or will you stick to sandbox like I do at the moment? Would you use FinePrint and Better Than Starting Manned (two Mods that improve the tech tree and contracts) if you would play career mode? Just some things I'm interested in. Do you play multiplayer? I would love to spy - I mean look at your new ships to get inspiration. Volcanix
  8. Nice plane. Are the roundified mono prop tanks the "bombs"? Oh, and another thing. How does the G-Force affect the Kerbals in vanilla - eh, stock KSP? I know from FAR that the wings and the other stuff would break apart at too much G, but does it.. kill Kerbals at high G-Force? Would be great to know because sometimes my planes also get really high G-Force (aaaand then they crash into the ground...) Volcanix
  9. Yeah, I already thought something like that. Do I need to highlight the text for the URL before? Testing.. Oh, thank you so much. I already thought that was a bug. Volcanix
  10. This is really interesting. I think I should try to scrape up some time to finish your tutorial campaign, there is a whole lot of things to learn. But one thing your tutorial taught me (and it taught me a lot of things) which I consider the most important is the understanding of the TWR and ∆V and with this, building cost-efficient and rockets with a failure rate of 100% less than before. The only failure is my steering... Even if I made it to Minmus and Mun.. but only the SOI. Wasn't supposed to land, I was just wondering how far my rocket would get. I've got a question. What are these "transfer windows" to planets that are not in the Kerbin system? Does it mean that when you want to fly to planets in the Kerbol system which are not orbiting around Kerbin you have to wait some time until that "transfer window" opens and you've only got a bit of distance to the other planet? Volcanix
  11. I don't think the pod weight will be changed. I mean, bigger ships = bigger pod? Doesn't this make sense? However, I agree with you that some pods should weigh less or at least adding new ones or maybe a little version of the Hitchhiker Storage Container. That would be great! At this time, Squad doesn't seem to change anything part-related because as far as I know they are redoing the contracts from the 0.24 update.. someone correct me if I'm wrong.. because the current contracts are not in everyone's favor. Volcanix
  12. A video of a rocket launching with a TWR of ~1.01 into LKO? I'm really interested on how long this video will be. While reading your "prologue" I already thought of something like the slowest rocket. I'm looking forward to the first competitors!
  13. Welcome to the Forum! I can't give you a tutorial on how to setup and use action groups, but maybe if you watch some videos you'll learn. They get really useful, for example you can easily rescue your Kerbals when your launch is a fail with the "Abort" action group without spacebar-spamming (guess who made this..) until you finally decoupled your cockpit and opened your parachutes.. On the tutorials: I highly recommend Pecan's "Exploring The System - A design tutorial campaign". I learned playing KSP with it and there are still a lot of things to learn. I've got about 40 hours of playtime in KSP and I still look for new things to do or I even play missions like these in Pecan's tutorial. I haven't tested out the spaceplane in the other thread you posted, but if you want to build a spaceplane yourself, you might want to have a look at this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52080-Basic-Aircraft-Design-Explained-Simply-With-Pictures . If you've got some more questions, just ask! That's what the forum is made for. Have fun! Volcanix. PS: Oh, one another thing. How did you change the name of the links? I know how to do it in HTML, but I'm pretty sure this is BB-Code, is it?
  14. Try out setting Maneuver nodes! Do this by clicking somewhere on your route and clicking "Add Maneuver". Play around with this a little bit. For example, you can burn to Prograde, Retrograde, Normal, antinormal, and I've forgot the other to. Maybe you should try out Pecan's tutorial (in his signature). It really helped me out at the beginning of my "career" - well, I play sandbox.
  15. Okay, I think that's enough answers. Thanks to everyone who participated ! Have a nice day!
  16. When is the Raspberry Pi version coming out?
  17. Great! I look forward to new mission reports. Keep it up!
  18. Welcome to the Kerbal Space Program Forum! I'm also using OS X and as far as I've modded my game (Kethane, Kerbal Attachment System, SCANSat, Kerbal Engineer Redux, Connected Living Space, Chatterer, Active Texture Manager, RasterPropMonitor, KerbQuake, Module Manager, ProceduralFairings, blizzy's Toolbar) everything works fine. So I'm pretty sure until there is a good visible warning every mod will work for you - if not, try to contact the mod author, if you want to. Have fun on the Forum!
  19. Pecan is right. I'm just still searching for challenges or mission structures / tasks for sandbox .. Has anyone got some? I may post a thread where I collect all "Things to do in sandbox". Would you like such a thread?
  20. I've just installed hell of a lot of mods. Erm, okay, so that's my mod folder, I guess.. wait.. http://imgur.com/Pciy1d6 this is it. Yes, I'm using a Mac. Yes, I know it's not a gaming computer, but the performance is great. And no, I've not just bought it for gaming, my grandparents bought me it for school and stuff like that. Just to cover some questions. I just hope this won't crash my game and enhance my gameplay, thanks a lot! Maybe i should also add TAC Life Support... well, first i should really ... build a space station without accidentally quick loading so i can do everything from the beginning. ._. Edit: First got a blackscreen when loading, now it works after removing Kethane from the mods.. Don't ask, I've got no idea.
  21. I don't really get the problem of 32-bit. I'm playing KSP on the Early 2014 MacBook Air 13', and the game never crashed. And yes, I've got a couple of mods installed, Kethane, KAS, KER and FinePrint. Everything works fine. Excepting that my laptop goes really hot and sounds like an airplane <.<
  22. - Closing KSP after about 30 minutes because my laptop fan sounds like an airplane. - Spending more time on the forums and on youtube looking for what other people build than actually playing. - Deleting one save after another because I don't like this mode anymore and realizing later that I was very far in the tech tree ._. - Not deciding on what to do on my sandbox world. Built space station, accidentally quick loaded but forgot to quick save before, aaaaand now I'm back at the start of my Sandbox save game. - Exiting game with cmd + q (like alt + F4) because too lazy to go through that menu and the game autosaves always. - Putting one mod out and back in after half an hour because it first annoys me but then I realize it was nice. (repeating..) - Lifting 360kg Kethane Scanner Satellites into orbit with Mainsail Engines.. well, at least I tried at first. But some li'l boosters and 30 Thrust on the second stage are enough.
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