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Everything posted by Leszek

  1. "Will fix Soyuz Abort tower! Tried deleting partdatabase.cfg from KSP root? That's become my go-to solution for parachute troubles. I haven't had... so many issues with parachutes, their effectiveness seems to vary from person to person though, which is really tricky to troubleshoot." Ever since I learned about it here I have been deleting that file every time I update a mod, just in case. It is no issue now though, since I found out about the right click on the parachute to see when it is safe trick, it hasn't been much of an issue and no additional Kerbals have died.
  2. Besides, it seems very obvious to me that the explosion pushed the capsule past warp 1, I am getting ready for the Vulcans to land tonight. Seriously though, it is too early to know anything at this point. Even the early reports that there was a pressurization issue in the second stage is suspect just because it is too soon. This could have just been a more visible symptom of something more convoluted. Yes I know I am stretching it a bit, I am just making an observation. Once we have that point out of the way any speculation is just fine. Currently my money is on a manufacturing defect in the second stage tanks and that the Dragon was destroyed at altitude.
  3. The computers can and will abort a launch even after the rockets have started. That is why they start rockets before they let the rocket go and why they do the SRB's last in the launch sequence. Here is a Youtube video of a Gemini abort at the last moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htmd4BrNJ5k If you listen to the commentary for the Gemini launch you will hear them mention that at 77% throttle, 1.6 seconds before launch a shutdown is not possible. I think that is a Gemini thing and not rockets in general.
  4. Hello Bug report: The escape tower (The original one, I haven't tried the other.) doesn't have an icon in the staging list in the VAB, you have to wait until you are on the pad and then remember to move the blank icon. Someone made an alternate cfg that fixed that before, but you have had two Tantares updates since then and it looks like the fix hasn't been merged with the download. I don't know if this is a bug report: Parachutes get ripped of very easily well past when they really should. I don't know if this is a Tantares thing or if it is the 1.0.4 KSP thing but it is really annoying when you wait for your speed to be well below 300 and the G meter to be less than 1.5 g's, pop the chute and it is destroyed. I don't use the stock parts for reentry so I don't know if it is the game or the mod. I have tried to google it but my google foo seems to have failed me. Update: I found from IRC that you can also right click on the parachute and it will say when it is safe to deploy.
  5. I am using it with 1.04 successfully. I got a compatibility message on start up but it seems to function just fine otherwise.
  6. Never mind how conspiracies always need to leave clues. Recent Am Track crash? Yep the coaches were arranged in a "7" pattern. I don't think it ever even occurs to these people that in the event of a real conspiracy the first thing the conspirators will try to do is minimize clues not deliberately plant them. Take the Pentagon 9/11 plane crash. If they were going to blame it on a plane, why not use a plane that is remote control instead of a missile and then try to suppress the footage? (Especially since in 2001 most cell phones already had cameras and Washington isn't exactly a back woods village with no one who might have a camera.) But nope, many truthers will insist that it was really a missile. Conspiracy nuts are low hanging fruit. My best face palm is when I was at my mothers house in the country, I setup my telescope in the clearing behind the house. I went in to say there was a good view of Saturn tonight, to which my niece replied "how do you know it is Saturn?" Though to be fair I don't think she realized you can see the rings with anything less than the Hubble Space Telescope.
  7. It is spectacularly easy to not get a virus/malware. I have gone months even years without a virus checker without getting one. I had real difficulty figuring how it was such a problem until I started fixing other peoples computers. A 90+% of the time a virus is the users fault. They don't know what they are doing and don't read what is on the screen and click accept to everything. Software on the internet is like candy from strangers, but people don't see it that way. The handful of times I got a virus it was my fault, I knew I got it right away, I cleaned it. (Normally I just re-install windows. I have Windows on its own drive so all my pictures, e-mails, weblinks, ETC are still there.) I haven't had an issue with corrupted files since my hard drive started shedding back sometime in the late 90's.
  8. A few years back a student got called down to the office and suspended for using drugs. It turns out the school staff was using the laptop camera to check on students remotely. In what had to be the most obvious turn of events for everyone except the school staff apparently, the school got on the receiving end of a whole lot of trouble. How many students were getting dressed in front of the camera? Never mind that the original kid was eating candy and the principal just mistook them for drugs. Yeah, your school is down right elite techies compared to some of what is out there. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robbins_v._Lower_Merion_School_District
  9. HA! Caught trying to suppress the spread of the truth. Illuminati confirmed! Check Mate!
  10. Bug found. I hope I am not repeating one someone else has already noted. The Tavio Get-Out doesn't show up in the VAB staging icons. You have to wait until launch and then move the icon there as you see fit. I delete the part database file every time I change a mod and I have changed several since last time I installed Tantares.
