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Posts posted by Leszek

  1. Hello Beale

    It has been a long time.  Last time I was here was 2021, but I am glad to see this mod is still under development.  One thing I would like to point out, I am not sure if you noticed, but all the Soyuz and LOK fuel tanks are set to crossfeed = false (the vehicle tanks, not the LV tanks.).  This means that while they carry fuel that fuel isn't actually accessible making the part useless.  Well if you empty the fuel in the VAB you can use it for decoration.  This has been the case for several versions now.

    This isn't a problem for me, I have gone into all 4 of those tanks and just removed this line from the config.  Since they are still in there, it seems like you haven't noticed?

    Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you are aware if you were not already.  I didn't have time to search back through the thread so I hope I am not pointing the same thing out for the 100th time.


  2. On 9/20/2021 at 2:48 AM, Beale said:

    Not going to do any more modding for KSP 1.



    I am sorry to hear that.

    Non-the-less, thank you very much for a glorious mod.  It has been one of my required KSP Mods since almost the start.

    I have below a link to a KSP Vostok that was made using this mod before Tantares LV was a thing.  Circa 2014.  7 years.  My gosh.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/83yo55opd630tx5/front_Vostok 4_4.png?dl=0

  3. 3 hours ago, septemberWaves said:

    I've also encountered the roll issue with the R7 launch vehicle. Experimentation with various configurations of autostruts and rigid attachment (and lack thereof) doesn't seem to help with it. Additionally, I'm not using FAR or anything else which would affect the atmosphere, so strange atmospheric effects from another mod should be able to be ruled out.

    I am not using FAR either.  Try the "B" radial tanks instead of the "A" Variant and see if you can reproduce my results.  Also if you have Kerbal Engineer you can see the torque change, with the "A" tanks I have 3.7 kNm which is enough to trow things off, the same rocket with the "B" tanks has 0.

    P.S. I tried to launch an N1 and found there are no parts for it.  So I got the N1 Folder from TantaresLV 13 but this didn't work.  I got my downloads from Spacedock.

  4. Hello and good day.

    I hope I am contributing with this bug report, I did go back and check the thread but this issue has been around a while and I don't seem to have any luck searching the thread with the search tool.

    I have noticed that the Soyuz LV tends to want to torque around a bit.  After some experimenting, I have narrowed the issue down to the 4 radial fuel tanks.  Specifically the "A" variant tank, the "B" variant doesn't seem to have this issue.  Something is ever so slightly off with this tank.

    Thanks for your time and thanks very much for the lovely, lovely mod.


  5. 3 minutes ago, Jso said:

    Do you mean the Atlas tapered tank is narrower than Mercury? There's an option on the part context menu  to change the top size between 0.9375 and 1.25. You want 1.25. This is true for the 1.62 release you got from Spacedock (the current stable version) and the development files on Github (not even a little stable).



  6. 8 minutes ago, Hay said:

    To attach the Mercury capsule to the Atlas you use a new interstage. It should come up when you search for "mercury" . It's called the Hermes-Muo 1.25m Interstage.

    Thanks very much.  I seem to be missing this part.  If I search for either Hermes or Mercury I get the same parts but no interstage.  Maybee I should download BDB from Github?  Is it possible the spacedock version doesn't have the part?

    It is also possible I just don't have the tech researched but I can't find it in the tech tree either.

    Both Github and Spacedock show the version is 1.6.2.  That is what I have.

  7. So I just downloaded the latest version from spacedock and started a new career.  I am ready to orbit with Mercury Atlas and find the parts don't match up.

    I have checked the Wiki:


    for clues but it doesn't seem to have any.  I went back through this thread to page 624 and didn't find anything. (Though it is a lot of content and I may have just not seen it.)  I searched Bossart and Hermes to see all the related parts but there isn't anything obvious.  Now I am sure this has come up before and probably I am just being an idiot, so please have mercy.  How do I build a Mercury Atlas now?

    Edit: Specifically the Mercury capsule doesn't line up withe Atlas.

  8. 22 hours ago, pmborg said:

    There is nothing wrong with airplanes, they fly like in 1.7.3

    Hello  @Leszek, try to make the center of gravity a bit further from the center of lift.

    This one for example takeoff at 80kts and weights 363tones.


    When you press CTRL + F12: you will enable the forces overlay:


    BLUE: Lift

    YELLOW: Control

    RED: Thrust


    Crap well something is wrong and perhaps it is a mod or something.  The thing is that the normal planes I make and fly don't work anymore.  The one in the screenshot has lots of troubleshooting to still fail.  But for the life of me I can't figure out why if it isn't 1.8.1.


    17 hours ago, AVaughan said:

    I stopped trying to build such designs back around KSP 1.3.  As you mentioned, even the slightest deviation from retrograde will cause the science junior to overheat, and that design isn't aerodynamically stable, so it is likely to deviate at least slightly.


