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Everything posted by Starbuckminsterfullerton

  1. If this were implemented most people would just switch all their tanks to H2 only, and then carry the Ox in a separate tank that won't lose any. Ox would have to be given losses in all cases, which would then pose too many problems for regular LFOx setups. The extra Ox inefficiencies are minimal anyway. If you really want to make use of it, then it's an extra gameplay element or something.
  2. Everything's looking pretty good so far, fuel switch is even working correctly on third party tanks including adding boiloff when appropriate. I hadn't even seen the Poseidon before now, it looks great! The nozzle is only extending in LOx augmented mode though. Liberator nozzle works, but both engines appear to be missing their exhaust FX. Engine glow is still there. Test fire was done in atmo, if that matters. Second on Poseidon generator, if it's a togglable mode and you have implemented it, it isn't showing up. If it's passive/in the background, then it might be working, I just realized that forgot to do a test without launch clamps which of course provide power.
  3. This is great, a massive improvement over even rover autopilot (which still needed the active vessel)! I'm curious, how do you account for differences in the terrain height at new locations? I agree with attempts to automatically add the module to any relevant probe bodies, it's perfect for a lot of the RLA probes. Edit: NVM, found an answer to my question upon re-read of the thread, you have a good solution. This brings up a new question though: what happens when the rover encounters water?
  4. Sorry for the formatting here, still getting used to the new quote format. In order: I like different drag; I would rather it match the new part than carryover from the old one. Canopy shape is great, actually makes the other ones look kinda bad. My mistake... I didn't; I thought the glow you setup was already good, but I will just to see. Haha yeah, I think the stock size 2's are ugly enough that I went out and made my own! Getting rid of the orange is a lot to ask (people love the orange...), but it makes sense I promise!
  5. I too would like to see this running in 1.0.5. Refuse to use EPL without it, it was just what was needed.
  6. Parachute model looks great; the yellow makes it look very dated to me (like KSP v.17), if it were me I would do a muted orange. I also like the part model, agree with Gregrox pointier ala realchutes so that it is inline with the pods would be great, and same goes for the larger diameter. (I hate that stupid stubby blue dome and it's nosecone friend) Drag cubes are generated by the game based on the part's collider I think. If not, I have some drag cubes to make... SRB glow seems fine and is easily adjustable anyway. Plenty of suggestions, but my biggest request would be to make the orange tank white, when you get there of course.
  7. Window lighting looks spot-on, and I love that the warning label illuminates. I think it's fine now, but if you're looking for different things to write there you might go with a simple, "WARNING: Pressurized Compartment", since it's kinda obvious that a hatch might open. I think what's more important is that every hatch has the same warning. I've given a lot of thought to engine color schemes since I need to come up with one of my own, so here's my $.02. The blue on the two big RLA engines is indicative of manufacturer not fuel type, as it was originally shared with that little .625m LFO engine as well. Colors that indicate monopropellant in stock are either that yellow or plain white, as seen in the existing tanks and other parts, as well as RLA engines from other manufacturers. (LF is grey or white and O is blue or black) Stock engines are a really mixed bag (one of the reasons I'm glad you're replacing them); all Rockomax engines are orange, but the rest of them are random. It seems to me that the route that would require the least reimagining is keeping the manufacturer family-resemblance, and establishing one for parts that don't yet have one (poodle). Keep the color coding for containers, and differentiate monoprop engines by their lack of turbopump plumbing and the like. So I guess yes, paint the thud. Do you have any plans for the radial decouplers? They are one place the caution stripes don't bother me as much, but I'm curious if you have something better in mind.
  8. and then you don't notice until you've made thirty parts with that endcap and now you have dig around to see how much you have to re-do. I hate it when that happens
  9. Nice update, not everyone gets around to doing compatibility and adding new features. What changed with the fuel flow mode, is there a new standard? And I like the yellowjacket lag decrease, really helps for vertical applications.
  10. Oh cool, I didn't know there was a stock module for that, I guess it came with porkjet's new engines.
  11. Thanks Sierra, I try to read a couple pages back but I've been away for a week and have missed stuff, so that helps me catch up. And yeah, I remember how long it took to balance NFE with the heat system, way too much work to go through all of that again! I think I agree with constant volume ratio, since it is adjusted from the real value having different values for different tanks would be a big balancing headache.
