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Everything posted by CleverWalrus

  1. Yes, since the authors are not updating the mods i made that quick and dirty fix, it should work without many problems with the shuttle cargobay, at least it does for me.
  2. I know it will be a bit 'too big' or even useless... Please... Sulaco.
  3. CBBP here is what i ended up doing with your amazing mod: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=13453.0 thanks for the great fun i had.
  4. I have to say that i spent a LOT of time for making this work modifying all the required parts, sadly sometimes you think the craft is fine and then suddendly bad things happen during flight, finally i managed to reach the main mission goal! Assumption: Automated probes have found a large amount of unknown compounds under the 'icy lakes' of Minmus, the worth of this 'new' material that is not available on earth driven the space agency to build a spacecraft capable of landing on the small moon, retrieving a large quantity of the material and return it safely to Kerbin. PS: the 'unknown' material found in the icy lakes of Minmus is used for making amazing ice-creams. Vessel Specifications: - Mir Replica - Zoxygene mod for crew breathing - Energy solar power using filters for recharing zo2 - Soyuz ready for escaping or delivering cargo - High powered Laser Beam for clearing debries and hazards - Radar mapping tool - Mass spectrometer - Bottom hatch for Minmus walks - Dual purpose exavator for extracting ice (and making ZO2 out of it) Launcher Specifications: - 4x Angara 8 meters liquid tanks + liquid engines - Secret Soviet gravity nullifier for reaching apoapsis Mission Plan: - Launch from kerbin - 250km Circular Kerbin Orbit - Insertion burn to Minmus - Correction mid-course burn - 250km Circular Minmus Orbit - Deep-Scan of the icy-lakes with mass spectrometer - Landing on the best spot - 15 Kerbin days of extraction - In Progress - Launch from Minmus - 250km Circular Minmus Orbit - Injection burn to Kerbin - Correction mid-course burn - 250km Circular Kerbin Orbit - The Soyuz is loaded with the material - Undocking of the Soyuz - The Soyuz land in sea a few km east of KSC - A new Soyuz is launched and dock with Mir - The mission start over Photos: Launch! Kerbin Orbit Landing Minmus Surface Minmus Surface with Kerbin and Mun on Background Craft File: Since it\'s 'heavy modded' for filling all purposes i will prepare a 'basic' mir + soyuz craft file tomorrow using only basic components of Kosmos Spacecraft (starbase and angara) and Noyuz
  5. Some time ago i gave some suggestions to Kreuzung for his Electrical plugin module and how he could integrate it with Radiators, i tought about it and i ended up with the following: 'Resource' Types 1) Energy - All modules use a fixed amount of energy for operation - During 'night' all modules use an increased amount of energy for heating - Solar Panels generate energy and heat during day - Batteries store energy 2) ZO2 - Every 'habitable' module consume ZO2 based on size and purpose - Zoxygen filters generate ZO2 using energy - Elektron devices are consumable 'one activation' items that boost ZO2 quickly consuming pellets charges 3) Heat - All modules generate heat during operation - During 'day' all modules generate additional heat - Deployed radiators during day reduce overall heat - Deployed radiatros during night reduce a LOT MORE overall heat We can mix these 3 'resources' so that: - If ZO2 finish Kerbals die. - If heat reaches to high levels Kerbals die. - If heat reaches to low levels Kerbals die. I have tryed to end up with a 'plan' for reproducing Mir using the stated assumptions: Mir Core Module Consume Energy Consume Heat during night Generate Heat during day Generate ZO2 Consuming Energy ZO2 Storage RCS Fuel Storage Battery Kvant-1 Consume Energy Generate Heat Generate ZO2 On-Demand with Elektron consumable pellets Gyrodines for altitude control RCS Fuel Storage Battery Kvant-2 Consume Energy Generate Heat Gyrodines for altitude control Whatever... Kristall Consume Energy Generate Heat Gyrodines for altitude control Spektr Consume Energy Generate Heat Gyrodines for altitude control Generate ZO2 Consuming Energy ZO2 Storage RCS Fuel Storage Battery Priroda Consume Energy Generate Heat Gyrodines for altitude control Whatever... Solar Panels Generate Energy during day Generate Heat during day Radiators Reduce Heat during day Reduce a LOT of heat during night Actually, i have checked out a bit the way Plugins are developed in KSP and if someone like Kreuzung want some help for developing a 'good' integrated system i\'m available to speak a bit over skype for organizing the work
  6. Considering the amount of editing that i did (1 line of code and repacking) i would say that is very difficult that the problem is caused by the 'temporarly fixed' DLL, it\'s more like the problem is between 0.15 and the DLL functionalities that need a re-work or update from the author, can u attach a .craft file for reproducing the problem? i played all last night with this DLL and had no problem regarding cameras.