    From the screenshot that you posted it looks like most of your control surfaces are close to the center of mass (and the center of lift).  Either add a tail or some canards all the way forward.  Control surfaces are more effective if they have more leverage.

    Sorry I should have made it more clear but I spent a lot of effort.  That plane is heavily modified when the ones I normally make didn't work.  Those are canards on the front and yes the elevators are close to the center of lift on this one, they weren't originally.  The closer your center of lift to the center of mass the less leverage you need to control the plane and one of the last things I did was move the wings forward to make the difference between the two smaller.  This does weaken those elevators but the canards are still good and this plane should be more than able to fly.  Something is definitely wrong and if it isn't 1.8.1 then it must be a mod.  I am just not sure which one would make this kind of difference as I am using stock aerodynamics.

    Thanks anyway for your input guys.  At least I can figure it isn't KSP and I may have been looking in the wrong place.


    Update:  Now that I know it was a mod the only thing I could think of is the airplane autopilot mod.  Turns out it that was it.  The newest 1.8 version isn't out yet but the build the modder pointed out seems to resolve the issue.  I didn't think this mod made those kind of changes.

  9. In addition to the above.  There is a bug that I don't know how to trigger yet where in if you have two engines for your first stage (Actually any stage but for your case the first one in particular) and use a thrust limiter in the VAB, sometimes it only sets the thrust on one engine.  This can cause asymmetric thrust at launch.

    Just another possibility.

  10. The problem is that even ignoring atmosphere the final altitude of your vehicle doesn't depend only on DV.  The initial TWR matters.

    Looking over the complicated formulas provided earlier, I think they account for this.  But I personally don't want to do a page of math every launch.  So you have two options, make a spreadsheet to do the math for you, or you can think of it by rules of thumb.

    For the same DV, the rocket with the higher TWR will go higher.  For the same TWR, the rocket with the higher DV will go higher.  For best height, maximize both.

    In atmospheres, maximize both until .9 Mach.  Then throttle down to 1.25 or so TWR until 1.25 Mach.  Then give'r.  I know there isn't any math in this post but it once you distill down to HG = v^2/2 I think you are loosing enough accuracy to not really matter.

  11. 31 minutes ago, Boyster said:

    Its not like that, maybe a bug?

    It works fine here, do you have any mods?Are you switching btw Surface and Orbit mode by accident?

    I have lots of mods but I can't think of one that would do that.  Definitely not switching modes, all markers disappear when centered and they do that in both surface and orbital.

    For the mods, I have a mod less version in the steam folder, I will run that and see what happens.

    Update: Nope the clean steam install behaves the same way.

    Update again:  I wonder if it is a bug and related to having a 4k monitor with GUI and Navball expanded to max?

  12. Hello

    There seems to be something wrong with the Acamar_SolarLab_1 solar panels.  It seems that the point that is used to detect whether the solar panel has power or not is very close to the mounting point of the part.  So close that if just a tiny portion of the very bottom of the array is covered, the whole thing is useless.  I tried to change the cfg to fix this but it looks like that setting is not in the cfg.

    It seems like I only come here now and then to talk about what I find wrong with this mod.  That is only because it is so awesome that I use it just about all the time for everything. :)

    Here is a picture of it.

  13. Floor it! <- Before there was a full throttle key you had to manually hold the throttle up button.  All the way.  Up Hill.  In 3 feet of snow.  With no shoes.  And no..... ahem.... anyway the floor it button made the 'Z' key = full throttle instantly.  One of the first mods I ever got.

  14. 4 hours ago, Gargamel said:

    Is that per wheel, or per landing gear?   Ie, IIRC the small landing gear has two wheels, the medium has 4, etc.  So the small would hold 7 tons or 14 tons?  The medium 7 tons or 28 tons? Obviously, if it's per gear, that doesn't make sense.... so.....

    I don't know.  The wheels and the options for them are really quite poorly explained in the game.  If I increase the spring strength does that increase the load it can carry or how much it squats?  I don't seem to have a problem with squatting so what does it matter what I set them to?  AFAIK there is no in game way to see what the part can do without stress testing it.

  15. I know that landing gear have a set limit for which is the max they can hold and land.  I think that it also matters if you land on the runway or out in the field somewhere.

    I understand that for the basic fixed land gear the max tonnage was something like 5 tons.  (At least it was a few game version ago.) Hence I never use them because all of my basic science planes are heavier. 

    But recently I overloaded the LY-10 gear and so now I was looking for a chart.  Imagine my surprise when I see that the Kerbal Wiki says the max limit is 7 tons.  I just landed my 17 ton plane just fine with them!  So the question is, does anyone know what the max weight is for these gear and for a bonus the practical effect of spring and damper strength?

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