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Everything posted by bigred

  1. I can't get this mod to load. I have the latest version of KSP installed as well as Kopernicus and other dependencies. All are installed fine but whenever the game loads i get a warning that kopernicus isn't up to date and OPM wasn't able to be loaded. Anything I can do to get this working again? I really miss your mod.
  2. Here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16rT-tDKC3L2v-VmnAtOhjI6XIkXpP7gC/view?usp=sharing
  3. Hi, I'm using version 1.11 and I have some serious issues with TweakScale. The most obvious one is that various parts cannot be sized properly and are comically blown up one thousand percent in size. Could someone look into this? https://imgur.com/a/OwcFkhN
  4. Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me with this potential bug? I am trying to build a satellite and I want to place some extensible solar panels on-board. However, the particular model I'm trying to equip my craft with won't fold up. What is the point of having these if they can't fold up? How can I get my rocket into orbit and not have these things burn up or explode during flight? Is this a bug?
  5. Hi, I have a modded install of KSP and I'm jsut trying to use the LV-909 in one of my builds. However whenever I try to attach this engine or the other small engine I end up with a bloated, missized attachment that looks really odd. Could someone help me with this error? Thanks.
  6. I am well aware about the debug menu now and how to open it (right SHIFT+F12) in Linux. But how do you get the additional perk to obtain extra funds, science, etc? In the windows version all you had to do was click on the ALT key for 5 seconds or so and it would appear, in Linux this doesn't seem to happen. Any suggestions?
  7. So I'm considered a "hater" for loving the previous incarnation of the career mode that gave me "freedom" to explore and play all the while still managing, finances, science and reputation? The restrictions imposed all but killed the "fun" (if you know what that is) out of this game.
  8. Thank you for your support! I have taken your advice and used the debug menu for the first time to "cash in" and get exactly what I need to upgrade all of the KSC (awesome!). Plus I start out with the same amount of funds (25,000) just as in 0.25. No more weight and number limit on parts (freedom). For the first time since 0.90 came out I'm actually enjoying it.
  9. Hi, I installed a bunch of 0.90 certified mods in my GameData folder and loaded up KSP (32bit)...no mods show up. Load up KSP (64bit) and voila....mods galore! Why is that? How can I get my mods to be recognized in the 32 bit version of KSP?
  10. I agree with this premise, I mean both the US and Soviets started out with probes (ex: Sputnik). This could be done to teach new players the basics of launching rockets and achieving orbit. When you reach a stage in the game that allows you to have access to pods I think that a 2 man pod would be a good idea. A capsule based on the following would make sense: http://blog.modernmechanix.com/mags/qf/c/PopularScience/2-1965/two_man_spacecraft/lrg_two_man_spacecraft_0.jpg
  11. I have no issue playing through contracts, those are great. They should just pay more by default. Some just payout so little it isn't worth it. I like having a career mode but the new rejigged one isn't to my liking, just an opinion.
  12. Thank you. While this helps its not enough, I want a return of the FORMER career mode. No restrictions on weights and parts and other silly things like that.
  13. Nope, adding extra finds only allows you up to 500000 credits. If you know of another way to add even more money please do tell. Cost for upgrading facilities is very high.
  14. Career mode is screwed, all SQUAD needs to do to make amends is add another career mode button choice when creating a new career game. Call it "Career Mode (a la 0.25)" or something like that. I'll be happy then. I don't care for upgrading buildings or flying without nodes in the beginning. I want a fully functional KSC with navigation nodes as in 0.24 and 0.25. I'm not here to reinvent the wheel or "grind through" pointless little contracts just to "upgrade" a building to restore functionality that was always there prior (at least for the time I've played). I'm not interested in sitting there with pad/paper/calculator and an Excel worksheet crunching calc's about my future missions, I'm there to play. Get it?
  15. Most of the one star contracts pay way too little to even bother with.
  16. Thank you for responding in kind and taking the time to elaborate on how KSP functions in light of Unity's limitations. Again, keep up the good work. I rant because I care.
  17. To the Devs, Well, it's too bad. Like I mentioned before, despite the potential and actual instabilities in the 64bit version I've almost always played 64 bit only (don't like the memory limits in 32bit). I use a lot of mods and my graphics mods alone are all at max settings (i.e. Interstellar, etc...). Unless this (bug) is fixed sometime soon, I'll just shelve this version until the next update. Sorry. 64 bit all the way or no way. Oh, and one more thing, just a few personal opinions now; I know you guys worked hard on this update and I congratulate you on what you've achieved, but to be bluntly honest I do not like the whole "upgradeable building" thing at all. My suggestion to you in the next update would be to offer those of us the option to start a career mode game without the need to upgrade buildings, just like all previous versions (.22, .23, .24, .25...). I mean, from what I can see when starting a career game you can already modify a lot of option regarding science, reputation, etc.....why not start with a full Space Center (if I so choose)? Nodes....another thing I'd like to decide whether or not to start the game off with and not have a choice in the matter. I find navigating without them too tedious and frustrating. Please bring them back (by default). If more advanced players want the extra work then by all means include an option/button to "activate" that extra challenge. Be careful listening to those on these and other forums who constantly demand more challenging experiences/realism, we are not all super-players here with multiple space stations around every celestial body or wizards at creating monstrous and or unique crafts. A lot of us are casual players just getting the hang of things and dare I say even "having fun" with your game. I could go on but for now I'll leave you with this. Make no mistake I love KSP and all the extras modders have made for this game, simply great. I just don't like what you've done with the career mode at all. Finally, I'm certainly no software developer but I do know just enough about programming to wonder; "Why in the world are you even programming this game in a 32 bit environment to begin with? It's the year 4014, nearly 2015....32 bit programming is legacy stuff. The expansive nature of this game and the graphical needs for it make a 3 Gb memory limit (in 32 bit) a cement wall you can never go around. If the majority of your player base still use 32bit based Operating systems (ex: Windows XP) or ancient PC's based on 32bit chipsets...you've got a problem. Quad core systems and 64bit versions of Windows 7/8, 64bit Linux distros are the "NORM" now and have been for quite some time....stop wasting your precious time and resources....go "full bore" into 64 bit development and leave the 32 bit version stream to gather dust. My apologies though, I'm a little frustrated after reading a lot of posts from folks asking for you to add one thing or another to KSP are perhaps side-tracking you from actually developing a stable and mature program. Cheers!
  18. This is sad and I hope that a quick fix can be done. I've always played the 64bit version and as opposed to others I have had very few issues with the 64bit version in the past.
  19. This may be it. I loaded up the 64bit version and the following happened after I started a new career (normal mode): Game loads properly, nothing out of the ordinary except that all the buildings are fully built up, like in version 0.25. Nothing more to add really. I cannot EVA or pick up samples because a "upgrade" is required to the Astronaut complex.
  20. So, I started a new career...and all of my buildings are fully upgraded....how to I now upgrade an upgraded building? I can't find any buttons or whatever to get through this...am I missing something?
  21. Will the linux version of KSP 0.90 be available at the time as the Windows version?
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