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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by SasquatchM
I hope you are ready: advancedCanard advSasModule Ailerons airplaneTail AO_FloodzDown AO_FloodzUp avionicsNoseCone bomb C7AH_EngineBody_F1 C7AH_EngineBody_F2 C7AH_Exhaust_1 C7AH_Exhaust_2 C7AH_Exhaust_G1 C7AH_Exhaust_G2 C7AH_Intake_1 C7AH_Intake_2 C7A_Canard_FS1 C7A_Cockpit_1-1 C7A_Cockpit_1-2 C7A_EngineBody_F1 C7A_EngineBody_F2 C7A_Exhaust_1 C7A_Exhaust_2 C7A_Exhaust_G1 C7A_Exhaust_G2 C7A_Fuel_Line C7A_Fuselage_MK1_Jet C7A_Fuselage_MK1_Rocket C7A_Fuselage_MK1_Structural C7A_Intake_1 C7A_Intake_2 C7A_LGear C7A_NCS_1H C7A_NCS_1M C7A_NCS_ASAS C7A_Structural_P1 C7A_Structural_P1W1 C7A_Structural_P1W2 C7A_Structural_P2 C7A_Structural_P3 C7A_Structural_P3_W1 C7A_Structural_P3_W2 C7A_Strut_Connector C7Canard C7CanardController C7Cockpit C7CockpitMk3 C7ControlSrf C7ControlSrfAng1 C7ControlSrfAng2 C7ControlSrfHeavy C7ControlSrfHeavyAng1 C7ControlSrfHeavyAng2 C7ControlSrfMini C7ControlSrfMiniHeavy C7DecouplerMk2 C7DeltaWing C7DeltaWingSolar1 C7fuselage C7FuselageMk2 C7FuselageMk2A C7FuselageMk2AR C7FuselageMk2h C7FuselageMk3 C7FuselageMk3A C7FuselageMk3AR C7FuselageMk3h C7JetEngine C7LandingRCSMk1 C7MassiveWingP C7Podcone C7PortRcsMk1 C7PortRCSMk2 C7PortRCSMk3 C7PortRCSMk4 C7PortRCSMk5 C7RCSMk2 C7RCSMk3 C7RcsTankMk2 C7RcsTankMk3 C7shockplates C7shockplatesL C7shockplatesR C7sweptwing C7SweptWing2 C7SWingmk1 C7SWingmk2 C7Tailfin C7wingtank C7xrwing C7xrwingL C7xrwingLE CanardController CircularIntake CP_Bigtrak CP_Bigtrak_blade CP_Bigtrak_floodlight CP_Bigtrak_forks CP_Bigtrak_lander_1mdecoupler CP_Bigtrak_lander_2mdecoupler CP_Bigtrak_lander_btdecoupler CP_Bigtrak_lander_cone CP_Bigtrak_lander_crewpod CP_Bigtrak_lander_lowerbrace CP_Bigtrak_lander_tank CP_Bigtrak_lander_upperbrace CP_Bigtrak_lightpod CubeCorp_Turbofan_CCTE15_Clean DAcoax DAhinge1 DApropfan DArotorypistonprop DASimpleprop.5m DASimpleprop.5mPusher DASimpleprop.5mPusherElec DASimpleprop1m DASimpleprop1mPusher DASimpleprop1mPusherElec DASimplepropElec.5m DAswingwing DAtiltrotormech DAturboprop DAvjturbines DAVTOLFan deltaWing DRarmtruss1 DRarmtruss2 DRclaw DRcylinder1 DRdoorhinge DRdoorhingefast DRdoorhingeSuperFast DRdoorhingewide DRhinge1 DRhinge180 DRhinge190 DRhinge45 DRrotatron DRrotatron90 DRrotatronFast DRrotatronFastSUPER dsm_15m_battery dsm_15m_decoupler dsm_15m_ion_engine dsm_15m_short_decoupler dsm_15m_to_175m_decoupler dsm_solar_panel EngineMount1 EngineMount2 fuelLine fuelTank fuelTankSmall GQDM_7x1m_up_split GQDM_DownUnder_2m_fuelTank GQDM_FuelDumpPort GQDM_nukeReactor_2m GQDM_nukeReactor_3m GQDM_prometheus_3x7 GQDM_radialdock GQDM_radialNodeDock GQDM_septaLFE_vanillaBal GQDM_stackradial_2m GQDM_stackradial_3m GQDM_superleg_2x GQDM_superleg_3x GQDM_superleg_3xd GQDM_superleg_mega hstwAntigrav hstwCart hstwLaser hstwPontoon hstwPontoon2 hstwRover hstwSkid hstwSkidL hstwSkidR hstwSkidS hstwTruck hstwUaz isa_RAM_Module JAWRD_C7_ForwardWing JAWRD_C7_Mk2Bicoupler JAWRD_DevastatorRailgun JAWRD_DevastatorRailgunLeft JAWRD_DevastatorRailgunRear JAWRD_DevastatorRailgunRight JAWRD_MMP_S_BodyA JAWRD_MMP_S_EngineA JAWRD_MMP_S_FinA JAWRD_MMP_S_FinB JAWRD_MMP_S_FinC JAWRD_MMP_S_NoseA JAWRD_MMP_S_NoseB JAWRD_RailgunProjectile20cm JAWRD_RailgunProjectileShort20cm JetEngine KR_1m_1_5m_decoupler