  7. My editing have zero chance to cause such extended problems, i belive is just a problem with 0.15 that must be addressed by the author.
  8. Right: PKSMultiJointConfigParser.cs Line 43 changed to: string[] config_file_lines = File.ReadAllLines<PKSMultiJointPart>(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + part_name + '.cfg');
  9. Hello, I did a quick&dirty fix for the CargoBay and MultiJoin plugins, as already said to Sarkun by PM if he want i\'ll remove them asap but since i love these parts i fixed them somehow. Do the followng in Plugin folder: Delete PKSCargoBay.dll Replace PKSMultiJointObject.dll with the attached one Note: i was unable to make the PKSCargoBay.dll works so i merged it\'s functionality with PKSMultiJointObject.dll, it\'s quick and dirty but it works as long as the author don\'t make a proper fix
  10. Hello, Since i needed this plugin to work otherwise i could not have fun with KSP i managed to fix it for 0.15, i had not spoken with the author, since the project is open-source i just fixed it in the quickest way i found and obviously if Sarkun want i will remove the link istantly without questions i just found 'useful' to share it since it works. What changed? - Originally the plugin checked the 'Parts/part_name/arm_conf.cfg' files for configuration - Now it checks the folder 'PluginData/part_name.cfg' so in the package i moved the files there. Download in attachment. NOTE: Attempting to fix PKSCargoBay for Tyberdine shuttle cargobay.
  11. Maybe someone already proposed it but this project 'scream' to be done in kerbal: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nautilus-X Maybe it could be a 'template' for some new picies? i would LOVE to have this sincerely
  12. Hello, I fell in love with this mod, flew it the whole week end, at the end i managed to build up a SSTO shuttle able to bring about 5 tonns in 250km orbit (just with your parts). I have a request, there is any chance that we could get a 'longer' cargo bay? the current one including decoupler barely fit 2 1m fuel tanks touching the bottom, since i use the cargo bay both for cargo and 'mission specific' equipment (solar panels, batteries, zoxygen stuff etc) i would love to have more space... maybe instead of 2 blocks long you could make it 3? or even 4? i hope you can do something about this, i\'m loving your shuttles a lot and i would love to use it even more.
  13. Fianlly! it worked with the TKS Solar Panel, i lost a bit of cargo-bay but it\'s fine, now i can manage my Zox using batteries as i wanted, thanks! Attached Screen, i modified a C7 RCS block with the stats of the 'main' Zoxigen core module, at least it fits a bit better.
  14. Any chance for a folding solar panel? i would love to fold it back in it\'s place before re-entry
  15. Nice 2 know A question, there is a way i can modify the 'dsm_solarpanel' that was included in the deep space package for not 'sticking out' but 'laying' on the part i place it on? in this way i could place a pair of those on the side of the shuttle without making it stupid with solar panel that sticks out everywhere when launching.
  16. You could make 2 versions of the radiators: - Passive ones (need folding) that when open during night reduce heat, but during day if you leave them open it increase heat. - Active ones that works at any time but consume energy (a lot) for reducing heat So if you have a big space station you could produce a lot of energy, so you have a lot of heat and during day you keep it 'in control' using active radiators, during night you unfold the passive radiators and drop all the heat left for the next day cycle. At the same time everything mix up with Zoxygen so that you must manage it too.
