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Everything posted by Akira_R

  1. Just discovered your mod and it looks amazing, downloading it now to check it out!!! This is going to clean up the look and increase th functionality of my ships so much!! Very excited to see that you are working on some TACLS parts for this, really can't wait for that, going to be checking this thread daily to see if they have been added lol
  2. YAY it's here for us to play with, how did I miss this, downloading now and testing tonight!!
  3. That is what he means, remove the old Warp_TweakScale.cfg from the TweakScale download as it will most likely interfere with this new KSP-IE update.
  4. Err sounds to me like you downloaded the entire usi dropbox which has all the .zips for all of Rovers released mods, because the mods themselves are like that, unzip the karbonite.zip file, and take everything from its game data folder and put it in your game data folder and presto that's it, you don't have to do anything else at this time. If you want mks same thing
  5. Any tips on restoring a keyboard full of drool? I am so happy to finally see that the rumors are true and B9 didn't get abandoned, keep up the good work gents it looks amazing!! Is the release going to be posted in this thread?
  6. you should be good as long as you have all the ATM configs set up, for instance MKS doesn't come with an ATM cfg so you have to make one, but I run all these plus way more on 32 with aggressive ATM and have no issues on a 3 year old laptop
  7. Sigh if you were to look back over the last couple pages you would find the answer to your problem. Fractal has been MIA for awhile now, so the version that is on the first page is only compatible with .23.5 WaveFunctionP has been working tirelessly to update it to run on .24, there is a link to his experimental version in his signature, he posted a couple pages back, download his experimental version, delete everything from KSP-I and install his, and you will have much happiness. EDIT: sorry to sound like such a condescending a%$ it's early and I haven't had enough coffee, I have to be at work on a Saturday and I think I have answered that question like twice a day for the last week, and that's just me, there is all the other wonderful people on the forum that have been answering it as well. Some advice since you appear to be new to the forums: First before you post it is always a good idea to look through the last 5-10 pages to see if the issue you are having has already been addressed, if you can't find anything then use the thread search feature. Up at the top of the page, just above the first post on the page and just below the bar to select the page number is a little arrow that says search thread, this allows you to search for key words in the posts on this thread specifically. If you still can't find a solution to your problem then it is time to post!!! When it comes to reporting issue or seeking support the more information you can provide the more likely it is some one can help you. In the case of your problem it was a pretty well known issue and you did provide allot of information as to what the game was doing, however there are some key bits that you left out that can help if you encounter other problems in the future. What version of KSP are you running and what platform, .24 32bit windows, .23 64bit linux etc. What version of the mode are you using? If you hit alt f12 in game it will open up the debug window, here there is a debug tab that will give you a log, look for any text that isn't white and include that with your post. What other mods are you using? These are just a few things that can greatly help us help you. Another thing since the OP says .23.5 the first thing you should do before you even install it is try and find out if it is supported on .24 or if someone has made a patch to make it work. Cheers and happy moding!
  8. Yeah 64bit is buggy as all hell, I wasn't able to get it to run stably with the mods I wanted installed, and honestly you really don't need it. After it just kept crashing and crashing on me, always at random times, no real correlation as to what crashed in any of the logs, I just deleted it, downloaded the 32bit version, redownloaded all my mods and it's been smooth launches ever since, and I've downloaded more since then. With ATM I am currently running on a 3 year old laptop: KWRocketry B9 KSP-I MKS/OKS Karbonite All the other USI packs ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads Near Future (all of them) SpaceplanePlus EVE Astronomers Visual Pack V.3 HexTruss IR KAS RT RPM ALCOR ProcFairings SCANsat Station Science Tal Cargo Solutions Texture Replacer with alternate sky boxes and a bunch of suites Squad Re-Texture Project and those are only the ones that add parts or other textures to the game, so unless you are planning on installing every single part pack mod out there you should be fine with 32 bit, best leave 64 until squad can get it more stable.
