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Everything posted by Akira_R

  1. Hey I have some questions about how SCANsat handles anomalies. I just installed Kerbin Side which adds a bunch of static objects to kerbin and the ability to launch planes and rockets from them; it does this through Kerbal Konstructs. Since I installed it all the static objects that it adds show up on the SCANsat map, which is awesome! However it literally identifies every individual object, not a huge deal except that for the name it shows the part name and folder location, like: KerbinSide/Parts/Static/ksidejebsairport Which is really annoying clogging up my big map with lots of text. I didn't see anything in either the KerbinSide of KerbalKonstructs folders that would suggest they are trying to add it but i suppose it could be in the plugins. So my question is is this something that is handled of the SCANsat side or the KerbinSide... side lol, and what can be done to fix it? Thank you! Edit: Ok so after searching some more on the KerbinSide thread i found this mentioned and it is due to SCANsat identifying anything using the PQSCity class as anomalous, which is totally cool, my main issue is the name it displays, is there any way to get it to not show the entire folder directory?
  2. What is the problem you are having? What ksp version are you using?
  3. FYI it worked like a charm, once again thank you
  4. Hey I just had a quick suggestion, I was thinking now that you have it so that you can see the name of a flare when you hover your mouse over it that it would be cool to have an option to turn on the names for all the flares in the scene, also with the ability to filter to show only celestials, vessels, or debris. Thank you for updating and improving this mod!
  5. So I did a search of the thread and I found some information but it was posted back in september and I just wanted to get a conformation on if it is still true. I am looking at installing KerbinSide which uses Kerbal Konstructs to add static stuff to Kerbin as well as adding new places you can launch ships from. What I found said that after KCT completes a vessel if you go into the VAB/SPH click the launch button, select your launchpad/runway, go back to the space center, launch your vehicle from the KCT storage tab it will spawn you at the place you selected. Is this correct? While yes it is a minor inconvenience and support for KK launch site selecting would be awesome, as long as I can still launch from locations other than the KSC I'll be happy lol.
  6. o7 Thank you for the advice and quick reply, I will give it a shot when I get home.
  7. Hey will the current version of KK work on .24.2? Just curious if it is backwards compatible or if I should just stick with the latest release for .24.2 in the middle of my career save and updating will mean I have to re set up all my logistics and stuff and I kind of just want to wait until .9 comes out before restarting a career.
  8. Hey so I tested this out on .25 and it is pretty awesome, I want to had it to my current career save (will make doing the FinePrint rover and fly over missions way more enjoyable) The issue is my current career is in .24.2 My question is if I use the last version of KK that was made for .24.2 will the current all-in-one pack work with it, or should I get the last all-in-one that was released for .24.2? Cheers
  9. Hey RoverDude, I'm playing around with some cfgs and I was wondering what does the true/false variable in the USI_Converter is for? MODULE { name = USI_Converter converterName = LFO Mix conversionRate = 1 inputResources = ElectricCharge, 3, Karbonite, 2 outputResources = Oxidizer,0.55,[U][B]False[/B][/U],LiquidFuel,0.45,[U][B]False[/B][/U] }
  10. Well the only conflict between DOE and Cacti is that the flares make it so you can't see what you are pointing at once you zoom in, but they make it easier when you are zoomed out, this new version makes it so you can access the DOE settings menu while in flight instead of just at the space center, so you can find your target, zoom in, open the settings panel and turn flares off and there you go no issues, take your picture and then you can turn the flares back on. This is awesome in my opinion as I hated having to go back to the space center to toggle the flares every time I wanted to take pictures with the telescope. Aside from the flares there was never any kind of functional conflict between the two, you just had to trun flares off when you were doing stuf with the telescopes.
