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Everything posted by Jeast

  1. Yes exactly. Make sure the orientation of the tailflap is exactly the same (in Unity that is) as the wing control surfaces. My guess is that fixes the problem with the tail flap.
  2. Well I think that fixes the problem so you dont have to use firespitter. Match the orientation with that of the wing ailerons.
  3. My guess is you simply have to change the tailflaps orientation in unity. Thats a known solution to that kind of problems.
  4. Mike, how about the Canadarm? Can you finish it so it works and can graple things? Maybe you can use the RKE arm for reference on how that uses little docking ports as attachment points.
  5. I use agressive active texturemanagement so thats why it may look low ress if thats what you mean? The KSO iva aint really high ress. - - - Updated - - - Que?.
  6. That should be around june 2016. I think I'm going to release the unlit version first. Afterwards I have to make all the text/buttons to emit via the light panel.
  7. I can make it see through if you like. I'm pretty experienced with RPM by now.
  8. Great idea, If you send it to me first I can include the mini avc versioncheck stuff - - - Updated - - - Thanks, I have found the right spot.
  9. Does anyone of you know where in the cockpit the autopilot controls where located? I want to make buttons for SAS like Prograge, Target etc. I just cannot find their RL location.
  10. Mike, do you think its possible to trim out the latest version of the mod a bit?
  11. Yes I know but thats how Mike wants it do be. So that you all have choice. The way I work around this is create one you like (or use the included craft file) and save it. * Mike, we need those flying instructions removed from the first post as well.
  12. What we do is Mike likes you guys to test stuff out before it will be put in the official updates. The official updates will be done via Mini AVC so you will receive a message in KSP when there is an update. So if you don't like to test individual parts and only want official updates I suggest you download the latest release. This one has Mini AVC included so your all set. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ALRjYUGKH7dktBUG9nVXZKamM/view?usp=sharing * Mike would you please put this on the first post as latest official release?
  13. Mike... Are you working on the shuttle at your job?
  14. Great work Mike, keep it coming :-D I'm baking the IVA parts from Blender to Unity at this moment and I have to say, its going to be awesome! Hype train wagon 2
  15. OK I have bundled all recent updates into one file today. I have also included mini AVC so that you guys don't have to worry about all the files anymore. If there is an update, you get a popup in KSP with a download link to the new version. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ALRjYUGKH7dktBUG9nVXZKamM/view?usp=sharing All files are included so this is the complete mod, the most recent version.
  16. When you select rwy 27 KCS icw a 20 degree glideslope, the glideslope seems to end at the middle of the rwy.
  17. If you think you can help, yes please. I'm sure some people here will be very happy when its FAR compatible. I have a lot of work to do on the IVA so all help is welcome :-)
  18. Yeah it is pretty close now to the real thing. Mike, check your PM
  19. Yeah Tyren, new update. Please scroll like 1 page back, test it and please let me know how it works out for you.
  20. Yeah I do. I meant talking about your tail flap. As a joke. I did not yet download and test it thats why I have not yet included it.
  21. Okay guys, I tested the latest update for a while and Mike I found that you did not copy my SSME & OMS drag config. This results in too much drag for the Shuttle so it is not possible to glide in and maintain speed. I have fixed these configs and it flies like a beauty. You are now gaining speed when you fly a 20 degree angle so it is possible to land around 110 m/s now if you like (thats the real life shuttle landing speed). You can download the update here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ALRjYUGKH7T3NsVUI3SlUyM2c/view?usp=sharing Installation: Delete your current GameData\CSS\Parts folder and unzip the file to GameData\CSS Hope you like it! * This update does not have Mike's tail flap included. ** That sounds very wrong btw Working on the HUD, now it looks more like the real HUD. And watch the speed on the left ;-)
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