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    Curious George

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  1. I managed to fly a plane there. Took a very long time. Landed and got my crew report....only to find out that I had a copula and not a landing can. SMH
  2. Same here. It is almost like a high altitude \ low atmosphere orbit decay. Switching to ksc or time warping stopping it makes sense because the atmospheric effects should not affect the decay rate during that time (?). It really does feel like a new team working on this rather than the veterans guiding it and pointing out their findings from KSP1. If I could give the new team some advice: Listen to the devs of KSP 1. They made some mistakes, learnt from them and ended up with a pretty solid game, you guys have some really cool ideas, but things like this can be avoided (if it is remembered or documented).
  3. Defeating science, one Kerbal at a time.

  4. Sounds like a subscription based approach. While you do make excellent points, maintenance doesn't come free, etc....I think it is the developers job to ensure their product meets expectations or performs as per specification. Optimisation should be extra, yes - and I feel we are paying for it with expansion packs (well those of us that have to pay). All over, you sound like you love the game. And for that, sir, I salute you.
  5. the only way for any game to recover in sales is for it to produce more content and revamp the game to make it different enough to keep it interesting. I think the Dev's have done that. There is always more stuff for them to add - e.g. Inbuilt universe scaling (RSS) Weather (realistic atmospheres) Multiplayer prop aircraft Life support and that is before they even start thinking about part design/construction. KSP has a pretty big fan/player/modding base to keep it ticking over for years to come. Not bad for a game I first heard about on a kids gaming tv show....(Good Game Spawn Point, ABC, Aust)
  6. Yep, absolutely. I spent about $50AUD and it has give me almost 4000 hrs. That makes it pretty damn cheap entertainment imo. Anyway, I don't think we should ever pay for bug fixes, but extra content....despite missing the deadline by 1 month, I don't mind paying.
  7. Totally!! Sadly I missed out on the April deadline by a month - but hey, a game that keeps me entertained for literally years, the Dev's deserve my hard earned cash. Now if they just inbuilt universe scaling (aka RSS)..... Weather would also be nice. Perhaps then I wouldn't need to run an earlier version to get RO.
  8. Sorry to drege up an old thread, but here is a working fully stock saturn v (as of 25/05/17). Happy to answer any related flight questions. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2e15kcg7rqtmzho/Saturn V Stock.craft?dl=0 Stats: launch 696.408t orbit ~80t parts 305
  9. Ok, so I know it's been done 1 million times. I decided to make a Saturn V with lander using only stock parts. Only stock was not good enough however, it had to be as acurate to the original thing as possible. Not exactly a low parts design..... I screwed up the landing (100% user error), but sing out if you want the craft file.
  10. Thanks man, here is the link; https://www.dropbox.com/s/nykm20nzb0js6cj/Saturn%205.craft?dl=0
  11. Hi, I built a craft and went to launch it, I found that the view was zoomed out to space and the game became unresponsive. I reverted to the VAB. After this some of the parts were missing, so I reloaded the craft save. I am now not able to use the VAB at all, the staging is acting as if I do not have anything attached to the root node and I am not able to select any parts either existing or new. Importing the craft file into a different save does not fix the issue. I have no mods, and I am running Windows 7 x64. KSP Ver I have had issues with overlapping parts crashing the VAB before, this seems to be something different. Here is a screenshot of the issue as I am seeing it in the VAB. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=468667565 Any help is greatly appreciated!
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