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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Basically, odin_spain was hacking around my bugs/limitations, and now that I've gotten around to fixing those issues his hacks break stuff. So be patient, and don't be too hard on him, since it's entirely my fault.
  2. Actually, I may look at just providing an RSS compatibility file instead... In many cases that would be good enough.
  3. Thanks, much appreciated! I was quite pleased with getting the "plop waypoint on map" functionality working (although I think I may need to change the default setting to "terrain height" in that mode instead of vessel height... otherwise makes it very confusing). And hopefully it'll be even better when I can finally get all the stuff squared away in Contract Configurator and do the glideslope changes discussed a few pages back. Of course, that wouldn't be all that useful to me, since most of my planes have been flying bricks. Maybe if I played BTSM I'd have more incentive to be frugal and do beautiful runway landings for 100% recovery value. As it is, plane + parachute works for me!
  4. Okay, that last report from RickKermen is actually super helpful - I think I know what's going on. First off, neither Tourism or Field Research have start of game contracts. Tourism you need to achieve orbit, whereas you can start getting Field Research as soon as you've done the first launch (I think, going by memory). SCANsat (both variants) you need to achieve orbit of the planet that you want to scan. Because of the way Contract Configurator works, there's only really one contract type as far as stock KSP is concerned. But if the player has a ton of contract packs installed, I want the contract system to generate more Contract Configurator contracts that it otherwise would, so I cheat the system and add duplicates in the list. The number I add is based on a little formula that I've tweaked over time, but if you install everything that's available, you'll probably end up with 6 or 7 in the list (you can see this by going to the debug menu and looking at one of the contract tabs, you'll see a bunch of ConfiguredContract entries). Now, what'll happen is that when KSP tries to generate a contract, it'll pick from that list, and end up picking Contract Configurator. Which will say "no, can't generate a contract right now". The way the stock system works, it won't try every type, but will just give up after a few failed attempts at generating a contract (guessing 3 or 4, but haven't tested to confirm). So there's two problems: I still count failed contracts when determining the "magic number" to use (I can fix this). Stock KSP contract generation is sill (I cannot fix this). So the big take-away is to only use the contract packs that support RSS, which at the moment should be: Tourism Plus (needs a minor bugfix to one contract - will do soon). Field Research (needs fixes to about half the contracts - will do soon). SCANsat lite (haven't confirmed, but 95% sure it'll be good based on what I know of it). For any other contract pack... go to the author's thread, and bug them that you want RSS support!
  5. Huh, that's interesting... 32 bit log, but nothing jumps out aside from the 100 planet name errors (which shouldn't cause any problems with the contract system itself, as those contracts will just be disabled). I'll dig some more once I have access to KSP.
  6. You guys are killing me with these edits... I tend to read posts very fast so if you go back and edit them there's a very good chance I will never see the edit. Anyway, I missed the fact that RSS actually got released a couple days ago, since it's an official release now (and since I've gotten through the bulk of the other problem reports) I'm much more willing to go try and reproduce this myself. If either of you can reproduce on 32-bit before I'm able to test it (won't be for at least 7 hours), then I'd appreciate it. One major problem is this: ArgumentException: 'Kerbin' is not a valid CelestialBody. Basically, with the move to real names (which is a good change), most contract packs won't work with RSS. Tourism and Field Research should've (but when I looked there's a handful of contracts in each that I accidentally hardcoded to Kerbal names). Still those are about the only two that will even remotely work. But that won't cause your stock contracts to disappear. I couldn't see what the problem there was - but I looked rather quickly, and it could be because of 64 bit or any other number of things. Anyway, I'll take a look at this soon.
  7. Same response. Need logs. EDIT: Nevermind, I see that Olsson posted his this morning.
  8. You may not have a problem with that, but I do! It's surely related to the new performance changes that were introduced back in 1.3.x... raised [#245].
  9. Lots and lots of bugfixes! Download now! Contract Configurator 1.4.2 Fixed asteroid sample showing up in KSC contracts for Field Research (thanks maculator). Fixed mirrored heading/roll/pitch in SpawnVessel (thanks Xephan). Fixed issue with RemoteTech vessel tracking (thanks johnpmayer). Fixed OrbitGenerator NRE in tracking station (thanks HarlyKin). Fixed extra orbits in tracking station (thanks KerbMav).
  10. Good news - got a fix for this incoming. Bad news is that it's still a little flakey on occasion (will reset the timer). But it never seems to get stuck anymore, so that's something...