LandingLeg linearRCS liquidEngine1 liquidEngine2 liquidEngine3 ludo_blimp ludo_gastank Mark1Cockpit Mark2Cockpit mark3Cockpit MJPLeg1 MJPLeg2 MJPPanel3 MJPPanel6 MJPPanel9 MJPRotor MK1Fuselage MK1FuselageStructural mk1pod mk2Fuselage mk2SpacePlaneAdapter mk3Fuselage mk3spacePlaneAdapter mumech_MechJeb mumech_MechJeb1m mumech_MechJebAR202 mumech_MechJebPod mumech_MechJebPod2 mumech_MechJebPod_Engine mumech_MechJebPod_Leg mumech_MechJebPod_LockDown mumech_MechJebPod_Tank mumech_MechJebRad nacelleBody noseConeAdapter NP_1 to 2 metre frustrum fairing NP_1 to 3 metre frustrum fairing NP_1.75mLargeBerthaEngine NP_1.75mMedBerthaEngine NP_1.75mTwinBerthaEngine NP_1.75m_1m_adapter NP_1.75m_1m_cargocoupler NP_1.75m_1m_decoupler NP_1.75m_1m_RCSTank NP_1.75m_2m_adapter NP_1.75m_2m_decoupler NP_1.75m_3m_adapter NP_1.75m_3m_decoupler NP_1.75m_cargoshell NP_1.75m_clamp NP_1.75m_decoupler NP_1.75m_fueltank_HH78a NP_1.75m_long_fueltank_HH78 NP_1.75m_nosecone NP_1.75m_sas NP_1.75m_short_fueltank_HH78ab NP_1m nosecone NP_1mAero decoupler NP_1mfueltank_HH77 NP_1mfueltank_S100 NP_1mLiquidEngine_GGM4 NP_1mliquidengine_K2X NP_1mliquidengine_M50 NP_1mNERVAengine NP_1mSmallFuelTank_R25 NP_1mSmallLiquidEngine_SPS10 NP_1m_1.75m_adapter NP_1m_1.75m_decoupler NP_1m_cargoshell NP_1m_tailcone NP_1_75mAero decoupler NP_1_75mSRB_Half NP_1_75m_SRB NP_2 to 1 metre frustrum fairing NP_2 to 1 metre structure NP_2 to 3 metre frustrum fairing NP_2m long Decoupler shroud NP_2m short Decoupler shroud NP_2m tank_S2000 NP_2m tank_S500 NP_2m to 2X1m adapter NP_2m_1.75_adapter NP_2m_1m_RCSTank NP_2m_SAS NP_3 to 1 metre frustrum fairing NP_3 to 2 metre frustrum fairing NP_3 to 2 metre structure NP_3m Decoupler NP_3m Decoupler shroud1 NP_3m Decoupler shroud2 NP_3m to 5X1m adapter NP_3m to 5X1m adapter slim NP_3m to 7X1m adapter NP_3mEngine_4X800 NP_3mLongTank_T3000 NP_3mOmniBerthaEngine NP_3mShortTank_R1000 NP_3m_1.75m_adapter NP_3m_1m_RCSTank NP_3m_SAS NP_AerospikeEngine NP_Decoupler shroud NP_Decoupler shroud 1 NP_Decoupler shroud2 NP_Decoupler shroud5 NP_decouplerFlange NP_decouplerStrut NP_dockingclaw NP_dual coupler NP_dual coupler R NP_Escape tower NP_Escapetower_decoupler NP_externalFuelTankCap NP_externalFuelTankCapParachute NP_Fairings_1_75m_Nose NP_Fairings_1_75m_NoseCone NP_Fairings_1_75m_Plate NP_Fairings_1_75m_Wall NP_Fairings_1_75m_WallShort NP_Fairings_2m_Nose NP_Fairings_2m_NoseCone NP_Fairings_2m_Plate NP_Fairings_2m_Wall NP_Fairings_2m_WallShort NP_Fairings_3m_Nose NP_Fairings_3m_NoseCone NP_Fairings_3m_Plate NP_Fairings_3m_Wall NP_Fairings_3m_WallShort NP_Fairings_ExpBolt NP_HeavyLeg NP_HeavyStrut NP_LanderPeg NP_landingleg NP_largeSRB NP_lateral coupler NP_lateral coupler R NP_lateral tricoupler NP_lateral tricoupler R NP_light Decoupler NP_medsolidBooster NP_microNoseCone NP_miniBooster NP_miniDecoupler NP_nanoDecoupler NP_nanoSAS NP_orbitliquidengine_RMA3 NP_Parachute adapter NP_payloadassistmodule NP_quad coupler NP_radialFlange NP_RadialLargeLiquidBooster NP_RadialLiquidBooster NP_Radialparachute NP_RadialRetroBooster NP_RadialSolidBooster NP_RadialSpinBooster NP_RadialUllageBooster NP_Retro pack NP_satellite1 NP_satellite2 NP_sidemountSRB NP_smallCapsule NP_smallhollowdecoupler NP_smallNoseCone NP_smallsolidmotor NP_SolarCollector NP_spaceprobe NP_SP_Fin NP_stackparachute