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Everything posted by johnqevil

  1. Now announcing my first mod! This mod adds a new resource, CrashDummies, that adds only to the Command Seat in the VAB/SPH and is removed when the vessel is launched. This adds to the weight of the Seat as if a Kerbal was sitting in it. So now, you can plan around the corrected CoM, and will show the corrected mass and dV in any mod that calculates it (MechJeb, Engineer, etc) Requires ModuleManager. Release Source License: GPLv3 Update: 0.03 released. Changelog: 0.03: Corrected resource update method to set CrashDummies resource directly to "0" instead of decrementing. 0.02: Initial official release.
  2. This is likely a stupid question, but I'm not sure where to start. This is more of a "force myself to learn" project as opposed to something actually useful. I'd like to, for now, get the total weight of an assembled vehicle while in the editor. I don't necessarily need a full-blown howto, but a starting point would be more than I have now.
  3. Could add a ModuleManager config to do that. I have one that does this for MechJeb.
  4. From what I've seen of that, it doesn't do surface<>orbit transfer. Isn't the max range 2km? As for this mod, I cannot seem to get it to work. The gui option on the station hub never show up, even in sandbox. Anyone run into this? EDIT:Figured it out. Guess I tried to set it up too late last night, only copied the parts into GameData but not the plugin itself.
  5. Nope, using a grappling hook. It just seems...weak. It occurs to me I haven't updated to 0.4.8 yet, still on the previous one. I'll update and see if that helps. Oh, does it stay connected to the surface when you use retract? I may have tried to retract it first. EDIT: And used the "Eject" option to shoot it into the surface. Maybe having a Kerbal attach it first would work better.
  6. Question: I'm running into what might not be a problem at all, but I'd like to be sure. I want to use winches to attach base modules to the Munar surface. My "problem" is that when I test the strength of the connection by using my rockets, the grappling hooks/endpoint rip right off the ground with almost no resistance. Is this expected, or should I be doing this a different way?
  7. I looked over your crash log, here's what you want to do: 1. Use the 32-bit version of the game. x64 is unstable without any mods in general, adding mods to that is asking for trouble. 2. Use Active Texture Management, like Tex_NL said. I'm at 30+ mods, including B9, and around 2.5 gb of RAM usage with ACM installed.
  8. So just install NEAR. There's nothing more too it, just drop it in the folder and ignore it after that. What's the problem?
  9. They take up the same physical size, how is that not more dense?
  10. Yes, high courage and low stupidity are the important traits. I haven't run into one, my largest construction platform has 3 workshops with a total of 30 Kerbals.
  11. Batteries in real life get more expensive the more dense they are. High density lithium batteries that hold about 40% more charge than their alkaline counterparts run about twice as much.
  12. Tweakscale can rescale those down to 0.625. Along with just about anything else.
  13. Sorry if this has been asked, but I didn't see it on a search. Can this be used to make non-circular (hexagonal, octogonal, etc) fairings?
  14. Firstly, love this mod! Secondly, though, one thing I've noticed: money no longer has a purpose. Is there anything built in to balance that out? Or, is there another mod that gives funds some other purpose beyond just building ships?
  15. Please, we must have this craft file! Also, mods? I'm assuming Infernal Robotics, of course...
  16. Why not an amount based on their stats? Then they're paid what they're worth.
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