  11. Hello E-Dog. I have a proposal. I have been running in science mode and fairings has been a big pain because the next size up isn't available until 30 missions or so after I needed it. So in mine I edited the cfg so that the starting size for PF is 1.875. This is because there are rockets available that have that size starting (OMSK and SLEV are the mods in particular.) at tech level 3. This way I can make use of those rockets without breaking the difficulty. I figured others might find such a change useful so I am proposing that it should be the default behaviour for the mod. For people who don't have mods with that size the proposed change would make no difference.
  12. I would disagree, FASA is amazing. It is also not stock alike and parts are quite complicated. The mercury capsule has many more parts than the stock alike equivalent of Bloeting and no reaction wheels. Perfect if you want realism. I personally like the stock alike simplicity and the ability to use the parts anywhere. But that is just me. Like all KSP mods YMMV. - - - Updated - - - I haven't had that issue, what parts are those RCS and Solars attached to?
  13. So, I am having trouble making my alternate configs, I think I am going to cut all the MM stuff out and make a basic one that works and then work from there. Feedback: The Atlas I/ Atlas II (which is called Atlas/centaur in the mod) has an issue. Namely the Atlas II can't get hardly anything into orbit. It wouldn't take all that much to make it more useful, perhaps +5 sea level ISP and + 10 VAC ISP. Just enough so that I can put another stage on an gain DV. My humble opinion, I am not sure what the others think of this.
  14. So, I have started a new career and put this mod in. Haven't had a chance to try it yet but I did have a chance to get that first 4 nozzle engine. With 100 thrust. And 391 VAC ISP. You sir are my hero! I would give you more rep but I think it is too soon since last time. Let me try anyway.
  15. That has already been done with FASA. It is up to you of course but I don't like anything overtly military in KSP. I realize the Soyuz Rocket is based on the R7 and the Atlas was an ICBM but without the warhead they are just LV's. My personal view is that war is a flaw of Humanity and there is no need to taint Kerbals with that.
  16. Except that he ins't using the SRB's fuel, the SRB's are acting as a fuel line for FLO from above.
  17. Leszek


    I have been playing on the NA East server and my username is normally the male symbol.
  18. Sorry I did catch DeMatt mentioning that, I just forgot to say something in my post. Anyway, I just tried that as I stockified the craft and low and behold it flies fine now. How annoying. Thanks guys.
  19. Trim, a good idea, unfortunately it didn't work. The tail surfaces are already set to yaw only. The elevons are set to pitch and roll only. I think the plane is stock except for the science in the bay, I can remove that, I will have a craft file in about an hour +/-.
  20. Coriolis force (Change in course due to the rotation of the planet.) will turn you to the right in the north. My plane will sit crabwise either left or right but not straight. Also the air moves with Kerbin and you are flying through the air. However this isn't the issue as my other plane flies just fine.
  21. The CoL is behind the CoG. I didn't check with the tanks empty but the mass non-expendable mass is forward of both, as the fuel goes down the CoG should move foreward. Finally I am not getting anywhere near empty tanks. I moved the tail surfaces back a bit and added the smallest fins under the engines. It seems to help a small amount but not much. I am going to pump fuel from the aft-most tank to the fore-most tank to see what happens.
  22. I have made a plane that I am trying to fly north to tundra. It has an issue in that it always wants to fly crabwise. Here is a screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cbsa33e17ihi449/screenshot8.png?dl=0 The air intakes show identical data when I click on them, the engines do as well. I checked all the tanks and they are draining symmetrically. I don't normally fly planes in KSP so I am inexperienced and am not sure where to look next to figure out the issue.
  23. So I flew to Tut-Un Jeb-Ahn with no issues, and also then flew to the badlands. I also found posts complaining of a memory leak with the heat overlay on. So it seems that this case is open and shut. Geese squad I do wish you didn't try to skip the release candidate step.
  24. Ok so I turned off the heat overlay (F10) and low and behold I was able to fly just fine. Now unfortunately I flew north this time meaning I changed two things. Tomorrow I am going to try flying to Tut-Un Jeb-Ahn again to see if I can make it now. Also I have ground scatter all the way off, supposedly the associated memory leak has been cured but I don't want to deal with the doubt at the moment.
  25. Blackberry. Seriously, it is not popular to like them ATM but I like mine.
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