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  1. OK, I agree about the helmet. Of course every mod takes time to create and therefore it has my respect. Sadly some modders don't balance trust, weight, size, price etc. with the stock parts. Of course so that their mod will be used well. But this makes the stock parts useless (or in my case the mod's). So my wish would be, that the mod parts are balanced but have a special reason. In this case, it is smaller & lighter, but should mor expensiv than a regular pod. So the interesting part of this mod would be the lesser weight, but for more cash. And don't forget the chewing gum!
  2. Hi I would like to know if there is reallly enough space inside the pod for 3 Kerbals with helmet dressed. If possible I like to know if the trust, ISP and the prices of the parts in this pack are balanced to the stock parts. Thanks for the info
  3. It's not looking like a kerbal with dressed helmet will have enough space inside this pod....!? How about the price, is it balanced to the stock part prices?
  4. The Problem that Science won't be transmittet if I click "Transmit Date" is solved! The Problem was the Mod "Science Alert". Just the "DP-75 Antenna" Problem is left on my BugRep. Happy New Year and go on with your great work!
  5. From Bluedog Design Bureau I have a "MSC Dome Antenna" and a "DP-75 Antenna". I believe this is are parts of this Partpack.for KSP 1.05 First Issue: If I use this antenna right on top of any (also with vanilla "Probadobodyne OKTO") Probe Core, the missile starts without a problem but in hight of 6000m and again in hight of 12000m the camera switches and the missile flies out of sight of the camera view. Second Issue: If I use a Science Tool like Thermometer or else and I transmit data, the data will not be transmitted by the DP-75 Antenna. I have to rightclick on the Antenna self and select "Transmit Data" on the Menue of the Antenna self. I use several Mods so it may be a compatibility.problem. But for shure, check it with vanilla. Mods I use for 1.05: Asteriod Day, Behemont Aerospace Engeneering Large parts, Distant Objects, DMagic Orbital Science, Docking Camera KURS style, Dr. Jets Chop Shop, Firespitter (dll only), Fuel Tank Plus, Kdata, Kerbal Engineer, KSP-AVC, Lithobrake Exploration Technologies, Modula Rockes Sytem, OctoSat, RLA Stockalike, ScienceAlert, SpaceY Heavy Lifters, TAC Life Support, Tarsier Space Tech, Universal Storage, Vanguard Aerodynamics
  6. @ [COLOR=#3E3E3E]BenCushwa:[/COLOR] I added additionally a Thermometer, but don't work (but I will test with Science jr EDIT: this don't work also!) @ [COLOR=#3E3E3E]Harry Rhodan:[/COLOR] I started a new Career on 1.05. The savegame is new and all Parts should be available.
  7. [quote name='Jansn']Maybe you can show a screenprint of the contract?[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://s13.postimg.org/gp5ilcq2f/contract.jpg[/IMG]
  8. Hi there I have accepted a mission: [I]Position a new Satellite in spez. Orbit of the Mun[/I]. Usualy this is no problem, but one of the objective is: " Have a Part on the Vessel" I tried already to connect several Parts on the Satellite, but this objective is never fulfilled. Does somebody know what "Part" exactly is needed for? Thanky a lot :)
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