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Everything posted by Vectura

  1. Or maybe, learn how to make your own mods.
  2. Or use the Trajectories mod, it shows your path through atmosphere, so it will also show your predicted landing spot on any given atmospheric body. It works a treat.
  3. 5mm? That only half a centimeter! Are you sure you didn't mean 5m?!
  4. I really don't get this mod. As soon as I activate the SAS part of it, no matter what values I set, it nosedives. The pilot assistant just doesn't do anything at all. Edit: With some more testing, pilot assistant also nosedives the plane.
  5. If by old you mean from a previous version, well, all kinds of funky stuff can happen. Low res textures are normally because you have turned down the texture quality in the setting.
  6. The decoupler was from a mod, I'll check which one in the morning Edit: It was the KW Rocketry 1.25m low profile decoupler
  7. Thankyou! I wasn't too sure about what sort of music would fit it at first. Edit: I had to record the bit where I decouple the les twice, because the first time I decoupled, started my circularization burn, hit the les and exploded.
  8. A journey to orbit and back: What do you think?
  9. It's just that, well... the demo is REALLY old. I have made a KSP install with exactly the same parts as the demo, so to do much he'll have to get the full version. It is partly to see if he can run the latest version too. Is this allowed?
  10. It only drops the external boosters after circularizing, though. It doesn't stage until orbit is achieved (when the video has uploaded you'll be able to see from that). Edit: Video uploaded, still processing Edit 2: Video done
  11. Video: A couple of KVV pics (video coming soon): Cargo bay closed: Cargo bay open (and launch clamp removed):
  12. With FAR I generally go by the rule of start gradually turning when you are going at least 100m/s, and be around 45 degrees tilted over by around 12000m altitude.
  13. You know what. THIS IS AMAZING! Edit: Oh and by the way, will it ever be in kerbalstuff?
  14. To expand on the above comment: Alt+Enter puts it into windowed mode, so it can run in the background. Pressing alt+enter again will put it back into full screen.
  15. I found, personally, that saving my craft then opening it again solved the issue.
  16. 'Also hoping that flying old-school will make me a better pilot in the long run' If you are flying planes, and rockets also, then using FAR or even NEAR will make you a more realistic game pilot, and allow you to be a better pilot in things like flight simulators. If you just want to be good at stock KSP, then sure, no mods needed. It's just that the stock aerodynamics barely deserve to be called aerodynamics (the lower atmosphere is often referred to as the souposphere).
  17. Well, you can get voice attack here: http://www.voiceattack.com/ Just $8.00 (currently just over £5.00)
  18. Yelling abort at my computer and watching chaos ensue is fun as heck
  19. Yep, it actually happens (for me at least)
  20. Is it meant to be pure black in colour? Might be conflicting though for all I know
  21. Maybe you could turn this into a modpack of stockalike parts that are expand on what we have. That would be awesome Dunno what other sort of things you could do for stock though. Make a more pointy 1.25m nosecone? (the current one only the large command pod properly and nothing else)
  22. How do I get the KK button to appear? Where is it? I can't see it anywhere in the SPH or VAB Edit: Never mind, it is just a blob of pixels at the bottom right
  23. Holy... the lights really do flicker!
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