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Everything posted by mattinoz

  1. Exactly give the game a base basic life support that can be tuned down in sandbox. It then acts as the target for all life-support extension mods to push requirements upwards. Other mods wouldn't then need to work with multiple life support targets just the base that would respect the more complex mods. Simply could just be a single supply that is converted by Kerbal into something like EC( and waste) either there is enough or there isn't (Kerbals would be batteries of the system).. Leave complexity to mods to break supplies into parts and seperate waste recycling streams. Then a mod could just handle adding say Radiation by making draining Kerbal EC or reducing how much is produced by supplies unless it has a specific resource. Kerbals in space suits can't consume so space walks have a time limit.
  2. Ummm... What does "we also now have full direct access to the assets of KSP1" mean?
  3. What is going on with the craft on screen?
  4. I think it's a chance to tutor the player to help them develop in the game and get beyond the Kerbin SOI. Conbined with much needed planning tools it could show the players the clockwork of how the system works. Help them learn how to hit targets cheap and slow or fast and expensive. To me I'd think we could have missions on repeat that could be planned out and the game tell us then ho often it could be repeated and system would take care of dropping the craft in to timeline. I'd like to see stock as a simple resource (say tonnage) that could be converted as needed to other resources or at least the ones available at KSC. Player would need to fly first time then it just repeats as requested. Number of automated or tracked flights and the skills could be tied to the tracking centre level or better still staffing or probe core levels. Leave lots of room for mods to add complexity to suit the players level. of management.
  5. If there is any budget in the development funds for "Community Good Will" to me it would be better spent getting some of the prolific Moders in to a camp together to set up for fun and modding the week before release.
  6. KSP 1 isn't really km verse m. More like Hamhooks of fuel verse say kg or tonnes. Or isobars of electricity verse kWh. Made up units don't feed the curiosity beyond the game or even feed on the fact kids seem to love space almost as much as Dino's these days.
  7. Don't they? Maybe bad assumption on my part but given there is a guy in dev video as music producer saying he's crafting sound tracks to various parts of the game and talks about binary system I kind of thought I was odd if he was full time just reworking boppy SPH music.
  8. In another sense the KSP1 abstractions make the game tedious as well. Take resource units - not using real units in the game interface makes it hard to reason about those units in game. Requiring spreadsheets and web tools to mission plan.
  9. Doesn't that depend on how various other mechanics work in the game. Could be fun* to have an automated fleet of them taking containers of parts out to resupply bases with no fuel load.. Slow sure but it sounds like game will hopefully push more of the planning logistics aspects of space travel compared to KSP1 "Just fly" attitude.
  10. Now my head hurts...I'm going to be coming back and rereading this all weekend.
  11. I sort of but maybe wrongly assumed the LOD system would have a rating of how important visuals are and drop them out automatically if it wasn't hitting a certain performance target.
  12. No more freaking 8 bit dotty fonts. Game design shouldn't be a celebrated haven of bad UI design. Every graphic improvement from there will be a bonus to me.
  13. Do kerbals ever get to touch the real controls? All Capsules have mock buttons anyway. Sure Kerbals don't die of Age what about Boredom? clearly not in stock so fertile ground for a mod. Or aren't we allow to talk mods just yet.
  14. I understood different colourways has been built in to core game as part of multiplayer enabling work. I see no reason a DLC couldn't start as a mod then work with the modder to really test/expand the idea and make it robust for future development. That would be a way of supporting game development and community at same time.
  15. I think it would be a great acknowledgement of the good will in the community if they said DLC will only a limited time or number active sale. Sure always have upsell options in DLC packs online but avoid situations like CIties:Skylines where the game runs to for long enough with so many DLC that full game runs 100's of dollars and base game is a mere shadow of what everyone talks about in the video's. Roll them into stock after a while. Let the community feel like there are sponsoring an on going product. Also avoid dumb DLC I mean seriously who pays for additional music packs in games.
  16. Or just Jeb and friends being able to learn to fly. My biggest hope is Kerbals will final be a meaningful part of the game. Not just ballast like the person sitting in the drivers seat of an EV as you push it the last 30m to a charging point. Saves a lot of the Quirks of current career mechanic if Kerbals become a resource to be kept productive.
  17. It's January nothing happens till the end of January at best.
  18. The lander that starts the ice world base at very end has 4 of the same pods.
  19. Why is everyone just taking on assumption that Parent build model will stay? They've already said craft and save files will be incompatible and no convertor is possible. If craft files are using the same basic structuring in the parent model then a convertor should be possible. The thing that would make it damn near impossible would be a move away from the tree structure to something else. So until we know I think it's a bad assumption to say it's one thing or another.
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