  11. Oops... somehow must've lost the logic that makes asteroid stuff not show up. If you cheat to complete it, it'll keep coming back (what comes up is based on what science is done, not what contracts are complete). But you can always take it, do what you can and then cancel it.
  12. Three dropbox links and one exception is not a good bug report - even more so when you're saying you have two issues that appear to be completely unrelated. The problem with the orbits has to do with the performance changes for 1.3.0 that 'preloaded' contracts to reduce lag. I was able to get rid of the icons, but didn't realize that there was extra orbits. I'll take a look at that tonight.
  13. This error has nothing to do with orbits. Are you still having issues with the "weird orbits" in 1.4.1? I have not attempted to reproduce it - looks to be unrelated to Contract Configurator to me.
  14. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lqffwp6h4azfhqr/AABaFoSaoFFydqbmFpVYw8Epa?dl=0 Popup after loading save - did even forget to put my contracts back in. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/quxbl6r4f3ixnyp/AADjZPBjlkaWF1oJ6d13VSgea?dl=0 System.ArgumentException: 'SatsWithParts001' is not a valid Part. at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParsePartValue (System.String partName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[AvailablePart] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[AvailablePart] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[AvailablePart] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, .AvailablePart defaultValue) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.PartValidation.OnParameterLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ContractConfiguratorParameter.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Exception occured while loading contract parameter 'PartValidation' in contract 'SatsWithParts001': I don't see anything in the log about loading the part SatsWithParts001.... so I have to ask: is SatsWithParts001 a valid part? I'd expect to see something like this in the log: [LOG 18:45:25.280] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ContractPacks/AnomalySurveyor/Monolith/part/mega_monolith'
  15. Ugh, I'll take a look at this tonight, I think I know what broke that. Just for reference, what contract packs do you have installed? EDIT: Raised [#244] to track.
  16. Awesome! This is going straight onto the recommended mod list for Field Research.
  17. Whitecat - I was meaning to follow up on the disappearing contracts, but haven't had a chance yet. If you're able to reproduce it (or if anyone else wants to give it a shot), please turn DEBUG on first so I can get additional info as to why the contract is being auto-cancelled. You can post the logs either here or on the Contract Configurator thread - I'll see it either way. Oh, and I'll accept either KSP.log or output_log.txt... but despite what others may say KSP.log is far easier to read and contains all the information I need and so is preferred.
  18. Note though that "came up with a way" really means "hand-coded it in config files and built a load process". If you're interested, the code is here, and the config files here, but I don't think it would directly be all that useful for you.
  19. I've been playing around with the vessel spawning in the last few versions of Contract Configurator, and those changes are finally done. Now, the vessel heading/pitch/roll can be specified before spawning. odin_spain - apologies if I've broken anything in your contract pack - but hopefully it should be fairly easy to fix now. The default is to spawn SPH vessels heading due north and VAB vessels straight up (as if launched from the launchpad).
  20. The return of Windows 64-bit support. Download now! The Win64 nag screen will appear once on the main menu, and then go away. Each time Contract Configurator is updated, it'll come back once as a gentle reminder. I've also attempted to add info into the exceptions that it's occurring in Win64, so I can identify quickly that it's not supported. Enjoy! Contract Configurator 1.4.1 Add support for heading/roll/pitch in SpawnVessel. Fixed ghost icons in OrbitGenerator (thanks KerbMav). Remove warnings for Mkerb Inc. Science Instruments (worked just fine before, now is officially supported). Re-add limited support for Win64.
  21. Pretty sure the first error is the one that's causing your issue - did you perchance attempt to convert things to DDS? If the agency icons are DDS, KSP will croak hard on the contract system. The reflection error can safely be ignored. Not sure about the other errors - suspect it may be related to the first, but will investigate just in case. - - - Updated - - - Oh and by the way, KerbMav, I finally fixed your issue with the ghost waypoint icons. You'll need to refresh your contracts for the fix to show up, but after that you'll be golden. - - - Updated - - - bonesbro - I can't figure out what would be the problem with that last error - but I suspect it's related to the agent issue. Once you fix the PNG/DSS issue, let me know if that resolves everything. If not, I may need you to do a little bit of additional tracing for me.
  22. Use hyper edit - it has sliders for all those values so you can see what they do. Then once you're done, you can save and grab the orbit from the save file.
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