  12. Seconded, I actually assumed they already would consume power. If you want to get really fancy Nert, you could make the boiloff rate a function of the tank temperature, and require radiators/insulators or power to keep them cool and avoid transferring heat generated in other parts of the ship. For short trips like launches you wouldn't need to bother, but for longer voyages the extra mass would start to pay off. True, but the tanks are used for more than cryogenic LH2/LFO engines. Once you have a mod adding Hydrogen it only makes sense to patch NTR's to run on it, and NTR's are of course used extensively for interplanetary travel, so the properties of these fuel tanks has a significant effect on almost all non-electric interplanetary craft. [QUOTE:Nertea]As usual, I'd really like to thank everyone who helped out. They made this possible. Apply some rep! [/ QUOTE] A bit off topic, but is the reputation system even still working in the new forums? I see values, but no way to add to them...
  13. Seconded and seconded! I wish all the decouplers looked like the 3.75 one. The only place I like it is around the hatch doors and things like that, doesn't belong on engines. As far as electricals go I would either stick with the existing colors to match RLA, NFT, and the stock batteries, or just go with grey. Almost anything else would look strange. And yeah, it sounds like the best poodle option would be ala KW/Apollo CSM and move the nozzle up as close to the base as you can and use the rest of the room for bell.
  14. New cockpit looks great, and I support resizing the turboprops, after all if you needed that much thrust you can always use multiple. I can't speak for everyone else, but I would be fine with nonfunctional or placeholder IVA's if it meant an interim release given how much work those are. I guess it depends how many "IVA is all white nert pls fix" posts you can tolerate. How does the thrust reverser work from a Unity perspective? The only way I can think of would be to use two thrust transforms and rotate them in opposite directions to avoid asymmetrical thrust during the animation.
  15. With the rise of Porkjet, this can be said for a lot of the stock parts as well. I hope we keep moving in that direction.
  16. Great idea, the RAPIER does look super out of place now, as do an increasing number of other stock parts.
  17. Nice update! This thread now has the most professional looking opening post I have seen on the new forums.
  18. Glad you got to go back to working on the fun stuff! Engine looks great, matches the cryo engines very nicely, and I think the grey plumbing looks even better than the orange those use.
  19. I've been away awhile so there's a lot to catch up on here in the dev thread, but lithium is a great addition to come back to. I can't wait to put it to work. If it were me, I'd re-task CryoEngines as a general Hydrogen mod, and put the NTR's, the relevant H2 conversion MM patches for other NTR's and ISRU, and the LH2 tanks under one roof. I do hope those tanks return; I modeled my LFO tanks to match their form factor! Edit: Reactor Xe production sounds like a good solution, but since most people only warm up reactors when the engines are about to burn I have a hard time imagining that it would make much of a dent in fuel time. Might work well on a fuel station though. What if the reprocessor produced it?
  20. I think I can safely say everything is working fine in 1.0.5, parts mods weren't really affected by the update. This was just a quick compatibility check, I'll release a proper update once the interstage adapters are done... they're getting close!
  21. Thanks! Always great to have mod cooperation, I'll link your patch in the title post so people can find it. Glad you appreciate it, and yeah I thought some different RCS arrangements might be fun, and tried to fill every niche. Thanks. The tanks actually do have domes, they might be harder to see because the tank liner is the same color grey (any suggestions? I'm thinking primer green) and the center connector makes the shape less pronounced. I definitely plan on 1.875m engines and everything else, although I hadn't though of a pod that might be good. How many crew would you think? Ah, someone sees the big picture! Engines are coming, and they will be almost exactly as you say. Because of the way I work all sizes will probably drop at once. The three types you mention are in the works, as well as a special fourth type, but they will have unique models from the outset.
  22. Glad to see this is still going! I like the red striped SRB's, there is already a stock precedent as the sepratron has red stripes, so I'd say go for it as long as you don't leave any yellow ones. As far as the poodle goes, one approach to the height thing might be to make an Apollo CSM style engine, like KW has; make a more realistic bell and stick the nozzle right up against the engine base, we can pretend the plumbing is all inside. Alternately, you could make the engine as long as you want, and give it a permanent shroud with radial attach enabled so we can mount legs on the engine itself. Edit: just looked back at the pictures again, kinda like the plain white too, might look good with a grey stripe, but I say stick with the red. Super Edit: Someone already made the KW suggestion, but the shroud thing might work. If you want to be super fancy you could make it into like a quad 909 with four smaller bells of the right proportions. And I actually like the tank butts, I think the ability to angle the porkjet parts is nice and I don't want to see the end of a fuel tank.
  23. What an update. Glad you're choosing to spend your limited free time on this, I'm always excited to see what you come up with. Do you have any plans for 1.25m props?
  24. Update: v0.1.2 Added 1.875m fuel tank set Added fuel tank adapter set Added R3 & R3A2 thruster blocks Sorry it's been awhile between updates, I've been busy. I think I got in most of the requested features, next up: structural adapters! Balance feedback on the adapters would be appreciated, 1.875's will be rebalanced too sometime but I already have a plan for that.
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