  17. Added a few ideas on the previous post, as always too late you already answered Edit: yea! include it, Multipart joint is amazing, you can do a lot of things i think like folding radiators that you open during night for heat sinking and close during day for not 'catching' too much heat or similar things. Edit2: my 'test' craft is ready for the prototype, i always use this shuttle for testing stuff since i fill the cargobay with all the 'cool' modules, on a side note it can bring about 10 tonns to 150km orbit in a single stage
  18. As i said in last post edit (too late) i messed up with names, the solar panel i was talking about is MJPPanel3_sml and it\'s of type PKSMultiJointPart by sarkun, i was confused by the name, but i don\'t think i can change it to SolarPanel or the multi join would not work right? With the radiators the energy cycle would be: - Day Solar Panel recharge battieries (a good idea could be that batteries gain heat when recharging like real ones) + Create heat Radiators consume energy + reduce a little heat Filters produce zo2 + create heat - Night Radiators consume batteries + reduce a LOT of heat Filters produce zo2 + create heat This would require a balance between day and night, during day you stockpile energy and you build up heat, during night you consume energy and lower the heat. In this way both 'night and day' are useful and the night is not 'always' bad since you need it for cooling.
  19. - Regarding station part sincerely i\'m not very much into stations, since you can\'t add pieces to them or dock/transfer fuel or crew well, i find it a bit pointless and limited, anyway, one thing that is not covered is 'cooling' of the station: Zoxygen Core use up Zo2 or the crew dies Filters create Zo2 consuming energy and generate heat Radiator consume energy and lower the temperature of parts (very big structures require multiple radiators) Solar panel create Energy but the more they produce the more heat they generate This would require some balancing, and you need to have a good mix up of sub-systems for keeping the crew alive, if the Zo2 end people dies, if the temeprature rise things blow up. You may think about fuel cells too, one is the 'cell' with a higher energey density per mass then batteries, when it works like filters they create energy consuming the fuel Another thing is Radioisotope generators, low energy output but very very long lifespan (years) but heavy and maybe they generate heat too. This is just a bunch of toughts, nothing specific - Regarding the ultraflex, i don\'t know how it unfold, but if you press V it does and looks pretty cool, i have tryed to modify the part config as you said (i checked the difference with your solar panel) but the 'yellow' bar with 'efficency' never appairs even if the module is active, folded or unfolded, maybe it\'s a problem with the plugin i\'m using i\'ll try to clean the folder. Scratch that, my bad i confused parts, the one i was talking about is MJPPanel3_sml and it\'s of type PKSMultiJointPart by sarkun, i was confused by the name
  20. Industrial flames one have an amazing 3 part flex solar panel, it fit about everywhere and has a cool look, usually i use a shuttle and i fit the panels inside the payload bay, the insustrial flames one fit very nice occupying few space and you can fold and unfold them pressing V, when folded i think they don\'t have drag or at least inside the payload bay they don\'t blow up ^^
  21. Hello, I\'m having plenty of fun thanks to your mod + zoxygene filter (it\'s even more realistic to use a filter instead of solar power -> zo2) and ion engines for munar transfers. My problem is that the only solar panel that you have included (as far as i can see) it\'s not deployable and it gives me a lot of troubles ^^ any chance you could make a deployable version? maybe one of those nice 3 parts panel that become very small when packed. thanks
  22. I tryed pretty hard to connect the heatshield with the trunk but i was unable to make it stick there.. it\'s like the heatshield is 'larger' then the trunk and it always end up connecting to itself.. any idea?
  23. Even if is not 'realistic' i would love a 'version' of the 'trunk' with liquid and rcs fuel so during orbital manouvering (and even landing on the moon) you can use the 'trunk' tanks and only when detaching the trunk or depleting it\'s fuel the 'capsule' one is used, actually if we look at following the 'real' model the 4 'fins' on the bottom of the 2nd stage around the engine are perfectly right... Yesterday i made a few moon landing attempt with the stock failcan 9 + dragun and just 3 'legs' attached on the trunk, it worked as intended but the RCS fuel was used (as reported) in wrong sequence and left me stuck in orbit PS: with the stock model i see that RCS fuel is used in the correct order, first the 'trunk' one and then the capsule one, while the 'liquid fuel' is used in the wrong order, first the capsule one and then the trunk one, is this what you guys have noticed?
  24. Thanks, you just killed my social life. grats. =P PS: we need a proper soyuz launcher now, there is one with decent model but is not compatible with standard weights etc, anyone know a better one?
  25. Yes please, maybe just under the heatshield togheter with sas, or even deciding to use the Sas or Parachute is fine, i would prefer to use main engines for orbital manouvers and deceleration but the landing itself is a lot easier with a parachute. On a side note, the rcs thruster seem very low powered, is very hard to turn this thing while in orbit.
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