  9. Ok we need a little more information. First what version of KSP are you useing? .23.x or .24.x, 32 bit or 64 bit? Next when does the game crash? what does it do? can you post your output log? Specifically what version of the mods do you have? some mods have both dev and release threads, sometimes the dev threads are no longer used, like in MKS, if you download the one from the dev thread you willl have much sadness. Improper ORS dlls and duplicate resource keys is a know cause of sadness, both MKS and KSP-I use ORS, make sure to use the one from KSP-I, MKS will run with it. If you are running .23 or the 32bit version of .24 then there is essentially a limit to the number of mods you can use, since the game is only able to access 4GBs of RAM, so mods that have allot of parts and HD textures use allot of RAM, like B9. There are ways to mitigate this though; Mods like Active Texture Management will compress and help manage textures and can enable you to run lots and lots of modes, I run the aggressive version on my 32 bit game, the KSP folder is just at 4GBs, it loads over 1900 MM patches at start up, aside from taking forever to load it runs fantastically on my 3 year old laptop and I'm sure there are people running way more stuff than me.
  10. Improper install of, or not using, WaveFunction's experimental version, Fractal is MIA and version in OP does not work on .24. Link for experimental is in WaveFunction's signature, he just posted a few posts up. DO NOT install over old Interstellar, delete your WarpPlugin and ORS folders before installing the experimental version. FYI Wave is working on a new v.12 and will be releasing it in a new thread soon, it is going to change allot of stuff and will break saves that use parts from the current version.
  11. Glad you got it fixed I have heard of this being done, both manually and with a simple executable, however those were instances where the part essentially remained the same the only major change was a rename, or when parts are being deprecated a place holder was installed with essentially the same model and no functions. That being said since this involves TweakScale I don't know how much it will change things. One could compare two ships made with the same parts one just using TweakScale and the other not and may be able to figure something out. The other issue is that of the rebalance, I don't know all of whats being changed, I know things like engine thrust values are being adjusted and such, but it may be the case that after the update some ships just wont function as designed anymore, for instance if heat generation is changed you may not have enough radiators etc. That's something that we would have to wait until the update to find out though. TL;DR we will have to wait until the update comes out to see how feasible it is and if someone wants to take the time to write an executable for it, or you could just edit your persistence file manually but that could take a long time if you have allot of ships.
  12. Since Fractal has been MIA for months now WaveFunction has essentially taken over development, his experimental version is the only one that works on .24, and he is now working on a v.12 that he will release on a new thread essentially as a new fork of Interstellar, and he is making allot of optimization changes and large over all balance adjustments from what I understand. I know that one of the changes he is making is TweakScale support, this way instead of having 4 different versions of the same reactors you have one that you can tweak from .625 up to 3.75, maybe even 5m if he decides to add that, and all the power output and resource stuff adjusts accordingly, this will save on part clutter and RAM, but it will also break any ships in your save that have the reactors on them, you will have to rebuild them if you update. If you want more info on the update he should be streaming live right now and can answer questions http://www.twitch.tv/wavefunctionp About the problems you had earlier, did they go away when you installed the experimental version? if not then you installed it wrong, do not install the version in the OP first, just download and install the experimental, that or delete ALL folders relating to KSPI in your GameData folder, WarpPlugin, ORS ALL OF IT, and then reinstall, otherwise you will have issues. I've seen allot of people that have the issue you describe and it is always due to either having Fractal's version for .23.5 installed or improperly trying to install WaveFunction's version by overwriting.
  13. Thing is I personally hate mechjeb, never use it, and I've always had issues with it, I play on a laptop thats about a year old and it will run the game with EVE and Astros pack and distant object enhancements and a whole heap of other mods just fine on lower settings, the second I put a MJ component on a rocket though it cuts my frame rate in a half This right here sounds amazing, I've been wanting some way to set way points through SCANsat for ages!!!! If someone could do this they would be my hero!!!!
