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Everything posted by Zeon

  1. I for one cant wait to get KSP for the ps4! Im hoping to convince some of my non pc friends that its worth their money, or i may even buy it for them as a gift i love it so much. Im interested to see what is done with craft files and if we may have the ability to share things with friends or transfer stock craft from pc to console. Limited mod support on consoles would be glorious, but im not holding my breath on that one as licensing for individual creators property would be difficult to work out through so many intermediaries. Lastly I seem to recall squad having plans for official multiplayer sometime in a distant future. Who knows what will come of it, but as a hardcore fan I know ill be buying it for console regardless. Lets hope it drops with 1.1 or very soon after.
  2. Thanks Lots! My plan right now is to fill out an array of craft that function well for stock players. In the future Mk.2's will be produced that are FAR and BD armory approved. Beyond that i cannot say yet.
  3. As a third party, both azimech and majorjim are amazingly good at what they do. It is interesting to note the differences between publishing venue's. I would tend to agree that Facebook and reddit are more novice and beginner level kerbal players. (Or not at all) Here however you probably find all the devotees who have played since .24 (like me) or even earlier and are a bit more discerning.
  4. Thanks alot! Ive looked at your crafts briefly just now and you've obviously put alot of time and effort in. Im particularly fond of that AT-ST replica . In essence, I respect your kerbal ability and it makes your support even more valued. This is simply Not possible ....even with far. I appreciate the support! I am glad that my design aspects can help new players produce more creative and effective craft! As far as making new craft and the poll, I intend to produce at least one new addition a week. I favor aircraft obviously but I like the challenge of building other unfamiliar craft.
  5. Thanks alot! People do seem to like that boat. Any feedback on performance and applications is welcome.
  6. D.F.I. is a private military research division which aims to provide top quality stock craft to all clients. All of our crafts are adaptable to the mission or service specific needs. All Craft Posted here will be made available through my kerbalx account here ------->DOWNLOADS Aircraft Watercraft Spacecraft The Melkor is designed as an interplanetary tug vessel, capable of pulling massive cargo loads to various destinations. The Sr. Docking Port at the rear provides maximum stability for large trailers. There are also 4 Jr. ports aligned outside of the Sr. for various utility/refueling purposes. Heat dissipation extends and retracts from cargo bays. Launcher Included. Warning!!! do not attempt to gravity turn before 15,000 as this will result in tumble and breakage. Also the nuclear motors are correctly in stage 1 and fire throughout ascent to provide better stability on launch. (refuel after orbit required)
  7. Better Pics Equipped with fission reactor, 8 Jr ports, 12regular and 1 Sr. Port at the back (designed to serve as station and tug on interplanetary journey) Seats 32+1 in the command module. 8 Nuclear rockets & 8 ions. However the propulsion modules are connected via docking ports and allows for modified propulsion packages. Planning to build a trailing package of science equipment deployable rovers, landers, and sattelites.
  8. Thanks. Im Having a little trouble with the welding, does anyone know a way to alter .craft files to force a hatch to be openable ? it always seems to get blocked when i combine parts for some reason. Also ive uploaded .craft file for the Z-22Vtol. Currently working on the SZ-Mk1 Spaceplane. Mostly using MK2 parts from SP+, which i cant recommend enough for spaceplane afficianados.
  9. This is the best place to share projects it seems. Mainly i work on Jets, SSTO's, and Space Stations. I also use UbioZur Welding tool to fabricate solid fusalages, and im considering puting together a fusalage package of Fused Stock parts or otherwise. Ive only been playing KSP about a month so style and technique tips are welcome. I will release craft files as my projects move from WIP to complete designs Diamond Station The Z-22 Vtol (WIP) Mods used include; SP+,KW, B9,IR, Procedural Wings Craft File- https://www.dropbox.com/s/5z3vqaky2opqp3q/Z-22Vtol.craft
  10. You are correct sir, the welding mod doesnt work yet for .24.2 . However, if your using the same mod packages on both version it is possible to weld parts, and migrate them to .24.2
  11. Still a WIP. Has room for 34 Kerbals. 8Clamp o tron, 1SR Clamp o. The standard space station design is boring so this is what im working on
  12. If you are trying to reduce part count for other peoples ease of use, why not try welding your body esthetic parts together? I'm a fan of your turbo Kat line BTW. Never seen the show, but the use of robotics parts and smooth seems really got me interested in this game. If your still looking for people to test out your crafts I'd be happy to experiment.
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