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Everything posted by Jett_Quasar

  1. I believe Kerbals evolved from tardigrades (water bears), it's the only thing that makes sense to me. JR
  2. Agreed, but how would that work within the game mechanic? JR
  3. On Eve the problem is not the delta-V it's the aerodynamic drag. Unfortunately Sirine I don't have good news. I wasn't able to get your craft into orbit - once you get beyond about 50 m/s the drag just bogs you down too much... sorry. JR
  4. Makes you think long and hard before you bit into that O'Henry bar! JR
  5. We've all done it, sent a Kerbal on a multi-year mission to a far-off moon alone in a lander can with nothing to entertain themselves except those cute little buttons and dials( not to mention the notion that they may never make it to the surface, or see their home planet again)... and of course no long-term life support. I always just assumed that Kerbals could hibernate you know just like squirrels - just turn down the thermostat and sleep for six months (or years). With the new update to V1.1 there is talk of adding a requirement for life support, which is good but I wonder if there will be an option to put your Kerbals into stasis or some other long term vegetative state? JR
  6. The picture in my signature links you to my craft folder on DropBox. I need to set up a page to organize it all. JR
  7. Like the thread says... I play this game way too much! LOL JR
  8. When you have a Kerbal Space Imgur album that looks like this... JR
  9. There's a balance in this game between realism and fun. Too much realism and it's way too frustrating, not enough and there's no sense of accomplishment. Fortunately there's the quick-save and revert options, so you can keep trying until you get it right - then the sense of satisfaction makes all the cursing worthwhile. JR
  10. I had the same problem, try checking your video driver. I had a problem with Windows 10 not loading the proper video driver (I have an Nvidia GeForce 740M video card). for some reason during the initial install the video driver caused an error. I had to reboot a couple of times and then reinstall it manually. After that my KSP game actually ran better than in Windows 8.1. JR
  11. Between the discussions on "Piggyback Mating" and SSTD's the conversation in this thread has gone downhill REALLY fast! JR
  12. After getting a couple space planes into orbit in V1.0 I think it will be possible to make the Millennium Falcon into an SSTO again (like it was in V0.90). I may wait until Release 1.1 though. JR
  13. Some kind people on this forum tried to have an intervention for me a while ago, but I was able to convince them that KSP was way more important than my job and my girlfriend, so it's all good now! JR
  14. Yeah that's a screenshot of my Millennium Falcon flying past an interplanetary starship on the launch pad (That's not cheaty at all - LOL). If you want to fly either one of those craft (as well as a few more) click on the picture in my signature and you'll open my drop box with a bunch of craft files in it - it's not cheating I assure you, both those craft are stock. Sorry I'm a few billion dollars short so KSP will have to do - besides Elon Musk has already been there and done that (and he still plays KSP)! If there was bacon I'd vote for it! JR
  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again - there's nothing you can do in this game that could possibly be considered cheating! All KSP images have been moved here. JR
  16. Good idea that would work, I can jettison it along with the landing gear. JR
  17. Clipping fuel tanks is a sin? Oh... My... GOD! I'm going to H-E-L-L!!!!! Oh and since I'm confessing; I, abuse quick saves and reverts way too much, and in desperate situations I've been known to hit alt-F12 (but never in career). Oh and I've been known to edit quick saves on occasion but only if the game glitches, and that barely ever happens. JR
  18. I love the design aesthetics of Star Wars ships - mostly the Millennium Falcon and it's precursors, as well as video games like StarCraft, Star Citizen, and Elite Dangerous (and I cant forget Star Trek and BSG as well). But generally I just like to try different things. This page has a lot of unique ideas for craft. Most of what I make I don't use because it just doesn't look cool enough... JR
  19. I've tried a couple of times and unfortunately the drag from the heavy atmosphere will stop any craft from reaching orbit unless it is very aerodynamic (also my base is nearly at sea-level). I think I'll test out Foxter's design next - I always like to make some changes to craft I download, hope you don't mind. I sort of need ladders so I can get the Kerbal on board... JR
  20. I've got an SSTO that will do the trick, it will take ten kerbals to Duna and back... how good of a pilot are you? It's actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it, all you have to do is: (1) Fly into orbit with the SSTO spaceplane carrier (2) Detach the Reliant Starship and land on Minmus to refuel (3) Fly to Duna and land at the desired location - it can also drive across the surface if you don't land close by (4) Takeoff from Duna after swapping out crew and refueling (5) Land on Ike to refuel and gain additional delta-v for the flight back to Kerbin (6) Fly back to Kerbin and mate with the carrier spaceplane (7) Re-enter (8) Land at Kerbal Space port and get all your money back - simple as that Click the picture in my signature to download the Reliant SSTO. -- JR
  21. Continuing to work on my second fleet of infinite range starships... JR
  22. I'm trying a different approach to space planes. Mine usually flip backwards on flying in to KSP after de-orbiting, so I decided to change the design a bit (well, quite a lot actually). I got it into orbit OK but the reentry was rough - still a work in progress though. JR
  23. I designed my first space plane from scratch in Version 1.0. It's a bit radical but it fits in nicely with the rest of my pirate space fleet. I was able to get it into orbit but re-entry was an issue with those jet plane wings on the front and no air brakes, but it's a work in progress. JR
  24. Nothing that I have works on Eve any more but I'm willing to test designs if you have a craft file. JR
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