From Bluedog Design Bureau I have a "MSC Dome Antenna" and a "DP-75 Antenna". I believe this is are parts of this Partpack.for KSP 1.05
First Issue: If I use this antenna right on top of any (also with vanilla "Probadobodyne OKTO") Probe Core, the missile starts without a problem but in hight of 6000m and again in hight of 12000m the camera switches and the missile flies out of sight of the camera view.
Second Issue: If I use a Science Tool like Thermometer or else and I transmit data, the data will not be transmitted by the DP-75 Antenna. I have to rightclick on the Antenna self and select "Transmit Data" on the Menue of the Antenna self.
I use several Mods so it may be a compatibility.problem. But for shure, check it with vanilla.
Mods I use for 1.05:
Asteriod Day, Behemont Aerospace Engeneering Large parts, Distant Objects, DMagic Orbital Science, Docking Camera KURS style, Dr. Jets Chop Shop, Firespitter (dll only), Fuel Tank Plus, Kdata, Kerbal Engineer, KSP-AVC, Lithobrake Exploration Technologies, Modula Rockes Sytem, OctoSat, RLA Stockalike, ScienceAlert, SpaceY Heavy Lifters, TAC Life Support, Tarsier Space Tech, Universal Storage, Vanguard Aerodynamics