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Everything posted by Leszek

  1. I am glad to see this mod is still alive and kicking. I had considered volunteering to help with textures but it turns out that I have no talent at all when it comes to that kind of work.
  2. My thoughts exactly. I am excited now, slept through the actual flyby.
  3. The Apollo Soyuz Docking is just fine to watch, I just was getting worried that I was going to miss history because of it. Thanks for the information.
  4. So I am watching NASA TV and they seem to be showing Apollo Soyuz docking stuff. Is there a better channel I should be watching?
  5. Station Science doesn't seem to work with the latest Tantares download. I could find the the page (810) where Beale says his cfg might be old but I don't see any updates. So I made one myself: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sba22izr90swa2j/_Extra_StationScience.cfg?dl=0 I tested it out and it works fine.
  6. Especially since the collapse started where the plane hit. So obviously they made the explosives out of the stuff they make the black box from, for an open mind there can be no other possible explanation.* *The open mind comment is an actual comment made by a serial face palmer. However it was about a different topic though, the name has been withheld to protect the stupid.
  7. I would also point out that it is still kinetic energy becomes thermal energy, or rather kinetic energy + gravitational potential energy = thermal energy. I am just pointing this out just in case you where doing calculations somewhere.
  8. My grade 7 teacher was left handed but was forced to write with her right hand. The idea is that Lucifer sat to the left of God before he went rogue. Grade 7 was some time ago for me and she retired the next year after that. It isn't really a crazy idea compared to things we do for superstitions, but since it is anachronistic its silliness is much more obvious to us. Think about it, we have buildings that don't have a 13th floor! (In China, buildings have a lack of floors that end in 4) The Intel Pentium went from 333 to 667! There is a house in our county that was assigned an emergency number of 666, the owner wasn't able to sell it until he changed it to 667. Actually all instances of 666 are taboo in most western countries even though according to the text it only applies if worn on the forehead or back of the hand. Heck even NASA has a lack of 13's after Apollo 13. There is not an STS-13 mission. (Though to be fair NASA skipped a bunch and jumped around after STS-9.) We Humans are a crazy bunch. Back to the topic. I have found references to ambisinistrous. The first was on the Wikipedia page for handedness but there is no source listed and the entry is marked with a dubious tag. Which in a Wikipedia context just means someone else viewed the statement with incredulity. So I searched farther and found this (It is the same line from Wikipedia and I am not sure which is citing the other.): "Ambilevous (or ambisinistrous) - where people have equally poor dexterity (are equally clumsy), with both hands. This is a very rare occurrence, usually resulting from a debilitating physical condition." From http://www.rightleftrightwrong.com/what.html I am not sure how trust worthy they are but the provided definition doesn't seem all that suspicious, it seems like that option in the poll is a real choice. (And I see someone chose it.)
  9. I live on the Canadian side of the border from Detroit Michigan. Detroit itself may be in the sumps but the area on both sides of the boarder has a population of over 5 million. I have to drive the the next county to get light dim enough to see Andromeda. (Right across the lake from Cleveland Ohio actually.) There is no telescope that can see Andromeda from here in the City of Windsor, a bigger telescope just collects more light pollution. There is no light pollution filter effective enough to make a difference. The way I found my viewing spots was to Google a light pollution map and then drive out there. However from the areas I have found, you can in fact see Andromeda just fine. In fact I just viewed it a couple of weeks ago. Also for the first time ever, I have been able to see the band of our own Milky Way. I say the first time ever, when I was little my Dad and I used to go on camping trips, he pointed it out to me then but I was very young and even though I comprehended what I was supposed to see, I wasn't actually able to see it. I don't know if I can really explain it better than that. So when I saw it 2 weeks ago, it was the first time I perceived it rather than just seeing it. I would recommend checking light pollution maps yourself. Some areas even have viewing parks that are known to have little light pollution. The nearest one to me that I know of is some 10 hours drive, so they are not common, but they do exist. There might be a club in your area, they can help point out where you can go to view things.
