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Everything posted by Jett_Quasar

  1. Yeah I would do that but I already have lots of money as well (~30 Million Kerbucks). And all the engines have been nerfed in 1.0 so I'm just trying to find a way to make things more interesting - even if it was a combination of science and money or even reputation for the upgrades I think it would be a great game-play dynamic to add to a new version. JR
  2. While I agree with you that FUN is a subjective term and there are people who find the current aerodynamic model to be lots of fun, the problem I'm encountering is introducing this game to new young players. They generally like to build those cool space planes and are immediately confronted by the reality that (in the lastest version of the game) it's a long and sluggish flight profile into orbit keeping the nose only a few degrees above the horizon for the most part. Now this may be a more realistic flight path, I don't know because space planes don't exist in the real world, but I can tell you it's a grind and it's a much tougher sell than it used to be. I'm just trying to rationalize where Jackboy900 and others are coming from when they post requests like this. He paid for the game, why shouldn't he be able to use a back-dated version? Also I'm not advocating a complete change to the aerodynamic model. After building several advanced SSTO's, in my opinion it's largely the engines that are the problem - I think they've just been nerfed way too much and we've gone from spamming air intakes to spamming engines. JR
  3. I'm not worried about this forum, it's very well managed - I have the infraction history to prove it. (what did you expect I'm a part-time space pirate) JR
  4. Not a problem, I'm sure Azimech and Flying Beaver are happy to have you playing with their creations. Have fun! JR
  5. This one is a cargo ship, but I'm sure you could trun it into a battleship by adding guns and armor. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132126-Medium-Cargo-Ship-Aranxahttp://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132126-Medium-Cargo-Ship-Aranxa And here's a submarine: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131860-K-Class-Submarine JR
  6. It's the combination of soupy atmosphere and crappy engines that's the problem. I've built a space plane that can fly to Minmus and refuel with an on-board ISRU to go anywhere in the Kerbol system and I can tell you without hesitation - Space planes in 1.0 are not as fun as in 0.90 no matter how many times you do it. I've seen this question before; There's a growing community of users that are back dating to previous versions of the game because they were simply more fun and while I wouldn't do it myself, I understand why they feel that way. Also, I'm one of the vast majority of players that would never download FAR. Why Squad has forced everyone to use that particular mod by including it in the core game play is beyond me. JR
  7. I was able to do a small aerobraking manouver above 195KM, but I still had to do a burn to get capture. Engine burns at that low altitude is actually quite efficient due to the Oberth effect as well. JR
  8. I've got a career game where I'm about half way through - I've explored Kerbin, Duna, Eve and I'm starting on Jool. I have gained enough science that I've completed the entire tech tree, and I have still been able to collect several thousand more science points that have no purpose in the game any more. What I would love to see added to the gameplay is the ability to spend those science points improving the performance of existing parts - say decreasing the mass of an engine or increasing it's thrust or ISP. That would be a great addition to the game IMHO. Any thoughts on this? JR
  9. It's not. Everything about this port will be good for the existing game and PC gamers. It's just fun to bash on console players. Personally I'm really looking forward to this update for one main reason - performance gains. JR
  10. No, no backwards Spanish sounds Kerbish. JR
  11. I think I'd prefer to tell everyone that I'm just lazy than admit that I'm having a Weiner crisis! JR
  12. Looks like Bill, Bob and Jeb are fighting over the controls again... JR
  13. Nice! I really like the music, where is it from? JR
  14. You'll find craft files for all kinds of ships (space, water or otherwise) in the Spacecraft Exchange section of the forum. JR
  15. That ship is just crazy - I love it! What I'd really like to see is some pics of it around other worlds. If you could refuel that puppy it could do a grand tour. JR
  16. Mister Spock don't you mean "Fascinating"? JR
  17. Personally I like to use every part available in the game to make starships that are unique and cool looking. JR
  18. Some noob testing out version 1.1 on an X-box keeps stranding them and we have to bring them back! JR
  19. Thanks, I'm not sure if that's the sort of thing FireBlade was looking for but it will definitely do the job. It's capable of taking ten Kerbals to Duna (or pretty much anywhere else for that matter), and return them back to KSC. It's complex to fly but any time you're doing a return from Duna you're going to run into that. JR
  20. Drunk already?! It's only 10 AM and all I've had is three beer! (just kidding... I only had one ) JR
  21. I agree, and I would hope that they would join this community as well, but what I've found is that many other game forums a LOT less friendly - and that includes YouTube comments, as you can see from the posted link. I'm all for expanding the platforms for this game, and it will bring in a new audience of fans, but there will be the haters who are ready to jump all over any flaw in the game. I'm sure Squad is doing everything in their power to mitigate this though. JR
  22. This is the weirdest orbit I've seen... All KSP images have been moved here. JR
  23. You'll find the community on this forum much friendlier and more forgiving of minor issues with the game whereas the X-box and PS4 gamers will not be so nice. If the 1.1 release is another repeat of 1.0 (which was predominantly to capture the Steam market), things will not be good for the future of this game. The good news is that Squad is making the right moves from what I have heard, in getting help porting to Unity 5/PS4, and taking their time and not rushing this update out the door before it's ready. JR
  24. Agreed, I use them for everything, including stuff that's not on that list. All KSP images have been moved here. JR
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