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Everything posted by SasquatchM

  1. No idea how to do that, I just based it off of the existing module
  2. It shouldn't flame out if you have oxidizer tanks feeding it and I was unaware that you were using FAR
  3. Just set your intake to MODULE { name = ModuleResourceIntake resourceName = Oxidizer checkForOxygen = True area = 0.04 intakeSpeed = 0 intakeTransformName = Intake } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 10 maxAmount = 10 } and it will provide oxidizer as long as there is oxygen in the atmosphere and start using your tanks automatically when there is either not enough oxygen or none at all. You'll probably have to tweak those numbers a bit
  4. Basically the position of the throttle determines the position in the animation 50% throttle will set the animation to frame 30 out of the 60 frame animation. Basically I am using the throttle animation method from the ion engines but having the animation control rotation of a part through the animation instead of an emissive
  5. each part has 1 60 frame animation, frame 1 being closed and frame 60 being fully open. I read somewhere that FXModuleAnimateThrottle looked for 60 frames
  6. unfortunately the throttle animations are all set to 60 frames, 1 frame per position so that they move in concert with throttle position. I think I will try animating them directly in unity instead of importing a blender animation. InfiniteDice, what do you use for your animations? I stil lthink it may be tied into the throttle link.. effectively the animation is constantly playing and the position be recalculated
  7. So, i simplified the colliders by about 50% and it had no effect at all. I turned off the animations and gained 36 fps which I'm sure would be more but my vsync is set to 60hz
  8. I'll limit some of the colliders and see if that helps. These are only 60 frame animations, since they are linked to throttle. I wondered if it was because of the throttle connection that it was hitting this hard
  9. How would I go about triggering an animation with an intake? Forward for when it opens, and reverse when it closes?
  10. Crap. I just noticed you are a fellow Wisconsinite. We are all screwed now. There'll be Oktoberfest and beer and sausages. Perhaps you should define 'food' to be bratwurst
  11. make a .cfg file in the resources folder and put something like this RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = Food density = .1 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP } in it. Obviously with whatever values you want to use.
  12. Sadly, I am absolutely useless at coding
  13. test download now contains front intake and SM/DR vtol engine. you need damned robotics rototrons for the SM/DR vtol engine to mount to.
  14. I know how the gimbal move the thrust transform, what I was tying to do is make a part that would gimbal whatever was attached to it. Sadly, both with node_stack and surface attach it does not work. The primary part gimbals just fine, just not anything attached to it. From what EndlessWaves is describing it looks like what I want may not be possible.
  15. So, in other words, this would require a plugin to actually work? Anyone feel like writing a gimbal plugin? Thanks for your help with this anyway though.
  16. It is a just a part with the gimbal module built into it, that is all. I had hoped, as in an engine for example, that since the gimbal module actually changes the trans forms angle that this may have worked. Isn't there a way to define attachment nodes in blender, with an object or transform?
  17. Very disappointing Anyone have any ideas how I can make the node_stack_bottom move with the gimbal?
  18. I cetainly could limit the colliders, but they are less complex already thasn some i have used
  19. I found where to rename it in unity, but never could find it in blender
  20. I have made a series of parts, a couple different intakes and an engine. All of them have an animation that is controlled by throttle. They were made in Blender and directly imported into unity as .blend files. Under the Inspector/Rig I set the animation type to legacy and can then access the 'Default Take' for use in game. I am using either MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle animationName = Default Take dependOnEngineState = True responseSpeed = 0.1 } or MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle animationName = Default Take dependOnEngineState = True } in the part.cfg. With all of that explained: Having more than say 4-6 of these parts does bad things to my frame rate. Any ideas?
  21. new front intake video So, am I just screwed with killing my frame rate with these animations? Is it because they are linked to throttle and active all the time?
  22. Really big RC planes. They are 1 meter parts
  23. Test download at the top of the first post is now fixed for real. let the horrible criticisms begin!
  24. well, how the hell did i do that?
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