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Everything posted by Starbuckminsterfullerton

  1. I've been a little busy recently so this is the first I've seen of the completed rework, and not only did you remaster all the old parts, duplicate the stock parts in a matching style, add centrifuges, landing legs, and everything in between, you went and did this: I remember posting this back in the old thread and imagining the view from inside, but knowing how much work IVA's are and that it was probably too much to hope for. And then I saw this. I'm blown away. Thanks for all the time you put into this, and everything else.
  2. I took some screenshots messing around with the NFLV stuff and 7-man pod back awhile back and then promptly forgot about them, but since I found them I figured I might as well share... Album a/O3Dux will appear when post is submitted ...ugh the album embed thing never works, link to rest I don't want to spam the thread with giant images... https://imgur.com/a/O3Dux
  3. 1.25m cupola IVA? And maybe a door... I love using that thing for rovers/landers even as is, I think there's even a picture somewhere in this thread, so even just a greybox with instruments (I know, that's the hard part) is something I would spend a lot of time in.
  4. You weren't kidding! Thank you for making the service bay floor toggleable, combined with the door it could work really well underneath the big NFS pod. Speaking of which, can I suggest a 45* 4-way RCS block (like the thruster part of the AVCS) for NFS? Lest I sound too grateful for the update...
  5. I have not. I found no relevant errors, though that doesn't mean they aren't there.
  6. @Nertea just noticed that B9Partswitch is in the wrong file location in NF Construction: it's outside of GameData. Not a huge deal since running almost any of your other mods will add it in the right place, but just in case. Edit: Also found a real bug, the LF-1 and LF-2 MPDTs appear dark orange in the VAB, as if the whole thing were heated red hot. Heat emissive stuck on high? The LF-2's fairing is also dark blue.
  7. I haven't been around much lately so I just saw this, and I'm so excited! I've been wishing you'd do some regular LFO launch parts since SSPX came out, but never believed it would happen since stock already kinda had it covered. Ive been using reconfiged Cryoengines and scaled tanks since KW dev stopped cause the stock ones were so ugly. Even made my own set, but they didn't measure up... I know you don't want to backfill, but would you ever consider doing a 2.5m set? We have the released porkjet files for 1.25, and now this mod will eventually cover 3.75m and up, leaving only a single size uncovered. And it's the one that needs a redesign most badly, what with the oil drums and all... If that's outside scope, which would be understandable, can you share the logic you used to decide on fuel/mass ratios? Cfg. rescaled 5m tanks would still be way ahead of what we've got now. Edit: just remembered that MkIV has 2.5m tanks now. While I'd love some rocket-style ones, you probably have better uses for your time than duplicating existing functionality. Still would be interested in balancing info though, to config other stuff to match.
  8. Thanks for the update! Always nice to see more size 0 nukes around, RLA used to be the only one.
  9. I'm a little out of the loop these days since my computer can't run the game anymore, has this always been possible? Does it tie the throttle % to animation keys? What happens when you floor/kill the throttle? Thanks for a great update as always, waiting until I'm able to try all this stuff out is killing me.
  10. Thank you once again for keeping my favorite mod up to date!
  11. Thanks for letting me know, I've been too busy over the holidays to get anything done on the mod, but this is the first thing I'll check when I get back to work.
  12. I'm sorry for not responding earlier, but don't apologize! I don't think there's anyone in the modding community that is here for attention, and it's a good thing you took the job on- my hard drive died in early november and with finals happening not long after I got it back it would have been ages before I even had a chance to finish the same patch. In fact, this is the first time I've been back to the forums since! I did PM Hoojiwana when RLA continuation was first under discussion and still have yet to receive any reply, so I think you did the right thing by moving ahead. I'll see you in the continuation thread.
  13. Thanks very much for doing this, you got it done much sooner than I could have.
  14. I'm having trouble replicating this, mostly cause I can't get KER to run, but I can verify that both the nodes and CoM's are right, and any test rockets flew true with no control input. It might be an aerodynamics thing, in which case I'll have to do some reading before I can fix it. Thanks! Fuel tank values were based off of the KW values for the same size tank, since these tanks use the same sizing paradigm. KW does not have any .625 parts so the capacities were extrapolated from the same trend the larger tanks follow. Since these are rocket parts, they were balanced based on mass not volume, where you may notice these actually have an advantage - an SPS tank of equivalent mass to an Oscar B would hold 2.4 more units of fuel. Streamlined tank capacities are based on the proportion between the volumes of a cone and cylinder of equivalent height and base diameter, they will be revisited in the future but geometrically the balance is accurate. Easy enough, consider it done! Forgot to check this, what specifically goes wrong when you use those?
  15. Thanks, I'll check it out, in the meantime any additional information you can give me would be a great help. Are there any adapters in particular that do this or is it all of them? Where are they in the rocket, as an undeployed upper stage or as the active stage?
  16. Yeah you're probably right, but I had to try. Alright I'll get on this next chance I get, can we get a list going of things that need fixing? So far I have: - Move to RCSFX module - Probe antennas / kerbnet - electric engine balance? Anything else?
  17. Update v 1.0.5 Converted RCS blocks to new RCSFX module Added bulkhead profiles and search tags to all parts
  18. I think I can fix that. RCS needs to be moved over to the new system as well. PM'd @hoojiwana to see how he feels about someone else maintaining the mod.
  19. I've just confirmed everything is working fine in KSP 1.2! I'll make some minor updates soon, mostly to bring the RCS over to the new system, then continue working on new parts.
  20. How about some kind of ring around part of the base? For the umbrella (88-88) you could put it in the center so you can see it when it's open. For the new ones maybe a light on the end of the antenna/dish focus for the ones that don't move and on the base for those that do. Random blinking like you say might be a cool way to indicate active transmission, then you can use color for signal status. Also, the science container could use a simple does/does not contain data light... if you think it's worth the effort.
  21. Congratulations on an this as much as everything else; while you've had many polished releases, it's still a big moment to have an official v1.0!
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