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Everything posted by Akira_R

  1. It's because 1.7.2 re-enabled the texture replacer config included in the part revamp, this applies the TRReflections module to various parts making them have pretty cool reflections. It isn't a problem with TR, if you go in and remove the TR config from the part revamp folder you shouldn't have any more issues. If you still want to keep the reflections on the other parts then just go into the cfg and delete the section targeting the largeSolarPanel and that should fix it as well. It is interesting that it is only causing problems with that one solar panel though, are you getting any kind of performance hit using any of the other parts, are you seeing reflections on other parts?
  2. Just wanted to add my voice to the people experiencing this loss of kerbal achievements and ribbons. I had launched a number of maned missions in my career and had a few decorated kerbals, and just now noticed that all of my ribbons and mission time info is gone. I noticed this after my game had crashed due to out of RAM during a Kerbal Construction Time simulation, which sometimes causes weird stuff when reloading the save. Mostly it thinks the vessel was actually launched as though you are no longer in a simulation, you can recover or go and fly the vessel. However none of the stuff like science etc. is actually saved when you recover it. This time I just went ahead and recovered it from the pad and all of a sudden it awarded Jeb a ribbon that I knew he already had, i looked at my FF window and everything was gone. I'm not sure if KCT actually has anything to do with this bug because I had been launching a large number of unmanned missions and this was the first manned mission I had launched in a while. However the fact that KCT disables FF logging and such during simulations might have something to do with it, I know at least one other person who has had this issue has mentioned they had KCT installed. Has any one experienced this issue without having KCT installed?
  3. Pretty sure there isn't an MKS equivalent for the runway, but it gets removed non the less by the MKS-EL MM config that comes with MKS, it pretty much gets rid of all the EPL if I remember correctly, if you don't want it to remove something go in there and change it to not remove that part. As far as the blue workshop is concerned I am pretty sure that any command pod will do, but things like the C3 or one of the fabrication modules would probably work better.
  4. So I last used this in .24.2 and I just recently finished building a new .90 game, it is heavily modded and of course this is one of my must have mods. I have noticed something a little weird with the upgrades though, in .24.2 the initial boost to build speed was relatively high and dropped off as you put more points into it, and when you started adding multiple construction lines the boost to them was much less than what you got for the first construction line. However in my new .90 career the boost that I get for increasing the main construction line starts at only 0.05 bp/s and doesn't change, I started putting points into the second construction line and it starts by boosting it by 0.1 bp/s, after only putting 8 points into the second line it now builds just as fast as my first construction line and the amount I get per upgrade still hasn't changed. Any ideas whats going on here?
  5. You are using stock aero I'm guessing? Also I would recommend instead of setting the values to zero just remove the fuel resource definitions entirely, unless you are using them as trim tanks and pumping fuel into them to adjust balance.
  6. I am loving your parts! The new K cockpit looks fantastic, reminds me of the big dropship from Avatar! As far as the new Dark Drive and your comments about removing it from career mode unless there is a good tech tree for it I would highly suggest considering the Community Tech Tree. It leaves the stock tree alone and expands it into a number of different branches including some very late game expensive tech nodes geared toward high energy physics, antimatter and warp drive technology. The NFT and USI mods use these and put their kind of cheaty drives in those late nodes, also there are configs for KSP-I that put the high end drives down there too. I think the Dark Drive would fit right in with these, maybe with a few tweaks. Cheers
  7. Ah ok I see what you are getting at, I believe the ones you want are the SmallEngines_CLR SmallEngines_LUM and SmallEngines_NRM Those should be the texture files you want to keep. So pretty much you would want to delete everything else except the LV1 model and those three texture files.
  8. Ram usage is not that much higher than stock, just make sure to run the prune executable so that the game wont load stock textures and then of course remove the textures and models for the parts that you aren't using.
  9. Glad to see someone else doing this!!! Ven asked me a couple weeks ago to do this and I told him I would, but between work and a couple other projects that I had already started for people I haven't had a chance to even start! This stuff is looking really good!
  10. I can confirm I too am having some kind of strange bug with ThF4 reactors, here are some screens In the first image you can see that the 1.25m reactor is at 200% capacity and the proper amount of fuel is missing from the 2.5m reactor. In the second image you can see that all of the fuel in the 2.5m reactor is now in the 3.75m reactor. In both cases the images were taking immediately after spawning on the pad In both cases the total ThF4 on the vessel is correct, just it's location is wrong. In both cases the 2.5m reactor was placed first in the editor. After the second image was taken I did use TAC fuel balancer to refill the empty 2.5m reactor, which was successful and it stayed full. EDIT: Third image added to album, order of placement of the reactors matters, I recovered the craft from the second image, I then added another 2.5m reactor to the top and then launched, after launch the new 2.5m reactor was at 200% the 3.75m was at 100% and the first 2.5m was at 0% I then recovered that craft, stuck a 1.25m reactor to the top and launched, this is when I took the third image. as you can see the 2.5m reactor that was placed first has 0 ThF4 in it, the 3.75m reactor is missing 100 ThF4, the new 2.5m and 1.25m reactors are now at 200% As far as bugs go I feel this is a fairly minor one, it only appears to occur on ships that are launched with more than one reactor on them, and the symptom can be easily remedied with a mod like TAC fuel balancer. EDIT 2: I forgot to mention I am still using the 0.1 version of the integration, if Therlun is as well then that would explain it, oh and there is nothing of interest in the debug log
  11. So after reading about this float curve editor I'm going to guess that what I hoped it could do it actually wont be able to do, but I'm going to ask any ways. Say I have defined a curve that I am using to define how a particular engine flame changes based on atmospheric density. It looks great and I now want the effects for my other engines to behave the same way, use the same curve essentially. However even though I am using the same particle effect due to the fact that the next engine I am working on is a different size, my starting value has to be changed in order for it to fit in the bell. is there a way I can define the new start value and get it to create a new curve with the same profile and give me the numbers I would have to use to accomplish this?