  10. If it was an intuitive cause, they probably would have had a sensor and or a data pattern among sensors that could detect it. The helium tank rupturing inside one of the other tanks is a very intuitive cause for sudden overpressure. They probably had ways to detect that in telemetry. The statement that the cause was counter intuitive doesn't actually say anything, as has been pointed out, but it does make it easy for one to speculate all sorts of things that are not/were not said.
  11. Camacha is right on, I don't see it much here but patent reform is a big issue for this reason. Some companies referred to as patent trolls don't have any actual product themselves and contribute nothing, they subsist entirely by their patent portfolio. But just like space travel it doesn't make any difference for average peoples immediate lives and so not much is getting done. At least not that I am aware of. The thing is that you can't blame Boeing. As a large company they have to play that game to stay competitive, it doesn't matter how much they may want to or not.
  12. Well, it does make the solution obvious for SpaceX. We just need to kill all the butterflies. I propose we make butterfly hunting, self evolving, nanites and release them into the wild....what..what are all of you looking at me like that?
  13. According the cited article, SpaceX has moved to producing the tanks in house just like you said. However it also states that this is a recent change. So in order to this be a real connection to the issue, SpaceX had to have used tanks they acquired before moving production in house. As you point out tanks are tested, but the summer 2014 incident was probably a tested tank as well. So we would need to postulate that the relevant failure mode of the tanks is a sudden failure with little to no warning before hand. Further we need to postulate that the cause of the 2014 incident was either never found or misdiagnosed or no fixes were implemented. We would have to postulate that SpaceX either was disinterested in this failure or otherwise deemed it not relevant. (Or else why use the old tank even if you had it in stock?) Not impossible but I agree that you have to add a fair bit of conditions to see it happening. But regardless, even if the proposed link was much more plausible, we have a vast lack of data regarding the event. Any speculation is just that, speculation. Though I find the lack of information a week after the event is disturbing, it implies that this could be one of those round about failures that reads like a Rub Goldberg machine. It starts with a butterfly in China flapping its wings and ends with the SpaceX Falcon 9 tearing itself to pieces.
  14. Leszek


    Unless i missed something. EDIT: Well, tried to spoiler tag something. Does BBCODE not have spoiler tags?!? This forum requires the first spoiler to have an =InsertTitleHere in the first tag That is how you do it. The author was battling depression at the time he was making the show. Err at least so says TVTropes. But the whole things makes more sense if it is true, well in an "I know where the author was coming from" sort of way.
  15. Here is a youtube (Launch starts at 2:21:00):
  16. I have used both SSD and HDD. The only noticeable difference is that the game pauses for a second when it loads music. The HDD on my system is for raw storage space and isn't the fastest, my other computer runs KSP off HDD's and it doesn't have any such pause.
  17. OMG. I was able to watch that until a few seconds after he confused the Soyuz con trail for the engines loosing efficiency. It is clear that guy doesn't even know what escape velocity is or how to achieve orbit and yet he thinks he can talk about space travel well enough to debunk it. It is said that only the truly ignorant can over estimate their knowledge so completely but it takes a video like this to truly appreciate the truth of this wisdom.
  18. In the future: Squad updates KSP to Unity 18, and thus KSP now supports quantum computing. The increased RAM that comes with quantum computing allows the ultimate EVE mod, with one mm resolution the entire Kerbol system is redone and now includes cities with an actual simulated Kerbal population going about their business. Shortly after that the first simulated Kerbals achieve sentience and then Human level self awareness. Several years later Squad finally fixes stock fairings, this fix introduces 3 new bugs.