  14. I personally love SCANsat and love the SCANsat integration, but I hate dependencies, idk how the SCANsat license is set up but if a dependency is taken on it then I think it would be nice if the plugins could be bundled with Karbonite, if that isn't possible due to licensing then I would say that Karbonite should remain the way it is. This wouldn't have any impact on me because I use SCANsat any ways but I know how it is when i want one mod and have to download one I don't to make it work, like Kethane and EPL, I always go in and delete everything but the Kethane plugins anyways but it's still annoying (and now no longer an issue:cool:). Just my $.02
  15. Hey if anyone here uses EPL and is interested in an addon/extension that deprecates Kethane and adds Karbonite functionality as well as adding a slightly more complex production chain similar to MKS you should check this out http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90471-WIP-SEDI-presents-An-EPL-addon-for-Karbonite-%28and-other-stuff%29-models-needed It also adds the ability to produce Consumer Goods which can be recovered for profit and shinies. As well as the ability to produce consumables that a couple other mods use. Also if any of the modelers that have been making the absolutely gorgeous models for Karbonite are interested in helping him out he is looking for some help with models. Cheers and keep up the awesome work Rover, excited for that Freighter mod I saw you mention.
  16. If anyone is interested in an addon/extension of EPL that utilizes Karbonite and a slightly more complex MKS style production chain check this out http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90471-WIP-SEDI-presents-An-EPL-addon-for-Karbonite-%28and-other-stuff%29-models-needed I'm kind of new to the forums so if posting this here is considered inappropriate or rude then I profusely apologize and will immediately just go stand in the corner.
  17. I can not wait for this update!!! thank you WaveFunction for all the hard work you have been putting into this, if KSP-I had died at .23.5 with Fractals disappearance I would have been very sad. Fractal made and incredible mod but I am loving the direction you are taking it. Is there an ETA on the next update? Not being pushy or anything just wondering if I should hold off on my career mode for a little while so I don't get into the KSP-I stuff until after the update.
  18. Darn you beat me to it, just discovered this fix last night after looking at the ATM config file for WarpPlugin, and rewrote my USI ATM config.
  19. Has any one found a fix for the issue with the tech tree in the science-sandbox game mode? I haven't gotten to any of those nodes yet because I just started but I would like to know if there is a fix before I get to that point
  20. No MKS will still work with the KSP-I ORS dll, and if you look at the MKS thread RoverDude just updated MKS to .19.3 and part of that update was to include WaveFunction's updated ORS dll so that this kind of thing (having multiple ORS dlls, which causes lots of crashes and much sadness) will stop happening Edit:​ ok so not just updated it was actually almost a week ago lol
  21. Hey RoverDude just a little something I found while playing the other night, I was playing in science sandbox and opened up the debug window and noticed allot of red spam in the log, it all was saying something about not being able to load texture Kerbin_Karbonite while I was at Kerbin, same thing for Mun_Karbonite while there. From what I know usually this is fixed by adding a keepLoaded comand pointing at the folder the texture file is in to texture replacer, but of course you already have that, I checked it just to make sure there were no spelling issues or something silly like that and didn't notice anything. Now this didn't seem to cause any issues or anything while I was playing, however I wasn't trying to scan for Karbonite or mine it or anything. I do have allot of mods installed but I don't think I've ever seen this caused by conflicting mods. I'm running KSP 32bit on windows with Karbonite 0.1.1, sorry I don't have more detailed info about what the log was saying, I don't have internet at the house atm and I'm writting this from work and can't exactly fire up KSP right now as much as I would like to lol. I have not tried a clean install with no other mods yet. If this is already known or something then please disregard and keep the awesomeness coming.
  22. THIS!! This right here is something that needs to be done, I personally prefer using Karbonite over Kethane and if I can use EL with out needing the Kethane dlls would be fantastic, plus I really like the added complexity to the system that you show in the flow chart, what would be cool is if one could change EL so that instead of each part just requiring a certain amount of rocketparts one could make it so that each part would require like computer components or various other stuff. Although the only way I could think to impliment something like this is either you would have to go and assign a resource cost value to every part, which means it wouldn't really work with mods, or just a basic cost multiplier for part types, like a command pod 20% of its weight needs to be computer parts, the rest rocket parts or something like that. sorry for the wall of text that isn't really about your mod RoverDude :/ love your mods btw!!
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