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Everything posted by Colserra3

  1. Whenever my Kerbals hit their heads they go into a coma. I don't have any screenshots of this, but they just stand there... staring into the distance... Needless to say Bob was heartbroken leaving Jeb in his comatose state but it was necessary. Our hero, Jebediah Kerman: .
  2. Depends on what the ship's mission is. If it's a lander: No f*cking way! I'm terrible with first-time landings! If it's an interplanetary vessel: Nope. I'm not going to waste 4 years of my life in a sweaty space suit! If it's orbital/part of a space station: Yeah, sure! They're usually quite safe! These were the last words of Cpt. Serra before a strutting error on one of the SRB's caused the ship (K.I.S.S. refueler) to explode on the launch pad.
  3. Thanks to everyone for the advice/answers! But like someone who never reads instructions, the only thing I read prior to making the post was the rules. So please excuse my ignorance. Ë„ P.S: I didn't mean that in a bad way, I was being sincere.
  4. Get ready for some major O.C.D! (It's actually O.C.P.D. but most people just say O.C.D. (There I go!)) I usually name my manned ships according to what missions they are. E.G: Artemis 1 (moon mission), Hermes (interplanetary vessel), and other names similar. My probes are usually just abbreviations. E.G: K.O.K.D. (Kerbin Orbital Kethane Detector), M.M.S. (Minmus Mapping Satellite), etc. My space station names are unique to every one. E.G: K.I.S.S. (Kerbin International Space Station), K.O.O.S. (Kerbol Orbital Observation Station) And I use Mk. 1, Mk. 2, etc. at the end of the names whenever I make design changes. E.G: Adding 4 SRB's onto the rocket body. But I have no standardised naming scheme for my subassemblies... yet...
  5. Hello! Though I am not new to K.S.P. I only just made my forum account recently and I have no idea how to change avatar or signature (signature isn't important). If my avatar needs to be pre-approved here's a link to it: https://imgflip.com/i/at3en. Any help is sincerely appreciated.
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