  19. I see it, yours has two extra lines in your window that mine doesn't have. So back to the original question, has anyone else had this issue before? -------------Update------------------- I figure it probably is something with my install in particular so I made a new empty KSP folder copied direct from Steam Folder. (I don't play the steam folder, I leave it fully stock and pristine.) Put just remote tech, it works. So I am going to add mods one at a time until it breaks. If I find anything useful I will post it here. -------------Update------------------- So I copied every mod folder over 2 or 3 at a time. RT still works. I am totally baffled as when 1.0.4 came out I cleared out my old working KSP folder and copied from the steam folder. The same location I copied from to make the new working folder. Since I copied the mod folders over directly from the old working folder, the new working folder is an identical copy of the old one, except that it works. -------------Update------------------- Ok so I started a new science career and probe cores no longer work. I go back to sandbox and it does. I am going to continue to play around and see if I can find anything. -------------Update------------------- So the issue is that you need Unmanned Tech unlocked. A change I didn't notice and seems to be the case since 1.5. (Not sure, I was looking at the change log. (And damn thats way the heck down the tech tree.)) Since the VAB window shows that prob cores have the integrated OMNI regardless of what techs you have installed, there isn't any obvious indication the probes are working as planned. Since the change was a while ago, I didn't see anything when I check through the last 10 pages. No one tried to report it as a bug, at least not that shows up in the last few bug report pages. This is going to be a pain for other users in the future. Is there a way to change the VAB window to indicated you need that tech? Or perhaps to add an option in the settings file to disable this requirement? (It seems to be an awfully expensive tech to research for such a small benefit. By time I have that tech I have a fully functioning interplanetary satellite network. Might as well as not have the integrated OMNI feature at all.)
  20. Well they show as 3 KM integrated always on. They used to work. Last time I knew they worked was KSP 0.90. Now none of them work. Not any from mods or the stock probes. RT is working in genera as I can attach an antenna and it will work. When I upgraded my RT (from 1.6.5 to 1.6.7) I deleted the existing folder and pasted the whole new one in. I deleted the part database cfg to make sure it wasn't stuck on something old. The only warning in the debug log is :"[Warning]: [CurrencyWidgetsApp]: No live widgets to Despawn!" Which I don't think is RT related. But in the end none of it made any difference. See the screenshot for an OKTO probe core with power sitting on the launch pad with no connection. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ecfryfmgtxv8m2s/screenshot22.png?dl=0 Am I mistaken that its 3 KM Omni range should give it a working connection to KSC?
  21. Ok, I might have an issue but before I submit a full bug report I am wondering if anyone has heard of an issue where the integrated omni's on probe cores do not function? If yes great, if no then I guess I will have to submit a report. It just seems like an issue that big would have lots of reports but I don't see one in the tracker and I am worried something is wrong with my particular install.
  22. Ok checking things out: First the Vab: Pol -Signal Processor: Remote Control Capable -Technology Perk: Integrated Omni: 300 KM Always on. Prosper -Signal Processor: Remote Control Capable -Technology Perk: Integrated Omni: 300 KM Always on. (Really? Only 3?) ....... At this point I had a sudden D'oh moment. I had just noticed the OKTO has the same stetup. Which caused me to realize I never tested the stock parts. Hooked it up with the same test and low and behold it had the same issue. Which means I am barking up the wrong tree, it can't have anything to do with the Tantares configs in particular. I am terribly sorry for wasting your time. In my head I think of the Pol and other Tantares parts as having extra perks over the stock RT probe cores and therefore being a different can of worms so I never made the connection. {Embarrassed}
  23. I do my best to try to figure things out myself first. I used to do tech support and most of the time I can figure it out. However, don't assume you can rule out user error, like everyone else I make a lot of those as well. Both this post and Revenant503's post suggest I didn't make myself clear. I am aware they are supposed to have less range, but they don't work at all, if you put the POL on a launch clamp it gets signal. (low down so it won't break when it falls.) You press space to release the clamps and it looses signal. There it is, sitting on the launch pad with no connection. Unless I really misread the range in the VAB, I would expect that it should work here.
  24. I am not sure what is going on but there seems to be a bug. The probes that have always on integrated connections (Such as the Pol cargo and control block) don't seem to work and I have to add an external antenna to them. This is true with both the cfg files in the Tantares download and the cfg files in your post. As always I deleted the parts database file before starting KSP. I checked my remote tech and found it was 1.6.5 and there was a newer version so I updated to 1.6.7 and restarted. (After deleting the parts database file though I don't think it makes a difference in this last case.) Not sure what to make of this. There were no warnings or errors in the debug window.
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