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Everything posted by StarStreak2109

  1. I think this is the single most important aspect that calls for a fresh start at some point in the near future - the history this game carries along with it. The engine and all is fine, it is basically the framework, which will only allow you to go so far... The question is though: Is there the will to do so at some point, or will the powers that be run the franchise dry and then drop it like a used rag...???
  2. Thanks, I found that one myself in the meantime. But yeah any update on the situation is welcome!
  3. Well, I read about KSP in a news article on the net. I thought okay, sounds interesting and forgot about it... Then a few months later I stumbled across a Scott Manley video on YouTube (no idea how that ended up in my playlist) and that kicked me over the edge down that rabbit hole that is the world of KSP. I must have watched every KSP video he ever made including his Reusable Space Program series, Tylo/Eve or Bust! and last but not least KSP Interstellar. So naturally I wanted to do what he did. I also learned a lot from @Felbourn (Bob Fitch), who did awesome KSP series. At some point I found that trying to emulate other guys is not the way to go. Since then I try to find my own way, playing mostly sandbox. Whether it is in 2.5x scale using the fine BDB and Tantares sets (amongst other things) or in 1.0x scale using all sorts of near future / scifi parts packs, my focus is on the engineering side of things. I love building space stations and assembling them in orbit. Lately I have discovered the joys of space planes. Sometimes I tend to meticulously fiddle with parts from dozens of different parts packs until I find the one that perfectly fits my preferences!
  4. First!!! This is a very nice looking small rocket you have there! Can't wait to ty it in-game!!!
  5. But does it need to have all these amenities? Under ideal circumstances, the flight to the ISS is what? 12 hrs? Not much more than two days I guess, right? After all, we're talking about a glorified taxi here. The shuttle IMHO was designed for longer stay in orbit to conduct experiments etc. - a whole different animal. And I think Soyuz originally was also not designed to be solely a taxi to and from LEO, but rather a more multipurpose vehicle. So yeah, while having a space toilet only with a curtain around it may seem like a step back, it would IMHO certainly overkill to add all that additional unneeded weight for more privacy...
  6. I always thought of Soyuz as positively claustrophobic... I comparison to that you can dance a waltz inside Dragon... Well not quite, but it feels like it...
  7. Graphically, the game could use a serious total overhaul, to the point of discussing whether or not a different graphics / game engine might benefit the objective of the game. Besides, what the Unity engine does for the game currently barely scratches the surface of what is possible. I would hope that some day, KSP might look like this example of the Unigine engine: https://unigine.com/en/industries/simulation/space#a-header The second point is something I do not get. Well at least I do not see any influx of new people into the dev team. T2 have acquired the IP but what do they do with it now? I do not see the dynamic take off to new horizons which goes along with being part of a financially powerful game studio?!?! But the chance exists - with us not knowing - that they are working on KSP 2.0 behind the scenes already. But I do not have high hopes...
  8. As a workaround you can you can enable further compatible KSP versions in CKAN. For this, go to "Settings", then select "Compatible KSP versions". Just enable the relevant KSP version and then click "Save". DISCLAIMER: The warnings displayed in the screenshot above are to be observed at all times. Just remember, pure part packs are probably fine amongst 1.4.x patch versions, as long as any dependencies (part modules) are compatible with the version you are running. Part modules from recent versions may not work as intended (or at all).
  9. Hehehe... Barf bag and neatly filled at that... Nah sir, that is a jolly good cup of steaming hot earl gray tea! Now where are the scones with cream and jam?!?!
  10. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Calculation_tools https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Cheat_sheet Here is everything to get you started.
  11. That is what I was inquiring in my above post. Apparently there is a fix somewhere in this thread, but I cannot find it.
  12. That is simply not true! I have never seen anyone left in the dark, who posted legible and sensible bug reports. Just try it, you'll see. PS: But nobody will do your work for you. Helping is one thing, but if you want to mod, you better learn to do it yourself.
  13. Hi there, as I can't seem to find the shader download to fix the icons under D3D11, can some helpful soul please repost the download link? Thanks in advance!
  14. Yay, no more ugly radiators sticking out during atmospheric flight... Thanks for your continued support of this mod!
  15. Hey! These are all very considerate, helpful and generous people here. But you tend to get ignored, if you fail to make a proper bug report. Your quite nonsensical one sentence statements are not helpful for the devs to identify what kind of problem you seem to have. Now I have the impression that English is not your first language. In that case, why don't you try and use tools like Google Translator (link follows). While the end result is not always Shakespear, IMHO it does a good enough job that folks like us can make heads or tails out of what you want to say. https://translate.google.de/ On top of that, please (!) follow the instructions of the following link on how to file a proper bug report! Thank you for your consideration!
  16. Thanks @Daishi, @DMagic and @Paul Kingtiger for all your hard work. These new toys look nice and shiny. Can't wait to try them!
  17. Hi, Cobalt, I use lower stage SRBs, either radially or inline, quite extensively. However on the other side, I only ever rarely use orbital kickstages. This mostly due to the fact that I lack the knowledge and tools to calculate the exact dV needed beforehand nor do I do detailed missions planning like NASA would do. Hence I prefer liquid upper stages as they are more flexible (i.e. I can turn them on/off as required). Hope that helps.
  18. Well, my answer to this is that a Mars mission, or rather a suite of Mars missions, if we're really talking about a long-termin settlement (not talking about colonization!), is an endeavour not limited to a heavy lift vehicle. We're talking about auxiliary craft, rovers, habs, labs, fabrication facilities, power generation equipment, life support modules, tools and all the other ancillary equipment that will be needed for such a mission. Furthermore, I do not believe that the construction of the BFR will remain limited on the existing four facilities. We're not only talking about a rocket, but a space ship with the whole set of ECLSS, navigation, power production etc. I am sure, with the right amount of government funding, sourcing could be diversified to more states...
  19. No, but they could come up with the scientific / research envelope for such a mission. Also I agree with others that 100 astronauts in one shot will not happen for a very long time...
  20. Why don't NASA and SpaceX join forces on this... Oh and ditch SLS btw...
  21. Because we managed to mess up our own Earth, and now we want to do it to yet another world?!?
  22. Bit late to the party, but here are my 2 cents: Can it be terraformed? We don't know really! No, we don't! We do not even understand our own climate here on mother Earth. And we surely are on the way of f*ing it up. But we do not fully understand yet how the global climate on Earth works. And there are so many variables for a completely foreign world like Mars, so how should we know? If it works, then it will not be started by Elon Musk or any person we do know today, but rather by some distant relative in the 24th/25th century. If mankind hasn't bombed itself to oblivion by then. Should it be terraformed? This question was not put forth by the OP. But IMHO this is the more important question! We still do not know if there is a biosphere on Mars or not. If there is one, terraforming IMHO is definitely off the books. And even if there is none, do we even have the right to mess with another world on this scale? Will it be terraformed? I believe - and I have stated this elsewhere - that by the time we have the technology to transform Mars into a new home for mankind, we will have the technology to send spaceships to other stars with potentially habitable worlds. By that time, we will probably have understood that it just is not worth it, because face it, Mars will maybe a barely habitable world but it will never be able to replace Earth.
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