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Everything posted by Akira_R

  1. I'm not a modder but this idea brings me much joy and happiness I get so frustrated when I have multiple mods that essentially use the same resource but it's not actually the same resource in game, Argon and ArgonGas, LiquidHydrogen and Hydrogen, I moddified all the parts in the Near Future packs so that they use ORS resources just because I found it annoying. The only gripe I have with ORS is that it assumes LiquidFuel is liquid hydrogen which I think is a little silly, powering jets with liquid hydrogen lol, and it means that the liquid hydrogen powered electric drives in near future now run on LiquidFuel but whatever.
  2. Ok so I know what you mean, but what folder should it point at, the EVE foulder in gamedata, the city lights and clouds folders in boulderCo, all of the above? If any one could help out that would be great!
  3. Love this mod!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for this stuff ever since I found KSP-I!!! I wasn't able to get it to play nice with PF:CE on ksp 24.2 64bit, lots of kerbin inside a star and everything violently vibrating, I have since reverted to 24.2 32bit because of all my other mods not wanting to play nice either. I have seen people with PF:CE planets around stars and it looks pretty stable, so is it more stable an PF:CE friendly on 32bit? Thank you OvenProof for making this and I hope to see continued development on it! Good luck!!
  4. So does this mod cause a significant performance hit for anyone else? I put four of these on a small station and from the moment I loaded it on the launchpad I had terrible frame rate and performance, and this was a sub 150 part station including the booster. I relaunched it with out the pods and frame rate and everything was totally fine. Went back to the original station and jettisoned all the pods and then deleted them from the tracking station, reloaded my space station and frame rate and everything were fine. I'm using ksp 24.2 32bit and I do have allot of mods installed so it could be some mods not playing nice with each other, and I am on a laptop that really isnt the most powerful thing out there but I don't really have many issues, just wondering if any one else has experienced this and found a cause before I go digging.
  5. Anyone else having issues with 24.2 x64? On a clean KSP install and a clean install of WaveFunction's build as the only mod it still crashes pretty much every time. Am I a dunce and didn't see that it doesn't support x64? I have the crash logs, the last line on all of them before it says crash!!! is AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'PluginHelper' from assembly 'KSPInterstellar' (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Crash!!! I'm not new to ksp and modding but am new to the forums and things like uploading crash logs, whats the recommended method to provide them for people like WavFunction to look at if they would like to?
  6. This guy made a MM file that makes all the workshop parts in EL use the code for the KarboniteConverter instead of the KethaneConverter http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59545-0-24-Extraplanetary-Launchpads-v4-2-2?p=1314279&viewfull=1#post1314279
  7. WaveFunction you are a gentleman and a scholar for putting so much effort into getting this mode compatible with the new versions of KSP. Quick question as I haven't seen anything posted about this, could be I'm just not looking hard enough, but is your experimental version stable on 24.2 64bit?
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