  12. This should be really easy @PART[LiquidFuelEngineLV03] { @MODEL { @model=VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Engine/LV-1 !texture = DELETE } } Should take care of the LV03 engine, just do that for all of them and it should be fine, scaling will remain the same, you're just telling it to use Vens model and to remove the call for a separate texture, this also means you should be able to go into the Alchemy Tech folder and remove all the models and textures for those which will help with RAM usage. If this doesn't work then let me know, but it should work just fine.
  13. Hey so i am new to the IR rework, once it's installed can/should I just delete the legacy folder?
  14. Thank you very much that is super generous of you, I already adapted sort of lol. Here it is if you want to take a look at it, you are welcome to include it as is if you would like, or make whatever adjustments you think are necessary. Oh and if I find anything out with my experimenting with the radiator stuff I will definitely let you know, I feel like it has to be something like specific transform/animation names are hard coded into the FNRadiator MODULE and that is why nothing but the original models actually work, however I know very little abut modeling, I just recently started and am currently learning about how animations and such work, also I know next to nothing about C#, I did a little C++ back in high school like 8 years ago or so lol, and I haven't had any luck trying to sift through the source code, so basically no promises. Cheers Edit: Oh I almost forgot some tweaks need to be made to your MM files for the NF reactors and such, just the upgrade tech required needs to be changed. I'm not sure what the best way to do that is, probably to just have alternate configs and have an options folder outside of Gamedata in your download and to have people replace them if they want to use the CTT. Also there is a MM patch in the NF Electrical download in order to patch those parts into the CTT, that config needs to be removed in order for mine to work. I updated the link above to go to a folder that has all the configs I changed in order to integrate everything with CTT, I didn't include the config and stuff for the NF radiators as I have just removed them from my game until they can be made to work with the KSPI functionality, however the only thing that needs to be changed in them is the upgrade tech required field. It isn't 100% tested yet as I am still building my .90 game and haven't even started playing yet, sooo many mods lol, but everything loads up in the right nodes.
  15. Question, what needs to be done to get a model to work with the FNRadiator module in order to get it to animate and such? Does the model need specific transform/animation names? I ask because I am trying to make some custom animated radiator models that work with the waste heat mechanic and I can't get them to cooperate. I have had this problem in the past trying to convert the NF radiators to KSP-I radiators. Any light that can be shed on the subject is much appreciated. Cheers
  16. Edit: I stand corrected on the whole 1.0 thing, apparently I am totally out of the loop As such things are purely cosmetic in nature and adding additional parts/textures is not something most would want, the best way to achieve this is to simply put a structural adapter on the end of your tank and then use the awesome new editor tools to clip the engine up into it so that just the nozzle is showing out the bottom. Open the PartRevamp-MM.cfg in the part revamp folder in gamedata, under the Mark1-2Pod section (should be at the very top) delete the following: MODULE { name = ModuleRCS thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster thrusterPower = 1 resourceName = MonoPropellant resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW atmosphereCurve { key = 0 260 key = 1 100 } } That will remove the RCS from the pod.
  17. Oh, derp, my bad Earlier someone was saying something about a lot of lag when some station was loaded, but only when they had Stock Revamp installed. Yeah honestly I don't know, it has to be some kind of bad interaction, I havn't ran into any problems on my install yet, but honestly I don't know where to look. Have you tried fresh install and all that jazz? I know you said you tried removing mods and stuff. What platform are you on?
  18. Just wanted to say the new version is fantastic! Had .15 installed and the lag while editing the wings was very annoying, The new system is simple and easy to use and no noticeable performance hit on my potato. I definitely support removing all the editor functions from the stock rightclick menu as it still slows down a lot when trying to tweak some of the fuel out and other such things, a. I recall reading on here that in one of the previous updates a system was enabled allowing a wing to acquire attributes from it's parent (surface materials, root thickness etc.) how does one do this? Am I blind and there is a button for it in the editor or is there a hotkey?
  19. Need more info, you said you begin experiencing lag when a particular craft is in focus correct? Check the debug log while the craft is focused(if you don't know how to do this it is alt-f2 on windows, don't know on others), if there are a bunch of NREs, which show up red, then we need your output_log.txt To make things easier if there are NREs quit the game, restart it, load the save, go to the tracking station load the craft, let it sit for a few seconds and then alt-f4 out of the game(if your on windows, if your not on windows then do whatever you need to do to force quit out), then upload your output_log which is a text file found in the KSP_Data folder in your KSP directory. Also a craft file and maybe some screen shots of the craft in question would be beneficial.
  20. So people keep mentioning Project V and now I'm curious, what/who is it?
  21. I have never actually noticed this as my computer is a couple of potatoes hooked together, my settings are so low that I can't really tell the difference lol. I'll make sure I keep an eye out for this kind of thing moving forward.
  22. So the more I read over this the more I am convinced that I actually want to use your integration in it's entirety instead of trying to integrate and balance them myslef like I did in my .24 game lol, it sounds like you did a really good job. I just have a couple questions, so at the moment the NF reactors are now functionally KSPI reactors correct? So they can be used in beamed power networks and such things like that? Second, were you able to get the NF radiators to function like KSPI radiators? and I guess that is it for now lol.
  23. Can the tech tree be used without the other changes, your modifications don't change the naming of any parts do they?
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