  11. Hey so this is kind of a weird question, I'm still on .24.2 and using the latest release for .24 v1.0.2 I was previously using DebRefund for recovery of dropped stages, I have decided to change over to StageRecovery v1.5.0 My question is since I am switching over in the middle of a save will KCT know that DebRefund is no longer there and start accepting part recovery info from StageRecovery automatically or do I need to change something in the persistence file telling it to look for SR instead of DebRefund? BTW I love this mod, just had my first "accident", Jeb was bouncing peanuts off of Bobs head while he was trying to land them on the Mun, as a result Bob got distracted and was watching the height above sea level readout instead of the radar height above terrain readout, managed to do an emergency burn and miss a ridge but still plowed the lander into the surface at ~60m/s destroying the engine, and with only four days of LS on board (lucky there was only two of them in the capsule or would have been even less) I needed to get a rescue mission up there ASAP. Since this is the first time this sort of thing had happened since I started using KCT I didn't really think about how tiny of a window this was leaving me with, I went to the VAB and started building a lander that could cary the two of them plus a pilot back to kerbin, and then I noticed that it would take like 9 days to build just the lander not even counting the launch vehicle. I spent a little while fiddling with different designs and finally realized that there is no way I can build a lander that can get there in time and has enough crew capacity to save these guys because my kerbals don't have enough experience using the parts and I don't have any in stock. So looking at the part inventory I was like ok I have all the parts I need for one of my really old lander designs, just a Mk1 capsule some fuel an engine and a bunch of science equipment. Now how can I use this since it can only carry one Kerbal, and my RT comms network isn't robust enough for me to feel comfortable to try landing it with a probe? So I striped off all the science gear and strapped a couple of cans of LS supplies to the sides and two KAS pipe endpoints, added a good booster and transfer stage and I was sitting at just over two days and five hours of build time, leaving me just over a day to get it in orbit and sent to the Mun. I ended up touching down almost on top of them with the engine running on fumes. I kept the fuel as low as possible in order to facilitate faster build times, with just barely enough dV to get there and land. But I forgot they were crashed right up next to the north pole so I didn't adjust my transfer trajectory to put them on a polar orbit when they got there, and I had barley left enough of a margin with fuel so that if i had trouble with the landing I would be able to fly around a bit. Luckily when I entered Mun SOI it was lined up perfectly that I was able to burn to execute my inclination change and move my impact point right on top of them without having to actually enter a capture orbit or anything. So now Jeb, Bob and Bill are sitting there with a KAS pipe sending life support supplies over to Jeb and Bobs ship and they have enough to last them 150 days or so, plenty of time to build a suitable lander to bring the three of them back home. It was great having to be forced to think outside of the box in order to save my kerbals, thanks to this aand TacLS there is no such thing as a "standard" rescue mission
  12. Man I wish I could build things like this, pretty sure my poor laptop would melt just trying to run half of that ship at like 2seconds a frame lol, it can handle having 60+ mods installed with things like EVE and such but the second I start getting part counts in the 180+ range it really starts chugging, silly 1.6GHz i3, hopefully with KSP officially entering "beta" we will start seeing allot of optimization allowing higher part counts with out such a huge cpu drain. That being said thank you for such awesome mods Rover!! I love that they are all optimized in ways to reduce the part count needed for full functionality and it really shows, I can build effective stations and mining barges with out having to make the game chug along.
  13. Anyone know if the new update will still work on .24.2? Would like to finish out this save before updating as there are a few mods that I use that just aren't quite right on .25 yet and I would very much like to use the new parts.
  14. Squad reorganized the part folder structure for .25 and these are currently targeting the .24.2 locations of those models, the cfgs just need to be changed to target the new locations in the .25 folders. I ran into this issue with one of the new FTT parts, I'm still running .24.2 and it was targeting the .25 folder structure. if you change this: model = Squad/Parts/Command/asasmodule1-2/model position = 0,0,0 scale = .27,.27,.27 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLarge/model position = 0,-.07,0 scale = .27,.325,.27 rotation = 180,0,0 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLarge/model position = 0,.07,0 scale = .27,.325,.27 }MODEL{ to this: model = Squad/Parts/Command/inlineAdvancedStabilizer/model position = 0,0,0 scale = .27,.27,.27 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr/model position = 0,-.07,0 scale = .27,.325,.27 rotation = 180,0,0 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr/model position = 0,.07,0 scale = .27,.325,.27 }MODEL{ that will fix your mini sas, I'm pretty sure that is the right SAS model to target but not 100% positive since I haven't updated to .25 yet. for the others you just need to open up the part cfgs look at what model they are calling out, then look in your squad directory and find what they changed the folder name to, and then change the name that the part cfg is targeting to match the new .25 folder name. or you could wait until Rover changes this, it wont cause you any performance issues or anything, those parts just wont be available to you.