NP_strake NP_ThorLanderASAS NP_ThorLanderAscentEngine NP_ThorLanderAscentTank NP_ThorLanderDecoupler NP_ThorLanderDescentEngine NP_ThorLanderFuelTank NP_ThorLanderpod NP_ThorLanderRCS NP_ThorLanderRCSTank NP_ThorLanderStrut NP_unmannedcontrolpod NP_Vernier NP_wingload1 NP_wingload2 NP_Yawmaster_ASAS NP_Yawmaster_Fueltank NP_Yawmaster_RCSBlock NP_Yawmaster_RCSTank parachute_single PartsDir.txt radialDecoupler radialEngineBody ramAirIntake RCS block RCSFuelTank sasModule smallCtrlSrf SmallGearBay smallHardpoint solidBooster ST-Ramjet ST-Scramjet stackDecoupler stackTriCoupler standardNoseCone structuralPylon structuralWing strutConnector sweptWing tailfin toroidalAerospike turboFanEngine UBER ENGINE Ultra RCS block UltraRCSFuelTank VB_IonBattery VB_IonEngine VB_PPC-prototype VB_SolarPanel Vtol Engine, Elec Wheel wingConnector winglet winglet2
I have experimented with the actual wing panels flapping and spinning, but sadly it has no effect.
puff only comes in menthol
Make a vehicle of some sort that is shaped like an animal. This animal can be mythical or real. The vehicle must also have the same primary locomotion as the animal it looks like (at least close). Extra credit: don\'t tell anyone what is supposed to be and we can guess!
I know you can change the extent of teh motion in the cfgs, i didn\'t think you could set the start angle though.. perhaps I have to look closer.
Cargo Plane 2 - Not A Dumpster
SasquatchM replied to SasquatchM's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
yep lol, with 4 chutes how couldn\'t it? -
the floodlights are from Omega Aerospace.
This is just the result of me trying to make a helicopter with a missile hatch
Thrust vectoring in a must.. increase the throttle slowly untli the plane is bouncing a bit, then go just a bit more. It is pretty trick to get on to work without any RCS as well.
Drop Ship 2 a.k.a. The Flying Dumpster
SasquatchM replied to SasquatchM's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
.Craft files and all the needed extras can be gotten here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=13335.0 -
So, is it possible to alter the start angle of hinges? possibly through another gui button?
Turns out that making a plane that starts folded is much more difficult than making one normally that folds as the secondary state.
If anyone has a good bomb part, I\'d appreciate a link!
the hinges are pretty easy to use if you start off with the basic ones. To make any complex folders you will have to do some cfg edits to change rotation speed and how far the hinges bend. Don\'t count on the plane looking all the way folded or unfolded in the SPH, most of mine start out sort of half way and I unfold them on the runway before starting the recordings. Try to go one hinge at a time, go to the runway and check it\'s orientation, then go back to the SPH and change as needed.. use the arrows on the servo controls in the SPH to change the direction of the hinges. Finally the base of the hinges is always connected to the parent part, if your hinges flex in odd ways, they are probably backwards.
Skycrane delivered Münar rover on the Mün
SasquatchM replied to b0bl00i's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
It\'s actually a piston from Damned Robotics V1.2 -
Ok, that is pretty damn cool