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Everything posted by Starbuckminsterfullerton

  1. I think this is really the right call, if that design document is anything to go by the Porkalike redesign did a very good job of following the existing mod standards - it meshes very well with things like Ven's and Cryoengines. I have more to say about making things match than anyone wants to hear, but one of two things will happen: the rest of the Porkjet parts will be completed and released, in which case we chose the right direction, or they won't and the stock parts will remain mismatched, in which case the modding community will need to create and use its own better standard, which might as well be the Porkalike anyway since so much already works with it. Edit: Hey @Beale I know you're working on other stuff right now but any word on those extra RCS blocks? I'm kinda hoping you'll eventually cover all of the variations so I don't have to maintain mine... @CobaltWolf You'd like that wouldn't you...
  2. Didn't realize you were making more than the one. Still, better to match one of the whites/light greys in the current palette than cream. Can you balance it with cost? I think weight/No. of crew is probably most of the balancing you need, additional crew became much more valuable when they split them up into pilot scientist etc.
  3. This looks super good, and so does apollo. Love that you're doing smaller SPS/SM variants. Both the light and dark CM look fine from here, but I think the service module is a bit dark if you go with the latter. NO. Apollo as flown on lunar missions had a polished aluminum finish, it was silver. I'd post reference photos but they're everywhere.
  4. It's been a while since I did an engine but I think that's something you can .cfg. Edit: ok yeah, so the module MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE can have a parameter for this: localOffset = 0,0,0, set to something else and you can move the FX. Never got it to work for smoke for some reason though...
  5. @SnarkI know it's early since 1.2 isn't out yet but I was wondering if you have any conceptual plans for indicator lights on the new antennas, I can definitely think of a few uses for them there.
  6. Well that's cool. Can't wait to dig through the .cfg and see how you did that, although I have a guess...
  7. @RoverDude this is incredibly impressive and something we've all wished for at one point or another - assembling bases with rocket cranes is kina unrealistic. I have so many questions, where to start... Construction ports: Can the module be extended to other docking port assets? Does/can it use the stock angle-snap module? What do you mean by autorotate, is it what I think it is? What kind of joint does it create, is it a normal stack node or is there like an invisible two node part in there? Does KJR play nice? Crane/Actuators: What powers the moving parts, KAS, Infernal? Slightly unrelated but it seems like you'd know:I've always wondered if the stock animation system could be leveraged for simple binary extended/retracted servos; I know you can't animate colliders but you can animate transforms, and there are transform based nodes so... maybe?
  8. @CobaltWolf Congrats on finishing Saturn and a year of modding! I'd like to suggest using the orange exhaust FX from the NASA parts for the F-1 engines instead of the standard blue one. Maybe limit it to like 60% throttle like KW did if the effect looks too big.
  9. Please don't... SV looks great, the proportions choices worked out. Yeah, this. He usually goes through everything after the update drops, and CryoEngines doesn't usually break anyway. I'm surprised it isn't working now.
  10. MEM lander looks really good! Are the contact wires under the legs just going to sink into the ground? 6 parts in 2 stages, so pod, base, descent engine ascent engine and... decoupler?
  11. If I remember the whole diameter debate right 5.625 was chosen because it allowed you to use a regular 3.75 upper stage, which I liked because I use more 3.75 than 5 anyway. I think as long as there are straight cylindrical tank sections they will definitely be useful in other applications, so if it were me I'd make the fuel tanks separate parts from the 5-way engine adapters (are the 5 J-2's separate?), upper stage adapter, etc. and I'm sure people will find uses for them. I'd love to see extra generic parts; if you wanted to avoid making a bunch of adapters you could make them 5m along with some duplicate nonspecific Saturn parts, might save some modeling effort at the cost of player confusion. If the 5.625 system is fleshed out enough though it will be useful on its own.
  12. That looks just right, do I spy some strategically unsmoothed edges? That's a clever way to model those ridged surfaces. What parts does it break down into? Curious how they might look in non-prototypical applications.
  13. Thanks for doing it anyway. A lot of people reference Remotetech, but to me it seems that AntennaRange inspired much of the stock system. You've effectively joined the exclusive ranks of mods that have become stock, and that is something to be proud of! I can think of a couple reasons to keep the mod around, there are definite differenced from the new system, but you have to be the one to decide if it's worth the maintenance effort.
  14. So could it be applied to any texture? I thought it was a special normal map or something, and I was about to suspend my modding efforts because I can't make those, but if it can be added to existing parts like you've done I might keep at it. Also yes more RCS blocks!
  15. This is really reassuring to see; the new engine look has me very worried about the standards that are currently in place, so it's great to see there are people out there thinking about meeting the new ones. Especially since it looks like replicating the new stockalike will be beyond my ability.
  16. Oh, but I can! Actually, you have a couple I don't, and I had a few more planned besides those, but still. In fact, your blocks have the same shape but much better texturing, so if you cover all the possibilities I can even stop maintaining these!
  17. Love that bounce at the end of the animation, really gives the antenna/doors weight. I haven't been around in a while so this might be a dumb question, but will the antenna be a separate part? It'd be a shame to limit it's use to one craft.
  18. Update v 1.0.4 Added streamlined fuel tanks (Soyuz style) Updated fuel tank textures Rebalanced all fuel tanks (feedback appreciated) With this update I'm declaring the LF/O tank set complete, and proceeding with the engines.
  19. Just dropping by to say I think you succeeded in striking a good balance with the science equipment; all the information I would want is there, but it's definitely not confusing or distracting.
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