  15. The current version of Karbonite (and all USI mods) will still work on .24.2 I know because I'm using them .24.2 and have no problems lol:wink:
  16. Check out VNG parachutes, adds parachutes that can be grabbed via eva, also adds an ejection module that can be triggered with the abort button, great for spcaeplans, ejects all kerbals from the cockpit and you can trigger the parachutes on all kerbals in the area by pressing F+spacebar
  17. UPDATE: I found that there is I guess an unofficial FAR release, v.14.1.2, with this installed and realchutes there an no issues with the DERP engine on USI_experimentals 2014.10.04. This FAR version isn't found on the FAR forum page it still lists v.14.1.1 and on the FAR releases on GitHub the latest release is v.14.1.1 But if you download the FAR Master folder from the main FAR GitHub page you get the v.14.1.2
  18. Did you make sure to set the AoA to 180 on all the sliders on the GUI in the map screen?
  19. I can confirm that using the most recent experimentals I still have the issue with the RCS, decouple and parachute animations playing continuously on the DERP engine in the VAB and NRE spam in the debug. If I remove the lines from the FAR cfg adding the FAR module to the engine pod part, or if I remove the RealChutes cfg everything works fine. on a clean install of KSP.24.2 x86 with the following: FAR v0.14.1.1 RealChutes v1.2.4 DREContinued v5.3 ATM v3.4 USI_EXPERIMENTAL_AllMods_2014.10.04 MM 2.4.5 You don't by chance have some sort of experimental build of FAR or RealChutes do you?
  20. What kind of FX do you want for the B9 engine? And by warp function do you mean the KSP-I warp function? Not sure if it would be possible to add it to the engine itself but one could make a custom part that could sit just in front of the engine that has the warp functions, these are all pretty easy as it is just messing with the part cfgs, although I can understand how playing with them would be difficult for someone not familiar with english. As for the rest I'm not a modeler so I can't really help you there, and it's been years since I messed around with code, and that was C++ not C#, so can't really help much there either.
  21. Go here and download the updated SmokeScreen dlls (v 2.4.5), looks like they may have fixed your issue. All HotRockets does is distribute SmokeScreen, which allows for custom FX, and a bunch of textures and MM patches to add custom FX to various stock and mod engines. Since Nertia1382 hasn't updated this in awhile it may not include that new version of SmokeScreen. Hope this helps Cheers
  22. Need WAY more info than that, what version of ksp? x86 or x64? Have you done a complete clean install of ksp and then HR and RT2? Debug logs? Does it happen with stock parts only? What other mods? I very much doubt it is a compatibility issue between these two, may be some kind of improper install, I currently run HotRockets, RT2 plus a whole heap of other mods without issue.
  23. Right on, I was just about to edit my post with my findings: that for whatever reason (as I am unaware how FAR handles things like this) whenever you try and apply the FARBasicDragModel to the pod engine when the pod engine also has a RealChutes module sadness occurs, doesn't mater if they are being added by the same MM config or if they are manually put into the part config, but if you remove the basic drag model (or RealChutes) from the engine happiness resumes. For the moment I am just going to remove that part from the FAR config and keep adding it to the pod itself and keep the RealChute config. Thanks for all your hard work Cheers
  24. Hey RoverDude so I run your entire constellation plus many many other mods on my main save, I have run into the problem of the DERP propulsion module having the rcs and parachute animations running continuously in and outside the VAB. From what I read it is currently suspected to be an issue with RealChutes. I have read one person saying that it is an interaction issue with the MM cfg for RealChutes and the MM cfg for FAR. I have also read that people are having NullRefs in regards to FAR. So I decided to do some testing on my own and provide you the info. I did a complete clean install of the following: KSP version 0.24.2 USI Survivability pack v 0.1.1 (same results with v 0.1.0 RealChute v 1.2.4 (same results with v 1.2.3) DRE Continued v 5.2 ATM v 3.4 MM 2.4.4 (I did not use 2.2.1 which is what is currently included with the survivability pack as 2.4.4 is needed for my main save so I want to test against that) with the above mods I have no issues with the DERP propulsion unit exhibiting the continuous rcs and decouple and parachute animations. Add: FAR v I now have the issue of the continuous animations in the VAB. I believe something about how the two module manager patches are set up (the one for RealChutes and the one for FAR) is causing some sort of bad interaction. I am going to mess around with the cfgs and see what I can find out, I will edit this post with updates. Cheers
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