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Everything posted by SasquatchM

  1. Now, if only there wasa small, physics responsive air freshener hanging in the cockpit.
  2. It's been a while so I thought I'd throw something new out there.. sort of new anyway. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/bwR8xzlUhi0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Uses Heavy Hardpoint at the bottom of the first post , Vlad's Airbrakes, Position/Nav Lights and JellyCubes Adv. Weaponry Craft File
  3. I\'d be happy to have them, even untextured!
  4. No, this is pack is full of non-interactive parts (well, less interactive if you count throttle).
  5. when you first launch your vehicle, note the direction that your hinges move in, go back to the VAB and in the hinge gui the '<' & '>' buttons change the rotation of each hinge separately. Each click moves it 45 degrees.
  6. A truck and trailer set up with a nifty little launcher inside. Yes, I know I re-used it.
  7. JMBuilder sent me a message: 'You build a boat similar to your capsule retrieval crafts, only not carrying claws or other grabbing arms. It would carry a rocket. This rocket would lift a small satellite into orbit around Kerbin and still be able to reenter.' After entirely too long here is my reply: I love typos in movies I have already finished.... arrg. Follow the link in my sig for the .craft file
  8. Crap. I\'ll get it up soon. It is one of the fairings I modded to be a strut instead of a decoupler
  9. I\'m not sure what you mean by fold in more than one direction. All the hinges can fold and unfold to the extents set in the cfg files. As far as coming up with them. I think it is just a matter of interest and experimentation. The more you use the stuff the more possibilities you can see. I also spend a lot of time looking at what other people are doing for some inspiration.
  10. It will be shortly, I just have to zip up the front hinges from the glider.
  11. the DAhinge190 is in the attachment I placed at the bottom of the initial post.
  12. I have played with it a bit, but the parts we have don\'t really lend themselves to it and I have discovered that I am much to lazy to model them on my own.
  13. I have been noticing an issue lately where if you restart a mission without returning to the VAB/SPH the hinges tend to connect to odd parts of the craft which then try to move with the hinge, usually resulting in explosions.
  14. JMBuilder sent me a message challenging me to make a floating launch platform that could put a satellite in orbit. I still think this is doable, i just got a little carried away with the rocket.
  15. actually that shouldn\'t be too difficult except for getting decent water-born range out of it.
  16. I kinda wonder why the Massive Wings didn\'t make it as stock? I also modified the 3M half walls to be a \'strut\' instead of a \'decoupler\'
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