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Everything posted by Colserra3

  1. Granted, but upon using it 239,000 lightly fried eggs fall onto Kerbin leading to the death of every Kerbonaut by cholesterol poisoning. I wish for a banana.
  2. Then stop trying to drink with your knife! The cheese was to be had with your red wine. Waiter, there's a telltale in my soup.
  3. Granted, the paradox causes a fissure in space-time, destroying everything within a 2 mile radius of your current location. I wish people would stop causing fissures in space-time.
  4. Granted, in your attempt to change the way the internet works, anonymous posts personal information of you on the internet. I wish anonymous would do something significant again.
  5. Orpiment Look it up, scary stuff.
  6. Granted, everyone gets some Orpiment. The human species goes extinct. I wish I was a law abiding citizen.
  7. Nothing's getting through that depleted uranium armor.
  8. Granted, but the Heavy (from TF2) punches out all of your blood. I wish for the truth.
  9. Granted, I misread your wish, and so you got a silicone monocrystal. I wish all good things didn't have to come to an end.
  10. http://youtu.be/dzsnymbdxeY I was teaching Yoda to speak.
  11. http://youtu.be/dzsnymbdxeY Waiter, there's a red pill in my soup.
  12. Wouldn't want this guy making sure everything was fine.
  13. Granted, you broke the game. I wish this statement was false.
  14. Playing Picture War (Bruce Lee showed up).
  15. KILL IT WITH FIRE! Waiter, there's a Windows 8.1 in my soup!
  16. Granted, the cost of producing pennies cannot cover the amount being produced, thus increasing your countries deficit. I wish all countries would abandon the penny.
  17. Granted, you lose your eyes in a freak-sightseeing accident. I wish Arstotzka was real.
  18. Granted, people have forgotten about it because it has been so long since there was a day-night cycle. The Earth has been stationary for a loooooong time. I wish people would stop buying tiny dogs, and buy huskies or German shepherds instead!
  19. Don't worry, I'll just take all the hydrogen out! Waiter, there's a data centre in my soup!
  20. People are too busy watching this guy: I'm sure you've heard of him.
  21. Those are bits of meat, and vegetable. Waiter, there's life in my soup!
  22. Resulted with mass-genocide on-par with WW2 Germany, the U.S.S.P., and 1940s Japan.
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