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Everything posted by SasquatchM

  1. I was playing around a bit ago making hydroponics module - it didn't actually do anything, but I think it would work well with this, especially if you could add a food / water requirement.
  2. Well, I was starting on an Orion project as well, and failed because of the pulsed thrust / ?ammo? issue. Thanks for the starting stuff, Nova
  3. fixed missing sound file for engine
  4. Test download added, requires Snjo's firespitter addon fro fan rotation
  5. Well, this is really built for fairly low altitude, but my older SM-S pack had some fairly high altitude stuff, but it was all black and shiny. it would be easy enough to make an engine designed for high altitude/speed flight, that worked poorly or not at all at low altitude. I'll put together a test pack of this in a bit for testing purposes if you people would be so kind as to give me some suggestions. I think the parts are a overpowered and too efficient currently, but the Isp drops off quickly with altitude.
  6. Anyone have an idea why the v2 intakes would cost about 16 fps?
  7. They probably should be weaker / use more power, and they may very well end up that way, but they are fun to play with like this for now and stop working all together 1t .1 atmospheres, they also become VERY inefficient at higher altitudes.
  8. No the drag doesn't change, but I really wish someone would write a plugin that would allow that. Sadly, I have exactly no coding skill what so ever.
  9. Test Download requires plugin from Snjo's Firespitter Pack Here is the initial version of the SM Electric Ducted Fan and Intakes. Version 2 Updated Textures Need to tweak an attachment node and whip up some better textures / normals (I hate texturing!) and a few balance tweaks. updated textures / normals fixed the download for real! new front intake video test download now contains front intake and SM/DR vtol engine. you need damned robotics rototrons for the SM/DR vtol engine to mount to.
  10. Ya, you can easily add the food / oxygen production, but with out use what is the point?
  11. Yes, they are fission fragment enginesm and up on spaceport now. Click the purple and yellow SM AERONAUTICS button in my signature to go to all of my mods on spaceport
  12. actually I made the hydroponics modules. They are still somewhat a work in progress and I have not yet released them.
  13. This is really just to make sure my latest mods cooperate, 142 tons, 8 hydroponics modules, 4 roves with heavy sky cranes and 5 fission fragment engines with xenon injectors.
  14. Have the front and back wheels rotate different directions to maintain balance and you shold be able to deploy them in flight.
  15. Update: I need to fix a couple of normals and make normal maps for the base parts. Anyone have any idea how to trigger animation using the menus in KSP?
  16. If someone can point me to the information I need to do such a thing I would be glad to. I have no idea how to get the interaction menus to come up in KSP
  17. Here is a quick work up of a 2 meter hydroponics module. Click the image for a link to a larger version. Any suggestions what to add? I am planning on adding some detail in general and to the plants in particular.
  18. Were you using the xenon injectors as well? The fuel use shouldn't be happening like that on the FFRs. the fuel is set up like SRBs so the fuel doesn't flow between engines. If you ignite either the FFRs or the Xenon injector system in any sort of atmosphere they do burn fuel much more quickly.. it shouldn't be that much more quickly though. On the onther hand, FFRAccelerant is actually generated by the FFR for use in the XI, and is only a small quantity and flows like monopropellant, so the XI will burn through it FAST if the FFR is off.
  19. Ok, well that makes sense. This particular model I will not be able to join. Too many transparencies and what not. Thanks for the help though.
  20. I thought i would join various parts of my model in blender to reduce the object count in KSP. That seemed to work fine. Imported the model in Unity with all of the various textures assigned to different parts of the model, they were still linked from when the model was made of several different objects. Everything in unity shows up fine. Write the part and past it into KSP, overwriting the old information. Fire up the game and the model is invisible except 1 small part of it and it has the wrong texture on it. Any ideas?
  21. If you really need to you can assemble the mother ship in orbit out of docked parts, use quantum struts to reduce sway once it is assembled
  22. Actually i know absolutely nothing about coding plugins, which is what i think it would take to get real pulsed thrust, but I may be able to get something working through the art of abusing game mechanics
  23. Looking at what I could find about the nuclear salt water engines, it sounds like anything radioactive is in the exhaust, which is travelling away from the craft at 66km/sec
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